Chapter 51

Someday love will be back
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------ Jihyun ------

I was startled when someone grabbed my wrist from behind, made my heart go into panic attack mode, and let out a scream. Instinctively, I withdrew my hand from his grip and eyed him warily.

“What do you want?”

“Don’t you know me?” He moved closer to me and surprisingly I didn’t dodge. In fact, I gazed at him and immediately I recognized him as the guy who performed at the concert, Junhyung, member of Beast. Instantly, the pain came back and attacked me without warning. I frowned as I tried to suppress the pain and the blurring images in my head.

Why do I feel that ever since he appeared?

“I remember you,” I said. “You were performing awhile ago at the concert. You’re the member of Beast.”

Silence crept in with him in a look of shock which robbed him of speech. As our gaze met, I turned away. I just wanted to get away from him as fast as possible as uneasiness seized me.

“I got to go.” After which I turned around quickly without giving him time to respond.

As I hurried my way to the main road, my heart throbbed upon hearing the name came out from him. My footsteps came to a halt, unable to move as I stood there at a loss. Why would he call me by that? How did he know? Do I know him? Series of question came into my mind with no answer to it.

“Sorry, I’m not the person you’re looking for,” I chose to say as I turned back. “I’m not Hyun but Jane.”

I lied.


Applause from the audience woke me from the trance and realized that the musical had come to an end. Following the audience, I clapped for the group of actors who put up such an awesome performance during the curtain call.

After the actors bowed and showed their appreciation to the audience, they retreated to the back stage. People were getting up from their seat and moving towards the exit.

“So where do we go now?” I turned to Yoochun who was seated beside me.

“Wait.” He took out his phone and dialled a number. “Hyung, we’re here so which way should we go?” I heard him asked the person on the other line while he nodded his head occasionally to indicate that he got the message.

“Alright we’ll meet you at the lobby then.”

“Who are you calling?” I asked as he tucked the phone into his pocket.

“Junsu’s manager.”

We got up and moved ourselves to the lobby as stated by the manager.


Holding the door, Yoochun gave way for me and followed right behind after I passed through.

“Do you think we can enter the back stage?” he gave me a brief look before turning to search for the manager. “We’re unauthorized personnel and therefore we need someone to bring us in.”

“There he is,” he asked as he waved to a man who looked in his mid thirty. “Let’s go.”


“He’s inside,” the manager pointed to a room with Junsu’s name written on it.

“Hyung, aren’t you going in with us?” Yoochun asked.

“No. You guys go ahead as I’ve got to run an errand.”

We thanked him and he left us at the corridor as he went off. Yoochun reached for the door knob and opened the door. However, Junsu was not alone when I entered the room in glee with a bouquet of flowers.

“Junsu oppa…” my words trailed off when I saw a group of people who I recognized. My eyes scanned through to look for any sign of purple hair and to my relief there was none. All eyes were on me as I stood awkwardly in front of them. They were all having a look of shock as well as Junsu.

“I think we’ll come back later.” Yoochun was about to pull me away when someone called for me.

“Jihyun noona.”

First it was that Junhyung guy and now s. Do they know me? If not, how did they know my name? Maybe I met them before the loss of memory?

“Do I know you?” I chose to say.

The guy in blonde hair who spoke earlier gazed at me in disbelief which confirmed my thoughts.


Junsu chipped in and interrupted me. “I mentioned few times to them about you,” he explained. “She’s Han Jihyun,” he turned to them, back facing me as he introduced me. “And another friend of mine, Park Yoochun.”

They were stunned and speechless for awhile till one of them got back his sense. “Junsu hyung sometimes talked about you and he showed your photo to us,” he said as he grinned. “It’s as if like we already know you.”

“Is that so?” I nodded. “Then I must thank Junsu oppa for introducing me to five good looking guys without my consent.”

“You’re not angry, are you?” the guy asked.

“No, of course not,” I shook my head and assured him. “It’s always good to meet new friends right?”

Though I believed what Junsu said, I still remained dubious. There’s more to this than it seemed.

“I’m Yoon Doojoon,” he introduced himself to me and Y

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liyanaTik #1
Amaxing story author-nim!
14 streak #2
Chapter 74: That was really awesome ^^ it was sad about what happened to jaejoong. I wish there could more of this story *^*
sky22s #3
Chapter 73: wow!
love this story verrrrrrrry much...
so thanks author-nim!
u r so talented !!
D-LITEfullKiwi #4
Chapter 73: I cant wait for your new story!!! Fighting!!! <3
Amna11 #5
Chapter 73: Wow .. what a great a story .. i really like it you are the best ..
iamaflamer #6
Chapter 73: BEST. STORY. EVER. *SCREAMS* xD lol thank you for writing this fanfic author-nim I'm looking forward to your other stories!! :D
phylosophy #7
luv_chogifam #8
Chapter 73: Thank you for the great story ..
phylosophy #9
Chapter 71: excitement overload!! faster update!! 빨리!
iamaflamer #10
Chapter 71: His mother should go die in a hole.