Your Blood Awaken Me - Part 5

Winrina = Jiminjeong

Jimin's mesmerizing dark blue eyes.

Jimin's kissable lips.

Jimin's attractive smile.

Jimin's soft touches.

Jimin. Jimin. Jimin.

Minjeong couldn't get Jimin out of her head. Jimin just continues to invade her mind every second, every minute. When she just woke up, Jimin's smile will appear in her mind. When she wants to leave her apartment, she will hear Jimin's voice telling her to always be careful and update her. When she was working, she will think of Jimin, and she will always search for her as Jimin always lingers in the club. When she wants to sleep, she will remember everything about Jimin all over again, especially her kisses.

"Argh!" Minjeong kicked off her blanket, ruffling her hair messily. She huffed her cheeks, before sitting up.


Jimin chuckled beautifully. She looked at Minjeong, her eyes brightened. She put a palm on Minjeong's cheek before leaning in, still smiling lovingly at her.

"You are adorable, do you know that?" Jimin whispered.

Jimin smirked, seeing the obvious blush on Minjeong's cheek. So, she kissed them, Minjeong's cheeks.

"I like you." Jimin said sincerely. She pecked Minjeong's lips softly after that.


"Oh my god, stop it Minjeong!" Minjeong groaned, burying her face into her pillow and rolling around her bed. She squealed as she still remembered Jimin's kiss. 

This has been going on ever since Jimin first kissed her. Minjeong was slowly losing her mind.

"I think I'm going crazy." Minjeong whispered.










"Another letter."

"We can't let this go on."

"Yes, we need to find them."

"Aish, those human."

Mr Yoo just stares at the letter in his hand as he read back every sentence carefully.

"Honey, what are we going to do?" His wife asked.

"It's clear in that letter. They will be going after all of us, especially Jimin." Taeyong stepped forward as he speaks.

"Check back whoever humans have interacted closely with us." Mr Yoo said.

"I want all of their names." He added.

Just then, a cold wind past them all. Everyone grew tense immediately at the sight of Jimin. Jimin said nothing, but opened her palm in front of her father. Mr Yoo gave her the letter. Jimin then read the content.

A minute has passes, the Yoo castle still filled with silence, waiting for Jimin to react. Jimin crumpled the letter, throwing it away carelessly.

"Why has not anyone found a lead yet?" Just a question from Jimin made everyone alerted.

"Jimin, we're sending everyone out already. We-"

"It's not enough. Are you just going to let them threaten us like this?"


Jimin raised her hand, releasing a sigh.

"I'm going to find them myself."

"But Jimin! We don't know what they have. These humans must have something with them, or whatever that is. If not, they wouldn't be brave to provoke us." Mr Yoo said.

"They want to play a game with us, father. The only way to get them is to play along. I will entertain them for a while."

"But dear, what if it's a trap?" Her mother asked.

"I will never step into anyone's trap, mother. You know well, how I like to play games. They will step into their own trap." Jimin answered with confidence.

Jimin then turned to face the clan members. She raised her chin, looking at everyone.

"We are going for a hunt by tomorrow night. We don't raise a coward, do we?"

"We will go." Everyone answered her. Jimin nodded her head.

Mrs Yoo looked at her husband in worries. Mr Yoo sighed. The two of them cannot leave the castle, not when Jimin has not claimed the throne yet. They need to be safe, staying inside. 

"Just be careful, all of you. We don't know who's our enemy yet." Mr Yoo said.










"Hey, Minjeong."


"You looked tired. Look at you."

"Shut up, Sunghoon."

"Hahaha. Come here a little. Your hair-" 

Before Sunghoon could touch Minjeong's hair, he felt a strong grip on his wrist. He frowned, looking at Jimin who was glaring at him.

"Do not touch my girlfriend." Jimin said, gritting her teeth.


Sunghoon clenched his fist, but didn't say anything. Minjeong quickly went out of the bar to get to Jimin's side.

"Jimin ah." Minjeong grabbed Jimin's coat timidly, pulling her slightly.

Jimin unwillingly let go of Sunghoon, but still glaring. If it's up to her, she would want to break his hand right there and then.

"For a busy business woman, you sure have a lot of free time. Always here, every night." Sunghoon said sarcastically.

"Well, explain yourself, young cop. You should be busy catching criminals, yet here you are, in the bar club, bothering someone else's girlfriend." Jimin snapped back.

"Okay! That's enough, you two!" Minjeong chuckled nervously. She pulled Jimin away, dragging her upstairs.

"I don't like her. She seems like a bad person for Minjeong." Sunghoon hissed.

Yunjin laughed, shaking her head. She glanced at Jimin, who let Minjeong pulled her willingly.

"I thought you've moved on." Yunjin commented.

"Doesn't mean that I stop caring. There's something about Jimin. I think I will have to check her background details." Sunghoon said with determination, while Yunjin only hummed.






Minjeong pouted, crossing her arms while Jimin only looked at her.

"I told you to stop fighting with Sunghoon. Be good to my friend."

"He started it." Jimin replied.

"Ugh. I know, but just ignore him. Can't you?"

Jimin sighed. She pulled Minjeong to sit with her.

"I'm going to miss you." Jimin said, decided to change the topic.

"I am here." Minjeong chuckled when Jimin brushed her nose on Minjeong's cheek. It's ticklish.

"I know, but I need to leave early tonight. I can't send you home."

Minjeong frowned, pulling away slightly. Jimin pulled her back, wrapping her arm around her waist which never fails to make Minjeong's heart to skip a beat.


"Family dinner. Apparently, my presence is a must."

Jimin held her smile seeing Minjeong's cute small pout. She tried to read her mind, and shook her head. 

"Would it make you feel better if I'll come to you after I'm done later?"

"You'll come? You'll do that?"

"If you want me to."

"Hmm." Minjeong played with Jimin's fingers while thinking. Jimin smiled, she knows what's in her mind already. So, she pecked Minjeong's cheek.

"I'll come to you after I'm done." Jimin whispered.

"Okay." Minjeong smiled.










Jimin was on top of a tall tree, standing straight as she oversees the forest. Out of all vampires, Jimin was gifted with a strong and clear vision when it comes to a view from afar. So, she'll be able to see if there's anyone around the area in the forest even from a far distance.

When Jimin felt a presence behind her, she didn't need to turn and see who it was. She knows just by smelling them.

"Did she get home safely?" Jimin asked.



"I'll leave Ning and Doyoung to keep an eye on her."

"Make sure they'll stay out of her sight, Aeri."

"Yes, Jimin."

Jimin's eyes caught a movement on the left sight, so she turned her head and squinted her eyes.

"Who were checking the left side, Aeri?"

"It's Mark and the boys."

"Alert them, I saw a movement."

"Got it."

Aeri disappeared to inform their members. Jimin then jumped down from the tree. She walked leisurely, taking her time like she always does. She hummed softly, with a hint of excitement fills her body before she disappeared, and reappeared not far from the movement where she just saw earlier. Jimin stood still for a few seconds, and closed her eyes slowly.

She inhaled, and gradually, she can smell a scent. She opened her eyes as soon as she recognised the scent.

"Humans." She murmured.

"Let's play the game, shall we?" Jimin's dark blue eyes lightened up, before she ran at a high speed.

Gasps, panic voices, and whispers. Jimin circled the area as she kept disappearing and reappearing while watching the humans moved. After having fun scaring them and making them confused, Jimin stopped on top of one of the trees, still hiding from the humans' view.

Mark, Aeri, and the others were nearby, hiding and waiting for Jimin's command, while watching the humans.

"Bold of you to come with just four of you." Jimin speaks, the humans stand in a circle as they took out their weapons, guarding each other.

"Hmm. You don't talk?" Jimin squinted her eyes. Four men. They hid themselves well with all those masks, and long coat with a hood covering their head.

Aeri. Go.


Aeri then appeared near the humans. They all turned towards her, raising their weapons, pointing at her.

Protect Aeri, Mark.

Yes, Jimin.

Jimin tilted her head, watching in amusement.

"We're not the one you should be wary of." Said one of the humans.

"Still, you guys sent the letter, and dares to step into this forest. For what? To spy on us?"

Jimin only listened to Aeri's conversation with them. Jimin noticed how the humans's thoughts were empty, they only think of finding the castle. Yoo castle, nothing else. Hm. They knew.


Jimin sighed. Stupid.

Split. I'll get the fast one.

Yes, Jimin.

Jimin only let the human ran first, before she appeared just a metre away from the person. The human stopped abruptly, almost slip onto the ground for running too fast.

"You shouldn't even come here if you are just going to run." Jimin said.

"You must be working for someone who knows us well, who knows me well. Judging by how you protect your mind from me." Jimin said again.

"You must have known about my ability too." Jimin added.

The human took a step back, Jimin noticed he was trying to take out something. Jimin smirked, only watching with eyebrows raised as his hands were shaking.

When Jimin waited what the human will do, she senses something coming at a fast speed from her right, so she bends her body. As she stood up straight again, she glanced at the sharp blade that just hit the tree beside her. The human has already run away again.

"Intruder. How unfair." Jimin sighed.

Another blade was flying in her direction, and Jimin smoothly caught it with her hand, before she disappeared from the spot. She found where the blade was coming from, and went to hunt towards the direction. A woman, with the same clothing.

When she appeared in front of the intruder, she grabbed her neck, but then she felt a stab in her stomach, which didn't hurt at all. She squeezed her hold, and yet, she frowned as she felt a liquid being splashed in her wound. She looked down when she felt the pain of burn. That's when the intruder dropped down to the ground, locked a silver anklet on her ankle before pouring the same liquid on it.

Jimin hissed as her ankle felt like burning as well. She was about to catch the intruder once again, but she couldn't move her one foot. She looked down, and noticed the colourless liquid slowly turned blue around the silver anklet. 

The intruder took the chance to run, and never look back.

Jimin used her finger to touch the liquid, then looked at the liquid carefully, letting it hurt her finger as she felt the burning sensation. Jimin closed her eyes, bringing it to her nose, and inhaled the liquid's smell. She chuckled darkly, her eyes turned dark red as she opened them. A witch. 


Aeri and Mark came in a flash. Jimin raised her hands to stop them. She still felt the pain of burning on her stomach, on her ankle and her finger, but it's still nothing to her. Jimin growled slowly, the sound of a cracking of her neck was heard as she did a stretch. 

"Aeri. Call for Irene."

Aeri frowned.

Irene Bae was one of the oldest vampires alive. She was living quietly, hidden, and protected. She's one of the Yoo clan's important assets, she's always needed when there was a war going on. The high ranking vampire from Bae clan, their strongest healer. She was the only vampire who managed to learn how to counter some of the witches' poison or liquid weapon against them.

"It seems like the witches decided to finally come out from their hiding."

Aeri hissed in anger upon hearing that, before she disappeared, following Jimin's command, while Mark stays with Jimin.

"Did you manage to catch the humans?" Jimin asked him.

"No, it seemed that they learned sorcery. They managed to get away." Mark bowed his head, hands clasped on his stomach.

Jimin let out a slow, and lazy laugh. Yet, nothing good hearing it. Mark clenched his teeth, as he avoided looking up. Jimin is furious, that's for sure.

"The humans decided to work together with the witches. Oh, back to the old times, aren't they? Well, they will regret running away and not finishing their job instead." 



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0 points #1
Re-reading your story again author-nim😁 because the storyline of lily of the valley is trash as f@ck they did Anna so dirty like what the f@ck🤮🤮 JUSTICE FOR MY ANNA!!
0 points #2
Chapter 41: this is soooo cuteee
Ash-LaoSiow 0 points #3
Chapter 148: Oh my God another great story!!! Thank you author nim!!!
Ernamel 0 points #4
Chapter 148: You always manage to write a good story, thank you for that🤗
Keep up the good work❤️❤️❤️
287 streak 0 points #5
Chapter 148: Soooo amazing beautiful and well written story 😭🫶😭🫶😭 gahd thank you for this again authornim!! Will surely wait for your next story then~ 🥰
Annaelsa 0 points #6
Chapter 148: Thank you for the story author❤️❤️
Taitai84 1238 streak 0 points #7
Chapter 148: Was abit confused about the ending, if minjeong is kind only to jimin , then why was she kind to jeno? And she was cruel to sunghoon’s father.

It was funny how jeno triggered jealousy from both the queens 🤣
winjnng_01 0 points #8
Chapter 148: Thank u so much authornim!
reveluv316 818 streak 0 points #9
Chapter 148: thank you for the story
0 points #10
Chapter 148: 🫶🏻