Your Blood Awaken Me - Part 7

Winrina = Jiminjeong

Jimin's dark red eyes greeted her members as soon as she just received a new information from Aeri. Everyone kept quiet as they waited for her. Jimin glanced over her shoulder when her father called for her.

"I heard he's your human's friend." He said.


Everyone grew tense at Jimin's nonchalant tone. Mr Yoo frowned.

"You need to think of Minjeong too." He said again.

"I am always thinking of her, father."


"And she should only think of me. I'm going to get rid of him." And that's final.

Jimin did not wait for any other reply as she disappeared right away. Aeri bowed to the king and queen, before she disappeared as well. One by one, Jimin's members followed.

"Do you think that's okay?" Mrs Yoo asked her husband.

"Jimin means well, it's for the sake of us all. I just hope things will be going well between her and Minjeong." Mr Yoo sighed.










Jimin's hid her body in the shadow around the corner as she observed Sunghoon at the bar. Minjeong have not come yet, she didn't see Yunjin too. If it was up to her, she wanted to kill him as soon as she sees him, but she can't do that. She can't do it in front of everyone. So, she waited.

After a few seconds, she saw Johnny came and talked to him. He looked at Johnny with a frown, shaking his head. He called someone, and Johnny talked to him again. Jimin then saw Johnny dragged him forcefully towards the back exit. 

"Who are you?!!"

Jimin suddenly appeared in the back alley, behind her members. There were Aeri, Jaehyun, Johnny and Mark. Sunghoon's eyes widened, as he just witnessed how Jimin appeared there. Jimin walked forward, but stopped beside Aeri. Sunghoon was being held by Johnny and Mark.

"Y-You- I'm going to tell Minjeong about this! I knew it! You are them! The vampire!" Sunghoon yelled, although he was a little scared, but his anger got the best of him.

Usually, Jimin would prefer to scare the human first, and taunt them back. However, Jimin was sick of him already. She had been holding herself for so long.

"Your family and you will pay for all that you have done to our kind." Jimin said.

"You shouldn't even be here. All of you are the devils! We are going to kill all of you." Sunghoon shouted, smirking at Jimin.

"Then, I'll show you what this devil can do." Jimin said, and glanced at Jaehyun. Jaehyun nodded.

Sunghoon started struggling against Johnny's and Mark's tight hold on his arm when Jaehyun grabbed his head strongly before sinking his fangs into his neck. Sunghoon screamed in pain, tried hard to get away from the boys' tight grip, but failed to do so. 

Jimin watched in satisfaction as Sunghoon's body grew cold, his blood began to drain.

"Stay right there! Don't move!"

Jimin froze for a second as she heard Minjeong's voice.

Jimin! We're sorry, we didn't know!

Jimin turned around, and saw Ning's and Doyoung's figures on the roof. She asked them to always follow Minjeong's around to ensure her safety, they didn't know that Jimin was going to kill Sunghoon at the back alley.


Sunghoon screamed, telling Minjeong to shoot Jimin, to shoot all of them.

"Don't move!"

Jimin ignored everything, she only observed Minjeong's trembling hands, before she appeared in front of her face.

"Hey, baby." Jimin whispered. The gun in Minjeong's hand was now pressed against her chest. She made a mental note to find out, why did Minjeong have a gun.

"Y-You- You're one of them."

Jimin didn't know that Minjeong would know about their kinds, but she'll find out about that next time too. Now, she needs Minjeong to calm down. She grabbed the gun, slowly pulled it off from Minjeong's grasp.

"Minjeong!" Jimin ignored Sunghoon's desperate cries.

Her eyes changed into her sparkling blue eyes back again, as she stared into Minjeong's eyes deeply. Jimin relaxed, knowing Minjeong is slowly focused on her.

"This isn't how I want you to find out about the real me." Jimin sighed.

"But that bastard just had to ruin it." Jimin growled, a little angry with the situation. Jimin wanted to raise her hand, wanted to caress her lover, and to make her forget about everything else, to only think of her, but Sunghoon's scream just annoys her to the core.

So, Jimin dashed towards him, stood straight in front of him. Her dark red eyes are back. She smirked as she looked at Sunghoon with malice. There's no way that Jimin will let him go, knowing that his family and he were behind the murders of their fellow vampires for all these times. She does not like the idea of Sunghoon having a feeling for Minjeong as well, no one should have that kind of feeling for Minjeong. No one but her. 

"J-Jimin- no, don't-"

"I can't let anyone come in between us, baby. Not even your friend. The moment you agreed to be my girlfriend, you are mine solely."

Jimin signalled Aeri, before she aimed for Sunghoon's heart. She needs to make sure that heart stops yearning for her lover. Minjeong is hers!

When Aeri already closed Minjeong's eyes, making sure she won't be able to witness what Jimin was about to do to Sunghoon, Jimin her whole hand into Sunghoon's chest, gripping his beating heart, before she ripped it out of his chest. Jimin sighed in excitement. Her eyes twinkle at the sight of his beating heart. She then looked at Sunghoon's drained, shocked face as she smirked widely.

Jimin slowly squeezed his heart, while watching his body dropped to the ground. Once the heart stopped beating, Jimin dropped it as well.

"No one touches what's mine." She growled.






"J-Jimin. No-" Minjeong gasped when Jimin pulled her by the waist. Jimin's eyes were still dark red, there's not a single hint of softness in her eyes. Her eyes demand Minjeong to look at her.

"I'm taking you home." Jimin then left her members to clean up the mess, as she disappeared from there with Minjeong.

Minjeong quickly pushed Jimin as soon as they were inside her apartment. Her body was shaking terribly, she kept her eyes on the floor, afraid to look at Jimin.

"You're- a vampire..." Minjeong whispered, taking a step back from Jimin.


"No. We can't- you- you killed him." Minjeong's tears flowed from her eyes, her clenched fists were trembling.

"You killed Sunghoon. You- you were the devil, just like what he-" Minjeong gasped when she suddenly felt Jimin's tight grip on her jaw.

"Don't say his name anymore." Jimin growled.

"I should've listened to him and- ack!" Minjeong felt that her back was slammed against the hard wall behind her, as Jimin pushed her.

"He. Is. Dead." Jimin hissed.

"And let me remind you once again, Kim Minjeong. You are mine." Jimin's dark red eyes were burning, and Minjeong only let her tears rolled down on her cheeks.

"P-Please, let me go. Please. I won't tell anyone." Minjeong pleaded, closing her eyes. She just wants to stay alive, she was scared.

Jimin felt a tug of ache in her chest, but ignored it. She loosened her grip on Minjeong's jaw, leaning in to peck her lips.

"I am never going to let you go." Jimin said firmly, before she pulled away from Minjeong, dashing away towards the door. She watched as Minjeong cries, sliding down to the floor, hugging her knees.

"I can't- I can't be with you. You- We can't be together." Minjeong stuttered, refusing to look at Jimin.

Jimin heard Minjeong was praying silently in her head, asking someone to save her, praying for Jimin to not kill her. Jimin's jaw tightened, as she hates listening to all those prayers. Minjeong shouldn't be scared of her. Her own lover shouldn't be scared of her. This is not supposed to happen, but Jimin had no choice. She had to do what she had to.

"P-Please. Just leave."

"I can't. I will never." Jimin replied calmly this time.

"No matter what, you are mine. Do not even try to run away from me, Minjeong. I hate it when I have to hurt you, so don't make me hurt you." Jimin warned her, and Minjeong didn't say anything.

"I will come back." Jimin said, before she disappeared.

Minjeong burst out crying as soon as Jimin left. She laid down on the floor, still hugging her knees, she kept saying sorry to Sunghoon, and she cries alone, mourning over the loss of her friend, over what's going to happen next.

"I'm scared..." Minjeong whispered to herself, still stuck on the floor, afraid to move.






"Jimin. Sunghoon's father is alive and well, but he has been hiding as well. Sunghoon have been living alone for many years."


Jimin looked around Sunghoon's place, she came there right after from Minjeong's apartment. 

"Find everything, anything. We need to track his father, as he is the mastermind in all of this."

"Yes, Jimin."

Jimin moved to the many frames on the wall, her eyes glared at a certain photo. It was a photo of Sunghoon standing beside Minjeong. She grabbed the frame harshly off the wall and crushed it using her hand.

"No one is going to come between me and Minjeong anymore."


Jimin came back to check on Minjeong. She stared at her sleeping figure on the floor, dry tears on her cheeks. Jimin carefully lifted her up, and carried her to her bedroom. Jimin pulled the blanket to cover her body, and caressed her hair.

"I hope there will be no situation that forces me to hurt you ever again." Jimin whispered, her thumbs rubbing on her cheek.










Jimin looked at the kneeling guy in front of her with no sympathy. Her eyes were cold, she does not feel anything hearing his begging. 

"Please! I will tell you anything you want to hear, just don't kill me!! I beg you!" 

"But you don't know anything that I want to know." Jimin said. 

"I- I can find out for you!!" 

Jimin then turned her body around, walking past Aeri and the others. 

"He's useless." Just with that, they killed him while Jimin left the place. 

They have been killing a few of Sunghoon's family members since a week ago. They need to do anything to make Sunghoon's father to come out. But seems like he really knows how to hide and didn't tell anyone about his whereabouts to avoid being tracked. 







Ning and Doyoung bowed. 

"How is she?" 

"Still the same." 

Jimin hummed, before appearing inside Minjeong's apartment. The apartment was dark, and quiet. Minjeong have not come out or leave her place after that night. 

She opened the door to Minjeong's bedroom, and slowly scanned the atmosphere. It was filled with a heavy sadness. 

"Minjeong." Jimin called for her. 

Minjeong was on her bed, hugging herself with a blanket. She slowly looked at Jimin, her tired eyes was evident. 

"You need to get up. I'll ask someone to get you some food, and you are going to eat." Jimin said. 

Minjeong sits up, scooting back to the bed headrest. She hugged her knees, looking down on her bed. 

"Aeri have been covering you, giving excuses of why you are not able to come to work." Jimin told her. 

"Yunjin came a few days ago." Minjeong whispered. 

Jimin knows. Ning and Doyoung informed her about that. Ning said she stopped Minjeong from seeing Yunjin, and Minjeong cowered as Ning appeared unexpectedly in front of her. 

So, Ning calmly introduced herself as Jimin's friend and that she's there to look after her, not to harm her. But still, Minjeong was shocked to find out that all this time, someone is watching her. 

She's upset, and mostly disappointed. 

"Why can't Yunjin come and see me?" Minjeong asked. 

"You're not in your-" 

"I told you I won't tell anyone." Minjeong said, cutting her off. 

"In exchange of me leaving you. And I told you that will never happen." Jimin said sternly. 

"You're... A vampire..." Minjeong whispered, fidgeting with her fingers. 

"Oh. So, is that why you've been keeping a gun secretly with you? Sunghoon gave it to you?" Jimin scoffed after hearing what's in Minjeong's head. 

She knows about their existence from Sunghoon. Sunghoon have been telling her about them too. 

"Are you going to kill me too?" Minjeong asked, scared to look at Jimin. 

"Was that what that stupid cop have been telling you? That we, a vampire will kill humans without reasons?" 


"Did he at least tells you that his family and he have been killing many of us even when we never do anything to them?" Jimin asked, and she saw a small frown on Minjeong's face. 

Hearing enough of Minjeong's thoughts, Jimin stopped listening. She left, going to hunt to let out of all her anger. 






An evil laugh echoed in the Yoo's dungeon. Jimin only watched as the witch's shoulders shook as she continues laughing. Stella slowly stood up, stepping forward a little, angry eyes looking right at Jimin's blank eyes. This was a rare sight for her, usually she was met with Jimin's excited eyes, or her burning red eyes before she tortured her.

"I told you. No human will be able to love a devil like you." Stella said, giggling proudly.


"I can feel your energy is growing weak." Stella smirked, she raised her chin. 

"You, Yoo Jimin. You will die a slow, and a painful death. Your own human will be the one who will make that happen." Stella said firmly.

Jimin only hummed, before appearing in the cell, standing behind Stella. Stella just stood frozen, Jimin sighed as slowly caressed Stella's hair. Stella gritted her teeth, eyes looking left and right, feeling nervous about what will Jimin do to her.

"You talk too much today." Jimin whispered.

"You- ARGH!"

Stella was pulled harshly by her hair before getting thrown to the cold wall. She hissed, holding her head as a painful throb pounds her head. Jimin slowly approached her again. She grabbed her ankle, pulling her strongly, away from the wall. Jimin then in a second, have her heels stepping on her neck. She tilted her head as Stella struggled to speak, both hands holding Jimin's legs.

"Now, Stella. I can just crush your throat and make sure you will never be able to talk again, but nah. Where's the fun in that, right? We need to hear you scream in pain when I torture you." Jimin smirked.

Jimin pulled her feet,  before bending down. Stella gritted her teeth, eyes glaring at Jimin. Jimin looked at her with her blank stare again. It is true, that her energy is growing weak. It's all because of Minjeong. Jimin knows, she can feel it too. Minjeong was trying to forget her, to not think of her. Especially now that they didn't see each other often anymore.

"You can torture me all you want, Yoo Jimin. I don't care anymore. Because at least now I know, your human after all is still a human, and she is going to reject you. That's why, you're becoming weak. You shall remember, this happens because of my curse, and I am proud of it." Stella said.

Jimin's eyes changed into dark red as soon as Stella finished talking.

"Hm. Then you shall remember, how does it feel like when a witch loses both of their forefinger." Stella's eyes widened, and Jimin slowly smirked at her.



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0 points #1
Re-reading your story again author-nim😁 because the storyline of lily of the valley is trash as f@ck they did Anna so dirty like what the f@ck🤮🤮 JUSTICE FOR MY ANNA!!
0 points #2
Chapter 41: this is soooo cuteee
Ash-LaoSiow 0 points #3
Chapter 148: Oh my God another great story!!! Thank you author nim!!!
Ernamel 0 points #4
Chapter 148: You always manage to write a good story, thank you for that🤗
Keep up the good work❤️❤️❤️
287 streak 0 points #5
Chapter 148: Soooo amazing beautiful and well written story 😭🫶😭🫶😭 gahd thank you for this again authornim!! Will surely wait for your next story then~ 🥰
Annaelsa 0 points #6
Chapter 148: Thank you for the story author❤️❤️
Taitai84 1238 streak 0 points #7
Chapter 148: Was abit confused about the ending, if minjeong is kind only to jimin , then why was she kind to jeno? And she was cruel to sunghoon’s father.

It was funny how jeno triggered jealousy from both the queens 🤣
winjnng_01 0 points #8
Chapter 148: Thank u so much authornim!
reveluv316 818 streak 0 points #9
Chapter 148: thank you for the story
0 points #10
Chapter 148: 🫶🏻