
Everything Happens For A Reason


I looked at the ID. It was manager hyung. I picked up and before I could say anything, he spoke. "We found him," He urgently said.


Jung Yunho's POV

I was sitting in the police station, glaring at the man in handcuffs. The manager called me to the police station to see if I recognized the bastard. Unfortunately, I didn't. He was caught earlier for speeding and someone just so happened to have remembered his license plate to report him for crashing Jaejoong.

"Why did you do it?" I asked for the fifth time. He just looked away and whistled. I wanted to throw my fist at his face. I smirked and leaned back in my seat. "Someone hired you?" I assumed. His head snapped towards my direction.

I sat up and folded my hands onto the table. "So I was right," I said. "You got paid for doing this," I nodded. "How did you get paid? By cash or," I leaned closer to him. "By someone's body?" I whispered, with a smirk.

"Aish-," He reached for me but got pushed back down into the chair by a big policeman. "This is a police station. Behave!" The officer yelled. The bastard scuffled.

The officer looked up at me and smiled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Can I have your autograph?" He asked. I bowed and nodded. "Yes. Of course," I said and signed his notebook.

He bowed and put it away, with an awkward cough. "Don't worry, Yunho-shi," He slapped his chest. "I will make sure to find out what this bastard did," He hissed towards him.

I bowed. "Thank you," I said. The officer walked away and I focused my glare back to the man in front of me.

"You have no heart at all," I muttered. "Wait until our fans find out that their beloved Jaejoong oppa got hurt because of you," I smirked. "800 000? 900 000?" I guessed. His eyes widened in horror at the number of fans.

"They will NEVER let you go," I firmly emphasized. "There is no more hope in your life anymore," I stated. "And..." I leaned close to him again. "They will be merciless to the people around you too," I hissed. He started to tremble.

The manager came back after filling some forms out. "They said they'll phone us when they find out anything," He said. I nodded and got out of my seat.

"Wait," The bastard spoke up. I looked down at him. "I'll tell you," He whispered.

I raced through the streets with the rest of the members in the car with me. We were going to find that btich who did this.

"Where the fcuk is it?!" Junsu yelled, scanning through the houses. "86...86...86!" Changmin pointed. My head snapped up to the sight of a fairly nice, large house. I drove into the garage.

We all got out like maniacs and raced to the door. Yoochun frantically rang the door bell. "You came, Sangki?" We heard someone sweet talk behind the door. We looked at each other, ready to slap this chick.

The door swung open. "HEY OPPA-," She stopped when she realized who we were. She gasped and stepped back. "Yemi," We hissed.


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Iminthezone #1
Ryughosh #2
Chapter 45: This story is not relatable on any form or kind....besides you have written the same again n again with using doesn't make sense
Andreaaa06 #3
Chapter 63: This is so beautiful ❤️
Chapter 63: Yemi really pissed me ugh! But im glad jaejoong finally awake and go to her. I really want to have a friend like jonghyun
Good plot:)
Chapter 46: To be honest, it kinda pisses me off with all the changing P.o.V's but other than that, it's a really interesting storyline.
Chapter 43: My reaction: "Oh yo this ____-"
Chapter 53: wow.. what an idiot. I would have totally chosen the caring understanding and devoted Jonghyun over a guy who has the EQ and IQ of a doormat. I mean seriously... Jaejoong observes in his point of view that the main character (-----) is scared in presence of Yemi, then 3 paragraphs later accuses ----- of being violent? that doesn’t make sense. He treats her like ____ and stuff. wow she probably is mazochist. If they get married she’s probably going to end up as a battered wife.
I understand you like Jaejoong and wanted to make this a JJ-OFC fic, but don’t loose focus. He was too much of an _______ to make the decisions made by the OFC in relations to whom to date credible. She’s not a mad Cassie after all - it doesn’t make any sense.