I Love You

Everything Happens For A Reason


"I KNOW WHERE SHE IS!" One fan yelled. My eyes widened and I looked up. Everyone gasped, turned around, and looked at her. I stared at the fan with her hand up in the air and my heart started to beat fast in anticipation to find ~~~~.


Your POV

I was by the countryside where my grandma lived. I needed a break from the drama in the city and decided that I should spend some time with her. But one thing that made me feel even more ashamed of myself was the fact that even she heard about the news. Every time I told her I was sorry and how stupid I was, she would tell me that everything would be okay and that it will all end soon. I really hoped that would happen, but I highly doubted it.

I was dying of anxiousness if Jaejoong woke up or if anything happened to him. I forced myself not to buy the paper or even go near a TV because if I did…I might just forget everything I did and go back and find him. I purposely told my parents not to tell any of the DBSK members where I was because I knew they would have the nerve to come find me. I didn't want to have any other sorts of relationships with them after all that chaos. I was just a troublemaker that shouldn't have even existed in their lives.

It was mid-afternoon and I was walking around the riverbank with my hands in the pockets of my jacket. I took in the fresh air of the lovely nature I had missed my whole life and softly smiled. It actually felt nice here. But I frowned when I saw a couple at the end of the river, laughing and playing in the water. I gulped and closed my eyes. I knew I was stupid to have imagined me being with Jaejoong, joking around like that, but I couldn't help it. Ever since I left, I couldn't think straight. All I could think about was the times he ordered me around and how we used to argue. I swallowed hard and turned around. I looked up and my heart stopped. I started to slowly walk backwards, scared I might trip over my boots. Then I made a run for it.

"~~~~!" He yelled.


Kim Jaejoong's POV

When the fan gave me ~~~~'s address, I ran straight to the train station. I had no idea where the fan got the address and I was worried it was a fake. But, I didn't care. I would take all chances to find her. When I got onto the train, I was so fidgety in my seat, I couldn't even sit down. The ride was long and I arrived there mid-afternoon. I searched everywhere for ~~~~ but it was harder than I thought it'd be. I asked many elders and they didn't know who she was.

"I'm sorry, but do you know someone named Lee ~~~~?" I asked a grandma as she walked past me. She stopped and looked at me. "How do you know my granddaughter?" She asked.

My eyes widened and my heart stopped. Yes. I found her.

In the beginning, she was hesitant, thinking I was a stalker but when I told her I was the guy that the news was talking about, she quickly told me where ~~~~ was. I ran all the way to the riverbank. As I got closer, I saw a familiar figure sadly walking by the side of the river. My legs started to run faster and my heartbeat rose. You're almost there, Jaejoong.

I slowed down when I was only a few feet away from her and right when I was going to call her name, she turned around. I softened at her gloomy look. She looked up and she looked as if she stopped breathing. I stepped closer to her to see if she was all right, but she started to walk backwards. I reached for her, but she started to run.

"~~~~!" I shouted and ran after her.

She ran fast, but I eventually caught up to her. I grabbed her arm to stop her. She didn't pull away. "Why are you running away from me?" I whispered. She didn't answer nor turn around.

I pulled her closer to me and turned her around. Her big eyes were full of tears and sadness. I softened. "Hey," I said. "Why are you crying?" I asked her, tilting her face to look at me.

She stared at me as if I was a ghost and didn't blink. "I'm not dead," I said, taking her hands and putting them on my face. "See?" I asked. "I'm fine," I softly said.


Your POV

I ran as fast as I could, but he eventually caught up to me. He grabbed my arm and I didn't pull away. My body told me not to. Was I hallucinating? "Why are you running away from me?" He whispered. I couldn't answer that.

He pulled me closer and turned me around. I didn't notice that I was started to tear up again. "Hey," He said. "Why are you crying?" He asked me, tilting my face up to look at him.

It was like I was going crazy. Did he really wake up? Was I only seeing things? Was he not…dead?

"I'm not dead," He answered, taking my hands and putting them on his face. My heart skipped a beat at the touch. It was real; it really was Jaejoong. "See?" He asked. "I'm fine," He softly said.

Time seemed to have stopped as I stared into his beautiful eyes. After a while, my instincts came back to reality.

I softly pulled away. "I'm sorry, Jaejoong," I stepped back and bowed. "It was my entire fault," A tear slipped down my face.

He shook his head and stepped closer to me again. "No-," I put out a hand to stop him and took another step back. "Please don't come closer," I begged. "I might go crazy," I whispered.

"~~~~-" He tried reaching for me again, but I held both hands out. "I mean it, Jaejoong," I looked up at him. "You've been driving me crazy for the past month," I revealed. "My mind almost exploded. I couldn't even get close to a TV. I was so scared they would report that you were-," I gulped, not wanting to say the word "dead."

"But I'm not and-," I cut him off again. I nodded. "And I thank god for that. But now that you're okay, I could relax and not think about you anymore," My heart squeezed in pain as I said that. How could I not think about him? It was impossible.

"I have no more relationships with you, Jaejoong," I whispered. "I quit and I'm not working for you anymore," I said.


Kim Jaejoong's POV

She softly pulled away. "I'm sorry, Jaejoong," She stepped back and bowed. "It was my entire fault," A tear slipped down her face.

My heart hurt at her tears. I shook my head and stepped closer to her again. "No-," She put out a hand. I stopped and she took another step back. "Please don't come closer," She cried. "I might go crazy," I whispered.

I felt my throat starting to hurt as I forced myself not to cry. "~~~~-" I tried reaching for her again, but she held both hands out. "I mean it, Jaejoong," She looked up at me. "You've been driving me crazy for the past month," She revealed. "My mind almost exploded. I couldn't even get close to a TV. I was so scared they would report that you were-," She gulped. She thought I would die.

"But I'm not and-," She cut me off again. She nodded. "And I thank god for that. But now that you're okay, I could relax and not think about you anymore," My own heart squeezed in pain. But I won't stop thinking about you, ~~~~.

"I have no more relationships with you, Jaejoong," She whispered. "I quit and I'm not working for you anymore," She said.

I frantically shook my head. "No," I said, trying to walk up to her. She kept walking backwards. "Please don't do this to me, ~~~~," I panicked.

She reached into her pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. She opened it up and my eyes widened. It was the contract. How did she get it?

"You see this?" She muttered and ripped it up right in front of me. My heart dropped like a rock. "There is nothing left of us anymore," She said, throwing the pieces of our contract into the water. It was like she was throwing away our relationship; throwing away our love.

She gave me a 90 degrees bow and tearfully smiled. "Thank you for everything, Jaejoong-shi," She formally said. "And I really am sorry for all I have done," More tears dropped from her eyes. "If it weren't for me, you're celebrity life wouldn't have been as complicated as it was," She said. She bowed once more, turned around, and walked away.


Your POV

He frantically shook his head. "No," He said, trying to walk up to me. I kept walking backwards, while swallowing hard. Stop getting close to me, Jaejoong. "Please don't do this to me, ~~~~," He panicked.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. I opened it up and his eyes widened. It was the contract. I found it lying in the office as if it was useless and was meant to be garbage.

"You see this?" I muttered. I picked up so much courage and heart and ripped it up in front of him. I had to bite my tongue to prevent from screaming. "There is nothing left of us anymore," I said, throwing the pieces of our contract into the water. I felt my heart fall apart, knowing the pieces of paper would slowly drift away.

I gave him a 90 degrees bow and tearfully smiled. "Thank you for everything, Jaejoong-shi," I formally said. "And I really am sorry for all I have done," More tears dropped from my eyes. "If it weren't for me, you're celebrity life wouldn't have been as complicated as it was," I said. I bowed once more, turned around, and walked away.

I literally had to drag my legs to walk. I closed my eyes and more and more tears rolled down my cheeks. This was so hard.

Suddenly, I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my shoulders. "Please, ~~~~," He whispered. "Don't go," He said. "You didn't do anything wrong," He said.

"I did," I said. "I almost killed you," I whispered. He shook me. "No, you didn't!" He said, with frustration. "I chose to save you!" He said. "I didn't do it because I wanted to," He softly said. "It's because I love you," These three words melted my body.

"I. Love. You." He nuzzled my head at every word. I closed my eyes and tightened my fists. I have to hold it in or I might turn around and hug him. I tried pushing him away. "Why are you pushing me away when my fans already forgave you?" He asked. I stopped struggling. What?

"They were the ones who told me to come for you," He said. "They even apologized to you," He whispered. "R-Really?" The world stopped spinning and that was the only word that came out of my mouth.

"Yes, really, baby," He said. "So please don't say that there isn't a relationship between us," He said, pulling apart from me.

He took my hands, not wanting me to run away again. I gazed up at him. "You belong with me and I belong with you," He said. My eyes sparkled.

"Everything that has happened to us in the past happened for a reason," He stated. "If all that didn't happen to us, I would never have fallen in love with you," He squeezed my hands. My eyes slowly softened at how sweet he was.

"You can't escape from me anymore," He said. "You have no excuse to leave," He firmly said. I just stared at him and opened my mouth.

But before I could say anything, his lips touched mine. My eyes widened a bit but slowly closed. He kissed me deeply and eventually, I couldn't resist but I kiss him back. My whole body felt free and my knees went weak but his strong arms stabled me.


Kim Jaejoong's POV

She opened to say something, but I quickly kissed her. My mind exploded with fireworks. Why didn't I kiss her sooner? She didn't respond at first but slowly, she kissed me back. Her soft and slow kisses drove me crazy so I kissed her even deeper and more passionate.

After five minutes, I pulled away. She looked disappointed. I chuckled. "You want more, baby?" I smirked and leaned closer to her.

She sniffled and pushed me away. "Okay. Okay." I laughed and hugged her tightly. After a moment of silence, I spoke up. "I love you, ~~~~," I whispered, sincerely. I waited for her to hug me back. When she did, my body relaxed. "I love you too, Jaejoong," She softly said.

I closed my eyes and hugged her tighter, enjoying the moment. I love you so much, Lee ~~~~.


Your POV

After five minutes, he pulled away. I was kind of disappointed. He chuckled. "You want more, baby?" He smirked and leaned closer to me.

I sniffled and pushed him away. "Okay. Okay." He laughed and hugged me tightly. After a moment of silence, he spoke up. "I love you, ~~~~," He whispered, sincerely. At first, I didn't know what to do, but my arms moved on their own and I hugged him back. "I love you too, Jaejoong," I softly said. I was not afraid to admit it anymore.

He hugged me tighter and I sighed and squeezed him with just the amount of love. I love you, Kim Jaejoong.


Kim Jonghyun's POV

I smiled as I saw the two hug. They were finally together. I leaned on the big tree and sighed. I was disappointed she didn't pick me but all I wanted was for ~~~~ to be happy and from what I see, ~~~~ noona was in good hands with hyung. And to be honest, she will have a better life with Jaejoong hyung than with me.

I glanced at them once more and went to catch the train. Be happy, ~~~~.






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Iminthezone #1
Ryughosh #2
Chapter 45: This story is not relatable on any form or kind....besides you have written the same again n again with using pov.....it doesn't make sense
Andreaaa06 #3
Chapter 63: This is so beautiful ❤️
Chapter 63: Yemi really pissed me ugh! But im glad jaejoong finally awake and go to her. I really want to have a friend like jonghyun
Good plot:)
Chapter 46: To be honest, it kinda pisses me off with all the changing P.o.V's but other than that, it's a really interesting storyline.
Chapter 43: My reaction: "Oh yo this ____-"
Chapter 53: wow.. what an idiot. I would have totally chosen the caring understanding and devoted Jonghyun over a guy who has the EQ and IQ of a doormat. I mean seriously... Jaejoong observes in his point of view that the main character (-----) is scared in presence of Yemi, then 3 paragraphs later accuses ----- of being violent? that doesn’t make sense. He treats her like ____ and stuff. wow she probably is mazochist. If they get married she’s probably going to end up as a battered wife.
I understand you like Jaejoong and wanted to make this a JJ-OFC fic, but don’t loose focus. He was too much of an _______ to make the decisions made by the OFC in relations to whom to date credible. She’s not a mad Cassie after all - it doesn’t make any sense.