Your Blood Awaken Me - Part 3

Winrina = Jiminjeong

Minjeong does not know what's wrong with her, and what's going on. Her body seems to always be willing to go to Jimin whenever the woman calls for her. Jimin sometimes would just call her name or simply said "come here", and she would go to her with no words.

A few times, she tried to play hard to get, she tried to say no, but the moment her eyes found Jimin's eyes, she's a lost cause.

Jimin's dark blue eyes hold so much power, she sees passion that was so intense in her eyes. Her eyes whenever she looks at Minjeong as she waits for Minjeong to come closer, Minjeong could never shake the feeling of aggressive butterflies in her stomach when Jimin gives her that stare.

"Hey there, cutie."

Minjeong snapped out of her thoughts to look at the smiling guy in front of her. He was sitting on the stool, with his upper body was leaning on top of the counter.

"I heard there's a cute bartender at this club. I'm sure it's you, right?"

Here it goes again...

Minjeong bowed her head, trying to be polite as always.

"So, recommend me something, cutie."

Minjeong cleared , before she offered two options of drink that he would like to try, serve as the best selling drinks there.

"On a second thought, are you free to accompany me instead, cutie?" the guy asked, grinning at her.

Before Minjeong could reject his advance politely, a small towel was being thrown on his face causing him to stand up, and yelled at the culprit.

"She's working, and if you don't have anything to order, kindly leave her alone." Yunjin said strictly. Her hands on her hips, her face was showing that she was unimpressed with him.

"Well, what if you just mind your own business huh?" The guy got angry, and now glaring at Yunjin.

"Yunjin ah." Minjeong whispered.

Yunjin scoffed, and she was about to fight with the guy like she usually did for Minjeong when those arrogant and stupid men try to hit on her. Yet, she stopped when her eyes caught Jimin's figure who was just standing right at the entrance, watching the scene with sharp eyes.

Yunjin's eyes widened.  .

"Minjeong. Stay behind me." Yunjin quickly said.


"Who are you? Her girlfriend??" The guy asked in sarcasm, he gestured Minjeong to come to him.

"You do your job and ignore your stupid colleague, cutie."

Yunjin gasped in silence, her heart had just stopped beating. The moment the guy called Minjeong by that nickname, the room temperature suddenly dropped drastically.

Yunjin saw how Jimin whispered something to her companion beside her, before the latter came to them. 

"Hello, Minjeong."

"Oh? You?" 

Yunjin glanced towards the entrance, frowning when she couldn't find Jimin anywhere.

"I heard from Jimin that you two met."


"I forgot to introduce myself last time. I'm Aeri, Jimin's best friend." Aeri smiled, then he glanced at the guy beside her.

Minjeong wanted to greet Aeri properly, but the guy disturbed them again. Minjeong frowned, and saw that Yunjin froze.



"Are you okay?"

The thing was, Minjeong wasn't aware that Jimin was upstairs already, looking at them from the private room as usual. Yunjin was well aware of it, she was nervous because she knew Jimin wouldn't like what was happening.

Unknown to them, Aeri was just done having a vision of what had happened before she and Jimin came.

"Minjeong, come and follow me. Jimin is waiting." Aeri suddenly said, tone becomes serious.

"She's here??" Minjeong asked in surprised, as she didn't see her coming in. Jimin would usually be the one to come to her, and asked her to come with her upstairs.

"We don't want to make her wait, right? Let's go." Aeri said again.

"I'm here first, and I asked for her first." The guy said, stopping Aeri.

Aeri looked up at him with blank eyes.

"You don't want to do this, boy. Trust me, or you'll beg for your life tonight." Aeri said in a hush, as to not let Minjeong or Yunjin heard her.

"I get what I want. What's with you all being so protective of this cutie here, huh?" The guy said again.

Just then, Ms Lee came running towards them. She called for Minjeong, and told her to go upstairs already.

"Ms Uchinaga! I am so sorry for this!" Ms Lee bowed many times.

While on the other hand, Jimin put her hands in her jeans' pocket. She took off her overcoat already. Now, she was left with her tight black long sleeve turtleneck shirt. She heard a soft knock, and she appeared in front of the door in a flash.

She opened the door, and Minjeong stepped inside like usual.

"Who is he?" Jimin asked.

"Just a customer." Minjeong answered quickly.

Within a week of knowing Jimin, she knows how Jimin never like it when anyone tries to approach Minjeong. Minjeong also learned that she dislikes it, when Jimin gets upset.

"Did he bother you?" Jimin asked, eyes staring down at Minjeong, almost glaring at her.

Minjeong bit her bottom lip, and Jimin frowned at the sight. She grabbed Minjeong's chin, making her looked at her.

"A-Are you angry?" Minjeong asked slowly.

"No." Never with you.

"It's okay. Yunjin was there, she tries to tell him off before Aeri came." Minjeong told Jimin.

"Hmm." Jimin then heard a thought from outside the door. Her jaws clenched as she took a deep breath.

"Would you wait for me here? I have to settle something first. I won't be long." Jimin said.

"Oh. Okay."

Jimin then gestured for her to sit on the couch, which she did.

"I'll be right back, Minjeong." Jimin said, eyes staring at Minjeong seriously.

"I'll just be here." Minjeong reassured her. Jimin nodded before she left.

Minjeong sighed, and pouted. She still has not gotten used to Jimin's intense presence, but she's getting there. She is trying.






While outside, Jimin nodded her head, letting Aeri followed her from behind. Aeri let Jimin knows what happened earlier with the guy by letting Jimin hear her thoughts. 

Now, the two of them went to the back alley. Where the guy was being held by Johnny and Jaehyun, they were from Yoo Clan's loyal protector. They worked closely with Jimin, working in a team alongside Aeri and Ning as well.

"What the hell is this?!" The guy shouted.

Ning glanced at Jimin before she disappeared, with Doyoung who have been standing by her side. They would be guarding the place, making sure no one will come and see what's going to happen.

Aeri stays close behind Jimin, as Jimin approached the guy.

"Let him go." Jimin commanded, and the boys listened.

"What's wrong with all of you? You can't really take it when a guy tries to flirt with your friend?!" He yelled in anger, cursing while fixing his shirt for being dragged there unwillingly.

Jimin's nails grow longer, and as she glared at the guy who still didn't get the situation he was in, her eyes turned dark red. 

"You bull- wha-" The guy gasped sharply when Jimin appeared like a wind, in front of his face.

His body was shaking terribly as he heard a low growl coming from Jimin, and her dark red eyes turned black in a second. As Jimin opened , showing her sharp fangs growing out, his eyes widened. 

"I only need to tell you one thing before I kill you." Jimin whispered dangerously. She clicked her tongue. 

She tilted her head, smirking as she enjoyed seeing how the guy's eyes now trembled in fear. She slowly raised her hand, wrapping it behind his neck. Jimin hummed as she drummed her fingers with her long nails now on his nape. 

"That cutie. Is. Mine." Jimin growled, before digging her nails deep into his nape as he screamed in pain, he tried to push Jimin away.

But, who was he kidding? Jimin didn't move at all. It was like pushing a hard rock.

Jimin grabbed his jaw tightly with her other hand, and smirked as she grabbed open his jaw, forcefully causing his eyes to turn bloody, his throat struggle to scream anymore as he felt that the pain was slowly killing his throat and all of him.

"Anyone who ever calls her with any kind of endearment will get the same fate as you. I'll rip off your jaw, and crush your tongue. And I loathe you human, who dare to look at what's mine with such a disgusting thought." Jimin said in aversion.

The other just watched as Jimin killed him. Once done, Jimin sighed and took a step back. Her long nails turned shorter, her fangs disappeared, and her eyes turned back to dark blue. 

She runs her fingers through her long hair, before turning around. Disappeared without a word, leaving Aeri and the rest to clean up the mess. 






Minjeong yelped and jumped a little from her seat, she didn't hear Jimin entering the room. She blushed when Jimin raised an eyebrow at her. 

"Sorry. Uhm, you're back." Minjeong mumbled shyly.

Jimin nodded, she decided to sit across Minjeong. 

"Sorry for that. It's important." Jimin said.

"No, that's okay."

"Aeri will prepare the car, and we will be leaving soon."


"We're going out tonight."

"But- my job-"

"I've talked to Ms Lee about it. You don't have to worry."

Minjeong couldn't say anything else when Jimin made it clear that Ms Lee followed her demand all the time. 

"Are you still scared of me?" Jimin asked, eyes staring straight into her eyes.

Jimin remains so mysterious to her, and she doesn't share a lot. Minjeong doesn't pry too much either. She respects Jimin, and doesn't force her to be open to her right away, vice versa. 

"I guess, a little." Minjeong wanted to lie, to not hurt Jimin's feeling. But she can't lie to Jimin, never.

"Well, don't be. You can feel anything for me, Minjeong. But not being scared of me." Jimin said.

She stood up, and walked towards her. Minjeong looked at Jimin's palm as she offered a hand to her. Minjeong knows she has to take it. So, she did. She put her hand on Jimin's palm.

Jimin sighed lightly, satisfied with Minjeong's reaction. She pulled her up gently. 

"I like you, Minjeong. So much." Jimin said it again, and smiled softly at her. 

Minjeong blinked her eyes, blushing a little. 



"You should smile more."

Jimin raised her eyebrows, she then cupped Minjeong's cheek with her other hand. 

"Will that make you less scared of me?" Jimin asked.

"Maybe." Minjeong answered.

Jimin chuckled a little, and Minjeong stared in awe. Jimin hummed, nodding her head. She looked at Minjeong, her dark blue eyes softened. 

"If that's what you want from me, I shall do it." Jimin said, smiling at Minjeong again.










One little thing that Jimin has learned ever since the first night she brought Minjeong out is that her human loves to take a walk. She noticed how Minjeong would always look so tense around her when they were in the club, but not when they were out, walking through the night.

So, Jimin decided to bring her out at least three times a week when she visited her in the club. 

Just like right now. Jimin listened as Minjeong told her about her day, with a soft smile on her face. Jimin loves this. She loves that Minjeong is starting to feel comfortable around her. 

"Oh, and Yunjin is a very heavy sleeper. So, it's hard to wake her up for work. Luckily, we have Chaewon for that. She's in charge in waking her up."


Just then they heard a ringing bell, a cyclist was going towards their direction. 

"Yah, move, move! Out of the way, you fool!" 

Jimin wrapped her one arm around Minjeong before she pulled her away. 

"Good job!" The cyclist chuckled and waved carelessly, before cycling away. Jimin hissed at that. 

Jimin's eyes almost turned red as she glared at the back of the cyclist if it's not for Minjeong's hands that were holding her waist now. She looked at Minjeong, and feeling calm right as soon as she saw her pretty smile.

"It's okay." Minjeong told her.

That's another thing about Minjeong, she is so kind, and forgiving. Which, completely opposite of her.

"Okay." Though Jimin will not forgive. She knows that Aeri will get the cyclist for her. Jimin never forget nor she ever forgives, that's why she's one of the dangerous vampires to ever exist.










A groan, a scream, but never a cry. That's what Jimin noticed as she tortured the witch personally. 

"You were so confident back then. You looked at me as you spell your curse, I remember you were smiling so wide." Jimin said.

She grabbed her jaw harshly and smashed the back of her head onto the wall. Jimin's red eyes were twinkling, she was in amusement, watching how Stella never fight her back once because she knows well that she can't win, not when she was still in the dungeon. 

"I wonder, Stella. Where could they be hiding, hm?"

Stella frowned in confusion.

"Your sisters. Your family. They must be somewhere. They have been quiet too, aren't they?"


"Oh, are they going to curse me too if they find out that I am now awakened?"


Jimin chuckled. The witch's tries to not let Jimin get into her mind. Jimin rolled her eyes as she heard the witch was chanting a random mantra in her head.

But one thing Jimin knows, the witch doesn't know where did all her family go. They lost contact when Jimin's parents caught her.

"I may be busy with my human now, but I will not forget my other priority as well."

Jimin let go of the witch, disappearing from her sight before reappearing outside of her cell. 

"I will find them, and I will kill all of them. That's a promise, Stella. It's my gift for you, in return for your sweet curse to me." Jimin smiled evilly as the witch frowned. 

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0 points #1
Re-reading your story again author-nim😁 because the storyline of lily of the valley is trash as f@ck they did Anna so dirty like what the f@ck🤮🤮 JUSTICE FOR MY ANNA!!
0 points #2
Chapter 41: this is soooo cuteee
Ash-LaoSiow 0 points #3
Chapter 148: Oh my God another great story!!! Thank you author nim!!!
Ernamel 0 points #4
Chapter 148: You always manage to write a good story, thank you for that🤗
Keep up the good work❤️❤️❤️
287 streak 0 points #5
Chapter 148: Soooo amazing beautiful and well written story 😭🫶😭🫶😭 gahd thank you for this again authornim!! Will surely wait for your next story then~ 🥰
Annaelsa 0 points #6
Chapter 148: Thank you for the story author❤️❤️
Taitai84 1238 streak 0 points #7
Chapter 148: Was abit confused about the ending, if minjeong is kind only to jimin , then why was she kind to jeno? And she was cruel to sunghoon’s father.

It was funny how jeno triggered jealousy from both the queens 🤣
winjnng_01 0 points #8
Chapter 148: Thank u so much authornim!
reveluv316 818 streak 0 points #9
Chapter 148: thank you for the story
0 points #10
Chapter 148: 🫶🏻