Visitors and Rule #3 BROKEN?

Everything Happens For A Reason


He hugged me back. "I'll always be here if you need me," He said. I closed my eyes and smiled. I actually believed that.

Kim Jonghyun's POV

I was on the phone with Onew. "Yea, she's alright," I said, ruffling my hair. "Are you sure?" Onew asked. "Yes, hyung. She's fine," I said.
"We should go visit her!" I heard Taemin yell from the distance. "YEA!" I heard everyone else agree. "NO!" I shouted. "She needs her rest," I stated. They whined, wanting to come. I smiled. "Go film," I told him. "Okay. Call us if you need anything. Bye," Onew said and hung up.

I sighed and laid on the sofa. I was very tired. Maybe...I can get some shut eye. But what happens if ~~~~ needs something?! Maybe for just...five minutes. My eyes slowly closed and I drifted into dreamland.

I was sleeping when someone frantically rang the doorbell. My eyes slowly opened and I looked at the clock. 4:37 pm. Man, I slept for six hours. Maybe it was ~~~~'s parents. I lazily got up, but quickly fixed my hair and clothes so I wouldn't embarrass myself. I walked up to the door and opened it.

"Hel-," I got cut off when a massive group of people came piling into the house. "~~~~!" They all shouted at the same time. My eyes widened when I realized who they were.
"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE?!" I yelled at Super Junior and SHINee. "TO SEE ~~~~!" They shouted as if it was the most obvious thing in the universe.
"SHE'S UP HERE!" Donghae screamed from the top of the stairs. When did he get up there?!
"NO-," I started, but stopped when everyone started running up the stairs. My eyes rounded. "YAH!" I shouted, also running up the stairs.


Your POV

It was the afternoon and I felt better than in the morning. I bet it was because of Jonghyun's porridge. It was hard to imagine that he had good cooking skills. I was peacefully sleeping in bed, when I was awaken by a bang on the door. My eyes snapped open and I turned my head.

"~~~~!" Super Junior and SHINee ran over to me. My eyes widened.

I slowly sat up and confusingly stared at all the people around my bed. Why were they here?
Jonghyun burst into the room. "YAH! SHE HAS TO REST! GET OUT!" He said, pushing his way through to me.
I laughed a bit but started to cough. Everyone started to pat my back. "Woah. Are you okay?" Key asked in concern.
I put a hand on my chest to calm down. "Yea, I'm fine. Sorry. What are you guys doing here?" I whispered.
"To see if you're okay," Taemin frowned. I smiled. How cute. "I'm fine," I said, patting his hand.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Leeteuk asked. "We can bring you to the hospital," Si won stated.
I shook my head. "I'm fine," I muttered. "No, she isn't," Jonghyun said. "Now all of you, GET OUT!" He shouted.
But SHINee and Super Junior ignored him. "We heard you fainted yesterday," Minho frowned.
"Yea, Key told me how you forgot your keys and Jonghyun came to find you and stayed the whole night taking care of you. He even canceled his sc-," Heechul went on and on, but got cut off when Jonghyun covered his mouth. "Haha..." He lightly chuckled, while glaring at Heechul. I smiled. I knew he canceled his schedule for me.
"I'm fine, guys. Don't worry about me. All of you go back to your schedules," I stated. Kyuhyun sat on my bed. "We just wanted to know if you were alright," He said. I smiled and nodded. "I'm perfectly fine. I just need some more sleep and I'll soon be back to work," I convinced.
They sighed. I motioned to the door. "Just go," I said and looked at Jonghyun. "And you too, Jonghyun," I narrowed my eyes at him. "Don't lie to me when you have a schedule," I said. He just rubbed the back of his neck. "But-," He said, but I put a hand out. "Just go," I said.
They all sighed and eventually nodded. "Wait," Kangin suddenly said. I looked up. "Where is DBSK?" He asked. My eyes widened a bit. What? They were coming?

As if there was a cue, someone knocked on my door.
My head automatically turned to the door. There stood DBSK. Despite their busy schedule, they were here. In my house.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, surprised. They all stepped in and Yoochun placed a fruit basket on my table. "We heard what happened," Yunho said. I just stared at them and a soft 'Oh' escaped my lips.
But what shocked me was when Jaejoong stepped up to me and touched my forehead. I let out a small, but unheard gasp."You still have a fever. Are you okay?" He softly, but gently asked.
I was taken aback. What? Did he just ask me that question? And...did he just touch me?
"I-I-I-," I couldn't speak. Why couldn't I speak? I just gazed into his eyes, while he stared at me too. My was beating quicker than before. What was this feeling?
"She's fine," Jonghyun spoke up. "I mean, I should know since I stayed here with her for the WHOLE night," He emphasized.
Jaejoong's eyes instantly sadden when Jonghyun said that. I frowned a bit. Why was he like this?
"She just needs some REST," He emphasized to everyone in the room. They lightly chuckled. "Yeah. We should go," Sungmin said. Everyone nodded.
"Call us if you need anything," Onew said, patting my shoulder. I finally snapped out of my thoughts and nodded.
"Bye, ~~~~," Everyone said, as they each hugged me. Even DBSK gave me a pat on the shoulder, telling me I can go back to work whenever I felt better.
The last but not least person gave me a soft pat on the shoulder. "Feel better," Jaejoong whispered. Shivered traveled down my spine. What was wrong with me? Was it because of my fever?
"Are you sure I can leave?" Jonghyun worriedly asked. I nodded. "I'm fine. Just go," I motioned them to the door. "Call me if you need anything," Jonghyun said. I smiled. "Okay," I said.
"Also, drink a lot of water and remember to take your medicine. Oh! And don't forget to sleep a lot. OH! AND-," As Jonghyun keep listing things, everyone else started to drag him out.
"AND YOU CALL ME NAGGY!" I heard Key shout from the distance. "YAH! I DIDN'T GET TO SAY BYE!" I heard Jonghyun shout from the distance.
I softly chuckled, but stopped when I noticed who was still in the room. "Get some sleep," Jaejoong softly said and closed the door.

I blankly gazed at the door and then softly smiled.


Kim Jaejoong's POV

Onew told me what had happened to ~~~~ yesterday. But he never mentioned anything about Jonghyun being there with her for the whole night. I didn't want to care, but why did I want to know if she was alright?

Super Junior and SHINee literally skipped all their schedules just to go see ~~~~.

"Maybe we should go too," Changmin said. "I mean, she DOES work for us. It would be disrespectful if we didn't go," He shrugged.

The contract came into mind:

3. Not responsible for any health concerns that are caused by work.

"But what about rule number 3 in the contract?" I asked. Yunho looked at me. "It wasn't really because of work she got sick, right?" He asked me back.
I slowly nodded. I guess not. And we just want to see if she was okay since she's one of the staff members...right? But that didn't really matter because the sudden image of ~~~~'s sick face came into mind. I wonder if she was okay.
"But I'm tired," Junsu yawned. "You're always tired!" We all said in unison.

We were now in front of ~~~~ house. I swallowed hard. This was the house where I saw Jonghyun and ~~~~ together. Why was I so nervous?

"Here goes," Yoochun whispered. He knocked, but the door cracked open. "I guess it's unlocked," Yunho said, opening the door. "Hello? Anyone here?" He shouted. Chatter was heard upstairs. "I think they're upstairs," I said.

We headed upstairs. Yoochun knocked again. He opened the door and my eyes widened at the amount of people surrounding ~~~~. All Super Junior, SHINee's, and ~~~~'s heads turned to us. ~~~~ looked shocked to see us. But she looked so pale.

"What are you doing here?" ~~~~ asked, surprised. Yoochun placed the fruit basket we bought onto her table. "We heard what happened," Yunho said. She just stared at us and a soft 'Oh' escaped her lips.
But for some odd reason, I stepped up to her and touched her forehead. "You still have a fever. Are you okay?" I whispered. Why had gotten into me?
"I-I-I-," She couldn't speak. She just stared at me as I did the same to her. Her big, shocked, brown eyes told me that she surprised and didn't know what to say.
"She's fine," Jonghyun spoke up. "I mean, I should know since I stayed here with her for the WHOLE night," He emphasized.
My stomach automatically sank and my shoulders deflated. Why was I feeling like this?
"She just needs some REST," He emphasized to everyone in the room. They lightly chuckled. "Yeah. We should go," Sungmin said. Everyone nodded.
"Call us if you need anything," Onew said, patting her shoulder. She finally looked away from me and nodded.
"Bye, ~~~~," Everyone said, as they each hugged her. The last person was me. I softly patted her fragile shoulder. "Feel better," I whispered. She just looked at me.
"Are you sure I can leave?" Jonghyun worriedly asked her. She nodded. "I'm fine. Just go," She motioned for us to go.
"Call me if you need anything," Jonghyun said. "Okay," She said, with a smile. I looked away. Why were they talking to each other as if they were a couple?
"Also, drink a lot of water. And remember to take your medicine. Oh! And don't forget to sleep a lot. OH! AND-," As Jonghyun keep listing things, everyone else started to drag him out.
"AND YOU CALL ME NAGGY!" I heard Key shout from the distance. "YAH! I DIDN'T GET TO SAY BYE!" I heard Jonghyun shout from the distance.
I watched her softly chuckle. I didn't realize this before, but she looked cute when she laughed... But she froze when she noticed that I was still in the room. "Get some sleep," I softly said and closed the door.

I sighed and walked down the stairs to the van. I really hope she gets better soon.


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Iminthezone #1
Ryughosh #2
Chapter 45: This story is not relatable on any form or kind....besides you have written the same again n again with using doesn't make sense
Andreaaa06 #3
Chapter 63: This is so beautiful ❤️
Chapter 63: Yemi really pissed me ugh! But im glad jaejoong finally awake and go to her. I really want to have a friend like jonghyun
Good plot:)
Chapter 46: To be honest, it kinda pisses me off with all the changing P.o.V's but other than that, it's a really interesting storyline.
Chapter 43: My reaction: "Oh yo this ____-"
Chapter 53: wow.. what an idiot. I would have totally chosen the caring understanding and devoted Jonghyun over a guy who has the EQ and IQ of a doormat. I mean seriously... Jaejoong observes in his point of view that the main character (-----) is scared in presence of Yemi, then 3 paragraphs later accuses ----- of being violent? that doesn’t make sense. He treats her like ____ and stuff. wow she probably is mazochist. If they get married she’s probably going to end up as a battered wife.
I understand you like Jaejoong and wanted to make this a JJ-OFC fic, but don’t loose focus. He was too much of an _______ to make the decisions made by the OFC in relations to whom to date credible. She’s not a mad Cassie after all - it doesn’t make any sense.