Yuna's Blog (Stuck With You)



Dear Wiggles,




                I woke up late and all I saw is a note beside my bed! When I went down, there’re notes all over telling me what to do! The porridge is good anyway, but the notes are quite annoying. One is inside the lid of the porridge! What if I didn’t notice it or if it fell off down the porridge beforehand?!




                That mean dragon is really mean although the note is quite friendly. How could he predict how many more hours I’d be asleep?


                And I don’t snore! At least not that I know of.





                I’d be replacing Wiggles with Puffy anyway. Just because Puffy’s away and he edited this whole blog and he demands for updates. So there.




                He could've told me earlier that he would be leaving so that I won't be too shocked about that note! You puffy, you're just plain... mean! Come back here, now!





thanks for reading!



Stuck With You


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Evil_angelELF #1
soo cute ~