SHINee's Concert

Everything Happens For A Reason


I sighed and walked down the stairs to the van. I really hope she gets better soon.

Your POV

After a while, I felt better and went back to work. Of course it was all thanks to Jonghyun. I think one of the best things that had happened to my life was meeting such a sweet and caring friend like him. But that also includes the rest of SHINee and Super Junior. I've never had friends that were this kind to me and not to mention, there were so many of them! I've never been so happy before!

To my surprise, I was invited to SHINee's FIRST concert. Like the all the fans they had, I was EXTREMELY excited! Jonghyun gave me a VIP ticket, but I told them I would buy the ticket with my money. I wanted to support them by buying my own ticket. But, they kept saying that they had extra tickets, so I gave in after a while. I still felt bad for taking the ticket.

I was now in the loud audience, waiting for SHINee to start. Wow, it was so LOUD! There were millions of fans everywhere and it was sure PACKED! On my left side, there were three squealing and screaming fans, waiting to see their loving oppas, while the five seats to my right, were still empty. How could they be late for such a BIG day?!

Suddenly, all the lights went out. The fans screamed in joy as the SHINee boys popped onto the stage, with a big blast of fireworks. My eyes widened at and charismatic they looked. Man did I underestimate them! They looked AMAZING! And I was lost for words. I widely grinned and happily cheered along with the other Shawols.

In the middle of their second song, people finally came to occupy the five seats to my right. I couldn't really make out their faces because they literally covered themselves from head to toe. I gave them all a look. What the hell?

When they performed their song 'Ring Ding Dong', I went crazy. This was my favourite song!

SHINee- Ring Ding Dong:

When Jonghyun sang and danced in the front, I would scream his name. He would sometimes even take a quick glance at me and give me a quick, secret smile. I would proudly beam. He was so cute!

Suddenly, the person who sat beside me started to talk. "Do you like him that much?" He asked.
I eagerly nodded with a big smile. "YEAH! HE'S SO COOL-," I stopped when I looked into his eyes. How come they looked so...familiar? I gasped when I realized who he was. "J-Jaejoong," I stuttered.


Kim Jaejoong's POV

It was finally SHINee's first concert. They were so talented, but they never got to have their own concert. I felt happy for them.

Since they came to support us at our concert, we decided to go watch them too. But since we weren't going to be in the concert, we had to watch them from the audience, so we covered ourselves from head to toe, not wanting anyone to recognize us and disturb the concert.

We got there a bit late because of the traffic. When we went into the stadium, there were A LOT of fans, but I wasn't surprised because I knew they had many fans. I smiled at the massive group of cheering noonas as we made our way to our VIP seats. Some of SHINee's staff members and body guards recognized us and we lightly bowed back, not wanting to seem suspicious.

We finally found our seats and I was the first one to go into the row and sit down. I looked to my left and my eyes rounded at who it was. ~~~~. What was she doing here?! For the whole performance, I watched her scream and squeal at SHINee, but mostly Jonghyun. I rolled my eyes. Does she like him that much?!

When 'Ring Ding Dong' came on, she literally went crazy. I tried to hold my laughter in, but something else came out of my mouth instead. "Do you like him that much?" I asked. Did that just come out of my mouth?!
She eagerly nodded with a big smile. "YEAH! HE'S SO COOL-," She screamed but stopped when she looked at me. I looked back into her eyes and my heart raced a bit. What the hell? Is it just me or is it hot in here?
She suddenly gasped. "J-Jaejoong," She stuttered. My eyes widened a bit and I looked down at myself. Did my scarf fall off or something?! How did she recognize me?!
"What are you doing here?" She whispered to me. "People will see you!" She quietly exclaimed.
A smirk automatically appeared on my hidden-scarf face. "Are you scared?" I asked. She let out an annoyed breath. "Whatever," She said and went back to cheering SHINee.

The last song finally was performed and it was no other than Noona Is So Pretty.

SHINee- Noona Is So Pretty:

Whenever they sang "Noona Neomu Yeppeo," they would wink and point towards ~~~~'s direction. I looked at her expression. She smiled at them and waved. My heart stopped for a second from seeing her beautiful smile, but also because she laughed when Jonghyun winked at her. Does she him that much?

The concert was finally over. We decided to go backstage to congratulate SHINee for a wonderful and successful concert. I looked around the stadium for ~~~~. Where was she? Maybe she left. I felt kind of disappointed. I sighed and followed the rest of the members.

Right when we opened to door, I saw ~~~~. I lightened up again, but froze when she hugged Jonghyun.

"HYUNGS!" Minho shouted, walking to us. I just gave him a small smile and turned my attention back to ~~~~ and Jonghyun.
"You guys were great," Yunho smiled. Minho laughed and bowed. "Thank you," He said. The members went to talk to the rest of the SHINee members, leaving me just staring at ~~~~ and Jonghyun.
Jonghyun turned around and saw me. "Oh." He jumped. "Hey, Jaejoong hyung," He waved and turned his attention back to ~~~~. I frowned a bit when she awkwardly looked away from me and continued to talk with Jonghyun.
Onew suddenly appeared and gave me a hug. "Thanks for coming," He said. I nodded, not taking my eyes off of ~~~~.
"We're all going out to eat later," He said. "Why won't you guys join us?" He asked. I nodded. "Sure," I stated.
He then turned around. "Oh! I forgot about ~~~~ noona!" He said. She looked up. "Are you coming, ~~~~ noona?" He asked her. I took a small peek at ~~~~, for an answer. She shrugged. "Sure. Why not?" She laughed.

The ends of my lips tugged up a bit. There I go again, smiling like an idiot. Why was I smiling so much lately?


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Iminthezone #1
Ryughosh #2
Chapter 45: This story is not relatable on any form or kind....besides you have written the same again n again with using doesn't make sense
Andreaaa06 #3
Chapter 63: This is so beautiful ❤️
Chapter 63: Yemi really pissed me ugh! But im glad jaejoong finally awake and go to her. I really want to have a friend like jonghyun
Good plot:)
Chapter 46: To be honest, it kinda pisses me off with all the changing P.o.V's but other than that, it's a really interesting storyline.
Chapter 43: My reaction: "Oh yo this ____-"
Chapter 53: wow.. what an idiot. I would have totally chosen the caring understanding and devoted Jonghyun over a guy who has the EQ and IQ of a doormat. I mean seriously... Jaejoong observes in his point of view that the main character (-----) is scared in presence of Yemi, then 3 paragraphs later accuses ----- of being violent? that doesn’t make sense. He treats her like ____ and stuff. wow she probably is mazochist. If they get married she’s probably going to end up as a battered wife.
I understand you like Jaejoong and wanted to make this a JJ-OFC fic, but don’t loose focus. He was too much of an _______ to make the decisions made by the OFC in relations to whom to date credible. She’s not a mad Cassie after all - it doesn’t make any sense.