Your Blood Awaken Me - Part 10

Winrina = Jiminjeong

"And here is where we usually hang around."

Minjeong followed Ning, and entered the huge ballroom inside the castle. Ning smiled seeing Minjeong's shocked expression.

"Better than what you have ever seen, right?"

"Yeah." Minjeong gasped as she looked around.

Jimin asked Ning to tour her around, making sure that Minjeong will get familiar with the way in the castle. She also told Minjeong that she can go out, and wandering around if she would want to, as Jimin want her to feel welcome in her home.

However, Jimin warned to at least bring Ning with her, and to inform her beforehand, as Jimin didn't let the other vampires to meet her yet, especially her parents. 

"Why?" Jimin's parents asked why they can't meet Minjeong yet.

"Not yet, father, mother. I don't want to scare her more." Jimin answered, which they understand.

Jimin then looked out the window, watching as Ning brought Minjeong outside to explore their garden.

"When she's ready. Only when she's ready, I will introduce her officially." Jimin mumbled.






"How was it?" Ning asked once they were back to Minjeong's room.

"I think I need to walk around for a week? I might get lost. This place is too big for me." 

Ning chuckled at Minjeong's answer. They didn't get to explore all of the castle, as Minjeong was getting tired already due to a lot of walking.


Minjeong smiled, thanking Ning for accompanying her.



"How... How does Jimin look like?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Ning tilted her head.

"Well, you guys are vampires, right? I... Uh..."

Ning's eyes widened, before she slowly nodded her head.

"Um, oh, okay. Well, Jimin- she..." Ning scratched her head when she couldn't find words to explain to Minjeong.

"Right. You haven't seen us in our vampire form." Ning muttered to herself.

Knock knock.


Ning gulped, then smile apologetically at Minjeong before she dashed towards the door, and opened it. It's Jimin. Minjeong quickly looked away, pretending to fix her hair while Ning conversed with her before she finally left them both alone.

Jimin closed the door first before stepping closer.

"Hi." Jimin greeted her.

Minjeong glanced at her shortly, before nodding her head. Minjeong didn't talk much after what happened during their previous conversation, Jimin usually just dropped by to check on her without words, left in less than ten minutes.

Minjeong turned around, thinking that it's going to be like that again.

"Do you want to see me?" Jimin suddenly asked. 

Minjeong frowned, before relaxing a little. Right, Ning told her about Jimin's ability. It was Aeri's suggestion to tell Minjeong about Jimin, as much as they can. So, Minjeong would know more about who Jimin is.

"Did you just read my mind?" Minjeong asked.

"I can't help it. Your thoughts are kind of loud for me to ignore." Jimin said.

It's true. Jimin sometimes can hear Minjeong's thoughts even from far away. That's how much Minjeong's presence is affecting Jimin, but Jimin sometimes can choose not to listen, if she wants to ignore it.

"So, do you?" Jimin asked again.

Minjeong slowly turned around, and looked at Jimin.

Jimin let out a small sigh, before she closed her eyes. Then, Minjeong's eyes opened wide, as she witnessed how Jimin's nail grows long and sharp, how a low growl came out from Jimin. Jimin opened her eyes, staring at Minjeong carefully, showing how her dark blue eyes turned into dark red, glowing a little as she stared at Minjeong.

"Minjeong ah." Jimin opened , and Minjeong gulped as she focused on Jimin's mouth now.

"This is me, Minjeong." Jimin said, and left opened ajar, to let Minjeong see her sharp fangs.

After a few seconds, Jimin changed back into her normal form, the human form. She stayed quiet, observing Minjeong.

"Are... Are all of you like that?" Minjeong asked.

"Yes. Most of us. Not all of us can change our eyes though." Jimin said.

"I see." Minjeong then looked down.

When Minjeong does not seem to say anything else, Jimin takes it that her presence was not needed any longer for now. So, she turned around to leave.

Jimin paused when she heard Minjeong's thought, she waited if Minjeong would call her, and ask her to stay. After a few seconds, nothing. Jimin just accepted the pain that she felt, taking a deep breath, and exited the room.










Jimin stood silently on top of the tallest tree in the forest, staring blankly into the night sky with her arms crossed. 



Jimin smiled seeing Minjeong's excited face. Minjeong jogging towards her, and jumped on her. Jimin immediately wrapped her into a loving hug.

"I missed you!"

"Me too." Jimin chuckled.

"Let's go, there's a good place that I want to show you."

"Sure, baby."

Jimin let Minjeong clung onto her arm, as she listened to her lover telling her about this beautiful place that she just found not long ago.


Jimin ignored the feeling of her heart being torn, as she remembered about her memories with Minjeong before. She felt that her chest slowly being constricted, her heart broke piece by piece, and that becomes dry, too dry that it's painful.

"There's a bear nearby. You need to drink more blood now." Aeri suddenly appeared on the tree just below Jimin.

"Jimin." Aeri growled when Jimin didn't move.

"Yes." Jimin hissed, jumping down from the tree, almost stumbling to her feet. Aeri appeared beside her this time, her hand already holding Jimin's arm.

"You okay?" Aeri asked, worried about her weak condition now.

"I can manage." Jimin whispered, before running at a high speed.

Aeri watched Jimin's figure gone, and sighed sadly.






"Have you created a cure for Jimin yet?" Mr Yoo asked Irene.

Irene's face was blank as she looked closely at the liquid in the tube. She looked at the other liquid, before looking back to the liquid that she was studying in the tube.

"Jimin's getting weak-" Mr Yoo stopped when Irene stood up abruptly.

She looked at Mr Yoo with a serious, panic look.

"Irene. What's going on?" Mr Yoo asked, alarmed by Irene's look.

"Can I please have your blood, sir?"


"This is important. I need to do some test real quick."










Jimin was far away from the castle, in the forest. However, she wasn't alone. Aeri, Jeno, Johnny, Jaehyun, Mark and Doyoung were with her. They smell a whiff of human's and a witch's scent around the area, so they tracked them and it led them here.

"Stay alert." Jimin said.

Her eyes were looking around, as her hearing focused on any little noises.

They're here.

I sense one- no, two humans.

A witch is with them.

Jimin closed her eyes, trying to focus where were they hiding. Once she found out, she opened her eyes and turned her head to the left.

On your left, Mark!

Mark managed to dodge a sudden attack that was coming from his left.

No- There are more of them!

Johnny and Jaehyun quickly dashed towards the right side, loud growls and screams could be heard. Jimin didn't get to speak further as she felt a strong hit coming from the front.

"Jimin!-" Aeri groaned when she got attacked from behind as well.

Doyoung quickly helped her.

More are coming! The witches are here!

Jimin was struggling to get off of the witch who had just launched at her. When the witch flew apart from Jimin, another masked human jumped on her, trying to stab her with a syringe. Jimin growled roughly as she tried to avoid being injected by the unknown liquid.

"Jimin! Hol- Argh!!"

Jimin hissed, hearing Aeri's loud struggle must have meant that they were in a huge trouble.

"I'm going to kill you." The human said and tried to the syringe into her stomach, but Jimin grabbed the wrist, throwing the human off from her body.

Just when Jimin managed to stand up, the witch used her wand and throw a strong spell against her, causing Jimin's body to fly, and crash against the tree behind her until it broke. Jimin coughed and wanted to get up again, but the witch used her power to tie Jimin's both hands behind her with the tree branches.

"Agh!" Jimin tried to break free, but it only tightened around her hands instead.

The human this time, prepared the syringe once again. He laughed, sprinting towards Jimin, stabbed her into her neck. While then, the witch appeared beside her, cutting her stomach open using her power, mumbling some spell which made the liquid inside to glow.

"Prepare for the pain, Yoo Jimin. And with this, you will burn." The witch smiled, and Jimin screamed in pain as her inside was burning, her eyes turned completed bloody red, her veins were visible.




"NO!" Minjeong bolt upright in the bed, as her body was sweating profusely.

Her hands and body were shaking. Another nightmare, it felt so real. Unlike the previous nightmare, this time it's about Jimin. Her heart felt like it almost burst out of her chest due to the overwhelming feeling she felt experiencing a nightmare about Jimin... getting killed.






Jimin snapped her head towards the castle, a frown on her face.

"What's wrong?" Aeri asked.

"I'm done hunting for the night. You guys continue."

Jimin then ran back to the castle without explaining further. Jimin's body was sore, her legs and feet almost losing strength once she reached the castle. She quickly went towards the room where Minjeong was staying in. She shook her head when she started to feel dizzy, and her vision gets blurry.

"Ugh." Jimin put a palm on the wall, as she stopped first. She closed her eyes, trying to regain her breathing. She her bottom lip as her mind was filled with the need of blood.


Jimin looked up, her pale red eyes met her father's eyes. Mr Yoo said nothing else, but dashed towards her, and offered his wrist right away. Jimin growled, sinking her fangs into her father's wrist as she his blood.

Mr Yoo held his tears, raising his hand to caress Jimin's head.

"You'll be okay, my daughter." Mr Yoo whispered.

After a minute, Jimin coughed, and reluctantly pulled away. Wiping off the blood on .

"Thank you, father."

Mr Yoo nodded firmly, and Jimin excused herself. Mr Yoo sighed. He was not used to seeing Jimin becomes that weak. Jimin was stronger than him, she was faster, she was smarter, and it pains him to see Jimin this way now.






Jimin made sure that her appearance was decent before she opened the door. Her eyes found Minjeong's figure immediately. She made sure to close the door before approaching her.

Minjeong was sitting on the edge of the bed, her shaking feet on the floor, her hands were fidgeting in her lap, her shoulders slumped, and her head was down.

"Minjeong." Jimin called her name, but Minjeong refused to look at her. No. No. No.

Jimin frowned, Minjeong kept chanting the same thing in her head.


Jimin approached her slowly, she carefully put her hand on Minjeong's shoulder. No. No. No. No. No.

When Minjeong didn't push her, she sits down beside her. Jimin then pulled her up easily, and settle Minjeong on her lap, letting Minjeong's legs stretched out on the bed on her right. She wrapped an arm around Minjeong's waist, and held Minjeong's fidgeting hands on her lap.

"Baby, listen to me." Jimin whispered softly, her hand squeezing Minjeong's hands to stop her fidgeting.

"Look at me." Jimin said.

She leaned her face and pecked Minjeong's cheek, which is enough to make Minjeong to slowly look at her. Minjeong's pretty eyes were glassy, and Jimin frowned seeing it.

"Focus on me." Jimin whispered, and Minjeong blinked her eyes slowly, as she looked into Jimin's dark blue eyes. Jimin's eyes softened, and she smiled slightly.

"It was just a nightmare. You're okay. I won't let anything happen to you." Jimin said, her thumb rubbing Minjeong's hand.

Minjeong bit her bottom lip as she heard what Jimin said. No.

Jimin just hugged Minjeong tightly after that. She closed her eyes, and blocked out Minjeong's thought. She can't afford to feel the pain for now, she needs to stay a little bit to help Minjeong calming down.

"Sleep. I promise, you'll be fine." Jimin said.






Jimin pulled up the duvet, and covered Minjeong's body up to her chest. Minjeong fell asleep with Jimin's help. Jimin caressed her hair, and kissed her forehead gently.

Jimin stood up, watching how Minjeong was breathing calmly, listening to her soft heartbeat. When she's sure that Minjeong will not have any nightmare again, she took a step back.

"Sweet dreams, baby." Jimin whispered.

She walked towards the door, she stopped when her hand was already holding the doorknob. She could still feel Minjeong's warm body against her own earlier, how she felt slightly better to be able to hold Minjeong close like that again.

But now, she felt the pain again. She turned to look at Minjeong's sleeping figure.

"I long to hear you call for me. I long for you to come running to me again."

"And I will wait for you, even if it'll be until my last breath. For now, I'll bear the pain, if it'll mean to have you here close to me."






Irene rubbed her face frustratedly, and took off her glasses. She stood up, with her palms on the desk as she just finished checking the result of the experiment. 

"Not even your parents' blood can help to create the cure. Jimin, what should we do now?" Irene sighed heavily.

"Those witches. Really- sigh." Irene's eyes glowed in red.

Aeri appeared in the room, after getting a signal from Irene. She hissed, taking the tube of liquid, glaring at it.

"Is there no other way?" Aeri asked desperately.

Irene couldn't look at Aeri.



Aeri smashed the tube of liquid to the floor, and burn them. 

"Irene, we-"

Aeri stopped, both her and Irene turned to Jimin who had just entered through the door. She scanned the mess, before looking at Irene. Jimin's shoulders tensed after reading Irene's mind.

"Forget about the cure." Jimin said.

"We're going to track the witches, and attack. We can't waste any more time left, before I lost all my strength." Jimin said sternly, turning around, slammed the door shut as she left.

Jeno then appeared a second after Jimin left. He hissed as he kind of know what was going on.

"Prepare everyone." He growled, then disappeared.




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0 points #1
Chapter 11: IN' FINALLY
Chapter 41: this is soooo cuteee
Ash-LaoSiow #3
Chapter 148: Oh my God another great story!!! Thank you author nim!!!
Ernamel #4
Chapter 148: You always manage to write a good story, thank you for that🤗
Keep up the good work❤️❤️❤️
290 streak #5
Chapter 148: Soooo amazing beautiful and well written story 😭🫶😭🫶😭 gahd thank you for this again authornim!! Will surely wait for your next story then~ 🥰
Annaelsa #6
Chapter 148: Thank you for the story author❤️❤️
Taitai84 1243 streak #7
Chapter 148: Was abit confused about the ending, if minjeong is kind only to jimin , then why was she kind to jeno? And she was cruel to sunghoon’s father.

It was funny how jeno triggered jealousy from both the queens 🤣
winjnng_01 #8
Chapter 148: Thank u so much authornim!
reveluv316 822 streak #9
Chapter 148: thank you for the story
Chapter 148: 🫶🏻