Chapter 59

Someday love will be back
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Her eyes widened when he was an inch close, able her to feel his soft breathing on her face, setting her heart to jump out of in any moment if he was to move any closer. She dared herself to look up and she did with her gazing deeply into his eyes at such close distance. It was like spell casted on her, made her yearned for the desirable lips and curious to know how it tasted like. It was driving her crazy.

Never once did he waver even when she locked gaze with him. He longed to kiss the sweet lips of hers and just by moving a bit closer he would be able to do it. The mission was an excuse he made to achieve what he desired. This moment was extraordinary to both as if it was a dream world which allowed them to express freely and opened up their inner feelings.

A sharp ringtone woke them up and reality hit them hard which torn them apart.

“It’s Hara,” Hyunseung spoke as he held up Junhyung’s phone that was placed on the table.

Upon hearing the name, it brought Jihyun back and made her realized the situation. She blinked and slowly shifted her head away from Junhyung as he too, leaned back and got back to his seat. Everyone couldn’t get hold of what happened between the two as only both of them knew what they went through, their inner conflict.

“Aren’t you going to answer?” Hyunseung whispered, loud enough for Jihyun to hear.

The ringtone went on as he had no intention of picking up. Nobody dared to speak up till someone broke the silence of the table.

“Can I have a word with you?” Yeonhee came over with bottles of soju in hand as she looked at Jihyun.

“Sure, Yeonhee unnie.” She didn’t hesitate and followed her so that she could get out of the place.

Only after Jihyun left, Junhyung answered the call and walked off, leaving the rest at a loss.



“Care to have a drink with me?” Yeonhee asked as she waved the bottles of soju she brought.

“Of course.” Jihyun opened a bottle and gulped it down . Staying sober wasn’t what she wanted.

Though Yeonhee was surprised, she knew what Jihyun was going through as she witnessed the scene earlier. Following her footstep, she drank from the bottle instead of using the small cup.

“I heard that Jaejoong came and visited the studio?” Yeonhee began.

Jihyun merely nodded as she continued with the drinks in her hand.

Yeonhee scoffed and drank another mouthful of soju. “He’s such an insecure person. To think he flew all the way to Korea just to check on you. Doesn’t he should have confidence in you??”

Jihyun stopped and stared at Yeonhee to make sure what she heard was right. “Unnie, you know about…”

“Yes. I knew about your story.”

“Then why didn‘t you…”

“So what if I tell you or you get back your memories on your own. Does it make a different?” Her tone was harsh as if accusing her of something. “What are you trying to do?”

“I don’t understand.” Jihyun raised her voice a little louder. “It’s you. What are you trying to get across?”

“Are you going to leave Jaejoong and go back to him? You

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liyanaTik #1
Amaxing story author-nim!
14 streak #2
Chapter 74: That was really awesome ^^ it was sad about what happened to jaejoong. I wish there could more of this story *^*
sky22s #3
Chapter 73: wow!
love this story verrrrrrrry much...
so thanks author-nim!
u r so talented !!
D-LITEfullKiwi #4
Chapter 73: I cant wait for your new story!!! Fighting!!! <3
Amna11 #5
Chapter 73: Wow .. what a great a story .. i really like it you are the best ..
iamaflamer #6
Chapter 73: BEST. STORY. EVER. *SCREAMS* xD lol thank you for writing this fanfic author-nim I'm looking forward to your other stories!! :D
phylosophy #7
luv_chogifam #8
Chapter 73: Thank you for the great story ..
phylosophy #9
Chapter 71: excitement overload!! faster update!! 빨리!
iamaflamer #10
Chapter 71: His mother should go die in a hole.