Your Blood Awaken Me - Part 8

Winrina = Jiminjeong

Jimin closed her eyes as she drinks a glass of blood. Every day, she can feel that her body is slowly changing. Growing weak, but still strong, enough to do damage. She was busy hunting for the humans who have previously worked with Sunghoon, and those who have a connection with the witches. She didn't get the time to go and see Minjeong for the past few days since the last time she met her.

"Jimin. Mark and the boys will be in charge to find the rest."


"And Minjeong said she wants to go back to work."

Jimin nodded without looking at Aeri. After updating Jimin, Aeri then left her alone. Jimin drinks some more blood, before she changes her attire. 






Minjeong was just walking out of her bedroom when Jimin suddenly appeared in her living room, causing her to halt her step. Jimin only looked at her with her empty eyes. For a few seconds, they both didn't say anything, and only stared at one another. When Jimin never do anything or say anything, Minjeong slowly walked to the kitchen, trying to ignore Jimin's presence.

She made herself some coffee, and took out some biscuits to eat. She munched quietly, and her ears focused on listening to Jimin's every move. Jimin stopped near the dining table, still watching her in silence.

"I heard that you want to go back to work." Jimin finally speaks.

Minjeong paused. It's true, she wants to work. She can't slack off. She still has her bills to pay.


"Why do I need your permission to go to work?" Minjeong asked slowly. She remembered telling Ning to get out of her way when the vampire tried to stop her from going out to work, saying that she needs to ask Jimin first.

"Have you forgotten already?" Jimin asked back.

Minjeong frowned, she does not understand what Jimin meant. She gasped when Jimin suddenly turned her around, she gulped and almost took a step back, but Jimin held her firmly.

"Why? I told you, Kim Minjeong. You are mine." Jimin said.

When Minjeong wanted to pull away from Jimin, Jimin only pulled her even closer. She wrapped her one arm around her waist. Minjeong have no idea of how much Jimin misses her.

"Look at me." Jimin whispered, Minjeong had no choice but to look up at her.

"You want to work, I'll let you work. But, baby, don't even try to run away. Hm?"

"I-I won't."

"Ning and Doyoung will be there, looking after you."


Right. Minjeong only know about Ning's presence around her, as Doyoung never reveal himself yet, didn't want to scare Minjeong more.

"He is my member too. I'm asking them to look after you for me."

"I don't nee-" Minjeong winced when Jimin grabbed her jaw tightly, leaning her face close.

"That, or no work for you. Your choice, baby." Jimin said.

"Okay." Minjeong whispered, closing her eyes. Just go away already.

Jimin frowned as she heard what's in Minjeong's thought. She abruptly let her go, disappearing, before reappearing near the kitchen counter. Minjeong watched her in wary. Touching Minjeong, being close with Minjeong, while knowing Minjeong very much prefer Jimin to leave her alone instead, pains Jimin a lot. Her body was affected by the fact, and she hates it. It makes her want to torture the witch again, and again. As this was due to the curse.

"I never ask to be born as a vampire."

Minjeong kept quiet, as Jimin stared sharply at her.

"We never ask to be born as vampires." Jimin said again.

"You can hate me, and push me all you want. You can even try and kill me." Jimin said, jaw clenched.

"But, as long as I am still here, alive and well, you are mine. I will never leave you, and I will never let you go." Jimin added.

"..." I wish that you would just look for someone else. I can't.

Jimin felt a pierce, a sharp pierce in her chest. Her heart then feels like something was clenching on it, like it almost burst. It's painful, but Jimin never show it. Not in front of Minjeong. Then, she feels Aeri's presence nearby, with some blood. Jimin needs it, since Minjeong is causing her so much pain, she needs more blood to function properly.










"Minjeong! You are back! Oh, thank god!"

Minjeong smiled, and hugged Yunjin. She missed the girl. She wasn't allowed to see anyone for almost three weeks.

"Are you okay? You didn't reply to any of my calls and texts." Yunjin frowned.

"I'm okay."

"And I'm sorry for your losses." Yunjin sighed, she wanted to hug Minjeong again, but her eyes caught Jimin's figure. Oh, she is back here too.

Jimin was looking at them from upstairs, just like before. However, this time, no smile on her face as her eyes were fixed on Minjeong.

"You guys good? She doesn't seem like in a good mood." Yunjin whispered.

Minjeong glanced at Jimin, then quickly looking away, not wanting to look at Jimin longer.

"Don't worry about it." Minjeong said, smiling slightly.

"Okay, okay. You know, I'll be here. Okay?" Yunjin smiled. Minjeong nodded, feeling glad that at least she gets to see Yunjin again, and knowing that Yunjin was there for her.

Minjeong managed to forget everything for a while, enjoying her work, and feels better. She's glad that her manager never asks her to go upstairs for Jimin like previously. She does not think that she can handle it, being alone in a room with Jimin. Not, after everything that had happened.

"Are you going to come in to work tomorrow night?" Yunjin asked.


Yunjin smiled widely, and clapped her hands.



When Minjeong stepped out of the club, Jimin have already waited for her outside, leaning against her car. She opened the door for her calmly. Minjeong sighed silently, knowing that she can't refuse Jimin to send her home.

Minjeong didn't say anything in the car, she sits close to the door, making sure that Jimin knows that she does not want to be near her. She's thankful that Jimin just let her be. 






Jimin jumped down from the tree, causing the woman on the ground to whimper. She slowly crawls back, away from Jimin, while muttering, incoherent with fear.

"You keep many weapons, specifically that can hurt us." 

"I-It- It wasn't mine."



Jimin rolled her eyes, rubbing her forehead. She hates hearing the humans saying please, when they were the one who wanted to start a war in the first place.

"Why can't you human just finish your job, or at least do your job properly?"

Jimin tilted her head, her blank eyes now turned dark red, as usual. She is getting angry.

"You guys are so shameless, you know that?"

Jimin then knelt down, gesturing her members to bring the woman to her. Johnny and Jaehyun immediately dragged her towards Jimin, the woman looked down to the ground, her body was shaking, so much in fear.

"Too bad, you won't even have the chance to use your weapon." Jimin sighed, before she cupped her face, forcing her to look at her.

"Now, tell me, who else do you give the weapons to?" Jimin asked.

"I- No. No one." She quickly shook her head, but Jimin already heard everything, and read her mind.

"Humans really know how to anger me." Jimin chuckled darkly. She caressed the woman's hair while humming, she kept smiling at her. The woman gulped, trying to think positive, hoping that Jimin would let her go.

"You have such a wishful thinking, but I am no angel to grant your wish." Jimin said before her gripped tightened on her head, and snapped her neck. Thud!

Johnny and Jaehyun then grabbed the woman's dead body away from Jimin's sight. Jimin stood up and fixed her hair.










Jimin have been sitting on the single sofa near Minjeong's bed for hours. She went to Minjeong's place right after she finished torturing Stella for the night. She crossed her arms and legs, as her eyes were set on Minjeong's sleeping figure. She asked Ning and Doyoung to leave, and spend their time anyhow they like while she was there watching Minjeong instead.

She was angry, she went insane, she kills and kills, and just continue killing to let out her anger. But when she was done being angry, she yearns for Minjeong. She misses Minjeong, even if she only feels pain now because of her.

Jimin tilted her head when she saw Minjeong stirred a little, a small frown on her face. In a flash, she appeared beside the bed, kneeling down slowly as she observed her carefully.

"Nightmare..." Jimin whispered.

She raised a hand to caress Minjeong's hair gently.

"Shh. You're okay, it's just a nightmare." Jimin said softly, and slowly, the frown disappeared from Minjeong's face. Jimin continues caressing her, and smiled seeing how Minjeong's body becomes relaxed.

"Sleep well, baby." Jimin whispered again, she pecked her forehead before standing up. Aeri was outside with Ning and Doyoung, she needs to go. She stares at Minjeong for another minute, and then disappeared.

Minjeong slowly opened her eyes, still feeling Jimin's gentle caress earlier. She heard Jimin, and she felt her presence too. Despite of still being scared of her, and didn't want Jimin to want her, she can't deny the fact that she actually misses Jimin's affection. Her heart feels at ease, when Jimin was comforting her due to her nightmare earlier.

While outside, Jimin looked at Minjeong's bedroom window from the rooftop of the next building. She knows that Minjeong woke up from her sleep earlier, but never say anything about it.


"You go first, Aeri. I'll be there shortly."


I just need to make sure she goes back to sleep peacefully.










Jimin came back to the castle upon hearing that they have some guests from far, coming over for a visit after a long time. It turned out, the news of Jimin has awakened had just reached them.

"Jimin. The Lee family is here." Her father said.

Jimin glanced at the head of Lee family, they are the second powerful vampire family in line after the Yoo family.

"Welcome back, Yoo Jimin." Mr Lee smiled seeing her. Jimin only nodded.

"Jimin, glad to see you again."

Everyone turned to look at him, including Jimin. He appeared just an arm away from Jimin's side, smiling widely at her. Jimin only looked at him without saying anything. His hair was now blonde, and he grew his hair longer too. His light blue eyes were sparkling.

What a reunion.

Seems like he have not move on yet.

Poor him.

Jimin almost rolled her eyes hearing her friends' thought of seeing him again after a long time.

"Jeno." Jimin acknowledge his presence with a curt nod.

"We came as soon as we heard that you've awakened." Jeno's father said.

"Yes, and our Jeno here had a vision of Jimin's future too." Jimin and the others paid attention when Jeno's mother mentioned that.

"What did you see?' Jimin's father asked, eyes turned serious as he looked at Jeno.

Lee Jeno, another strong vampire, comes from the Lee clan. He was strong, almost strong as Jimin, but he still can't beat Jimin though. His best ability was to be able to see a future vision, though it would happen randomly, and he can't choose what he wants to see.

"Jimin can't marry the human, or it'll be the end of us all." Jeno said.

Jimin raised her eyebrows at that. Of course, everyone is aware that Minjeong is the only reason why Jimin can wake up from the curse. Jimin announced it immediately that she is going to marry her human once Minjeong is able to accept her for who she is.

"And why can't I?"

"Like my mother have mentioned, I've seen a vision. It was kind of blurry, but still, it's pretty clear to me that your true mate is someone who is strong." Jeno said seriously at Jimin.

"What do you see?" Jimin's father asked.

"I can't really tell, but all I see is Jimin's mate is not what the human looks like, and I can feel a strong aura too." 

Jimin scoffed. Jeno was still hoping to be her mate. If Jimin can't hear his thought or read his mind, she would have thought that Jeno was just bluffing with the vision that he had seen.

"I know this might sound absurd to you-"

"It is. And I don't need your opinion on who I would want to be my mate." Jimin said, cutting him off.

"Jimin. This is for you. I am telling you so you won't waste your time with a mere human, a weak one at that. She's going to be the reason for our world to crumble and she-"

No one saw it coming, except for the Yoo's and Jimin's friends. While everyone else gasped as Jeno was now struggling to speak as Jimin wrapped her hand around his neck tightly, lifting him off the ground.

"You dare to question my human?" Jimin growled.

"She is mine! Her heart, her soul, her kindness, her loyalty, it is all for me, all mine!" Jimin's loud growl echoed in the castle, sending shivers to everyone. 

"J-Jimin-" Jeno's parents tried to calm her down, but Jimin's father asked them to step back. It's not good to provoke Jimin further. She has been in a hell mood nowadays, after what was happening with her and Minjeong.

"Yoo Jimin, let go of him." We are all families, Jimin. Her father tried to speak to her through their mind.

No matter how the vampires would sometimes fight one another, it's never to the extent that they will each other. However, this is Jimin they were talking about. Jimin is dangerous, she shows no mercy, she almost has no sympathy at all, especially if it involves in hurting or doubting her beloved family, friends, and her lover, Minjeong.

Jimin hissed, growling as she threw him hard to the floor that the tiles cracked. Jeno coughed violently, holding onto his neck. He quickly got on his knees, and bowing fully to Jimin, with his head and palms on the floor.

"Forgive me! I never wanted to offend you at all. I just thought, that I need to let you know about my vision." Jeno said.

"Well, then I never want to hear that vision again. Do not even speak to me unless it's what I want to hear." Jimin said coldly, she glanced at Jeno's parents, then nodded to her parents.

Without a word, Jimin disappeared, and everyone let out a relief breath.

"But, Jeno, are you sure of what you see in your vision?" Jimin's father couldn't help, but to ask again for a confirmation. After all, he was worried about Jimin's condition.






Jimin appeared in Minjeong's bedroom, she knelt down beside her bed, and stared at her sleeping face. Her heart, and her mind have been in chaos. She wanted to destroy everything, nothing can calm her down. Nothing, until she sees Minjeong's peaceful face.

"Even if you are not my mate, I..." 

Jimin closed her eyes, taking Minjeong's hand, and kissing her hand gently.

"I just can't see myself with anyone else, but you. What have you done to me, Minjeong? I would rather die than not being with you." Jimin sighed. She then rests her cheek on Minjeong's hand as she still holds her hand too. She felt it again, the piercing pain in her chest, but she just ignored it, continued to hold Minjeong.

"I love you." Jimin whispered, and after living for centuries, of never shed a single tear, of being the coldest, and the most heartless of all vampires, a drop of tear falls from her eye.










"She's growing weak."

"Doesn't mean that she is not strong anymore. We can't be reckless."

"Then how do we make sure of when we should attack?"

"I'm still thinking of a way."

"Okay, let me know if you have anything in mind."

"Sure, for now, keep observing."


"Oh, and send my regards to Yunjin."

"I will."

"Be careful, Wonyoung." 

Wonyoung shrugged her shoulders, playing with her magic, making a mess of her best friend's room. She giggled when her best friend looked at her with her unimpressed expression.

"You worry too much, Yujin."

"Whatever. Go. I'm going to meet Chaewon soon."











Hi, guys!

Are we moving too fast, or should I slow down? Even then, I hope yall still enjoy the story. It's fun to see you guys keep guessing, and all. Thank you for all the comments, it helps me with my writing, and gives me energy to write for an update hehe. 




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0 points #1
Re-reading your story again author-nim😁 because the storyline of lily of the valley is trash as f@ck they did Anna so dirty like what the f@ck🤮🤮 JUSTICE FOR MY ANNA!!
0 points #2
Chapter 41: this is soooo cuteee
Ash-LaoSiow 0 points #3
Chapter 148: Oh my God another great story!!! Thank you author nim!!!
Ernamel 0 points #4
Chapter 148: You always manage to write a good story, thank you for that🤗
Keep up the good work❤️❤️❤️
287 streak 0 points #5
Chapter 148: Soooo amazing beautiful and well written story 😭🫶😭🫶😭 gahd thank you for this again authornim!! Will surely wait for your next story then~ 🥰
Annaelsa 0 points #6
Chapter 148: Thank you for the story author❤️❤️
Taitai84 1238 streak 0 points #7
Chapter 148: Was abit confused about the ending, if minjeong is kind only to jimin , then why was she kind to jeno? And she was cruel to sunghoon’s father.

It was funny how jeno triggered jealousy from both the queens 🤣
winjnng_01 0 points #8
Chapter 148: Thank u so much authornim!
reveluv316 818 streak 0 points #9
Chapter 148: thank you for the story
0 points #10
Chapter 148: 🫶🏻