I like you

Everything Happens For A Reason


I turned back around and let out a tired breath. It was finally over. The day I have always wished for was finally over; Yemi admitted everything herself and I didn't have to say anything.


Kim Jonghyun's POV

I told the manager that I was going to take ~~~~ noona home in a taxi. I disguised myself this time and not like the last time I went to ~~~~'s house without one.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked. She nodded with a smile. "I'm fine," She said. "You asked me like five times already," She scrunched up her nose.

I sighed. "Not my fault that little bit-," She cut me off with a look. "Yemi," I corrected. "Hurt you," I frowned. One day, when I get my hands on her, she will have to PAY for what she did to ~~~~.

"Don't worry," She patted my hand with a gentle smile and my heart fluttered. How could someone be so forgiving?

We arrived at her house and I held out the money for the taxi driver. "No, it's okay," ~~~~ said, looking through her purse. I grabbed her hand and she looked up at me. "It's okay, noona," I said.

"Fine," She said. "But you have to come in for some hot chocolate," She smiled. "But-," I started but she already dragged me out the taxi.

"Here you go," She placed the cup down in front of me. I smiled and shook my head. "You didn't have to, noona," I said. She raised an eyebrow. "You were the one who paid for the ride," She said.

I shrugged and then remembered something. "Do you have any ice?" I asked. She nodded and pointed to the freezer. "Why would you want ice when you're drinking hot chocolate?" She asked, with a laugh.

I stood up and walked over to the freezer. I took out an ice pack and pulled ~~~~ to the side. "What are you-," She gasped when I placed it on her head.

"I'm sure your head still hurts," I said. She took the ice pack from my hand and held onto it herself. "I'll hold it," She said.

I sighed again and put my hands into my pockets. "How do you even put up with Yemi?" I questioned. "She's always making your life difficult," I frowned.

She shrugged. "People are different," She said, making her way to the living room. I followed her. "Yeah, she's different in the BAD way," I emphasized.

She laughed and sat down. "Why are you so mean?" She asked, patting the seat beside her. I looked at her with a surprised face and sat down. "Me, mean?" I asked, putting a hand to my chest. "Well, if you haven't noticed, she has been treating you like crap," I stated.

She opened to say something but I continued. "But now that everyone knows that she's the btich, you'll have more supporters besides me," I said.

She took the ice pack off of her head. I looked up at her. "Put it back-," I stopped reaching for the ice pack when she grabbed my hand.

My heart skipped a beat. When her hand touched mine...I felt an electrical shock run through my body. Fine. I'll admit it. I liked ~~~~ noona. Not as a friend, but as a woman. She was different and understanding. She was strong and didn't do anything to harm anyone even at times when she was hurt. Man, I can list more than a million qualities she has.

"Thank you, Jonghyun," She said. "Thank you for trusting and believing me," She patted my hand. I softened. "I'm always here for you, noona," I whispered. She smiled and nodded. "I know," She said.

"You want something to eat?" She asked me, standing up. "Wait," I said, grabbing her wrist. She looked down at me.


Your POV

Since Jonghyun, being the gentleman he was, paid for my ride home, I invited him into my house for hot chocolate. I couldn't possibly think of where my parents went this time.

"Here you go," I placed the cup down in front of him. He smiled and shook his head. "You didn't have to, noona," He said. I raised an eyebrow. "You were the one who paid for the ride," I said.

He shrugged. "Do you have any ice?" He suddenly asked. I nodded and pointed to the freezer. "Why would you want ice when you're drinking hot chocolate?" I asked, with a chuckle.

He stood up and walked over to the freezer. He took out an ice pack and pulled me to the side. "What are you-," I gasped at the coldness when he placed it on my head.

"I'm sure your head still hurts," He said. I paused for a second and took the ice pack from his hand and held onto it myself. It...did still hurt a bit. "I'll hold it," I said.

He sighed again and put his hands into his pockets. "How do you even put up with Yemi?" He questioned. "She's always making your life difficult," He frowned.

I shrugged. "People are different," I said, walking to the living room. "Yeah, she's different in the BAD way," He emphasized.

I laughed and sat down. "Why are you so mean?" I asked, patting the seat beside me. He looked at me with a surprised face and sat down. "Me, mean?" He asked, putting a hand to his chest. "Well, if you haven't noticed, she has been treating you like crap," He stated.

I opened my mouth to say something but he continued. "But now that everyone knows that she's the btich, you'll have more supporters besides me," He said.

I softened. Like I have always been, I was very thankful to have a friend like him.

I took the ice pack off of my head. He looked up at me. "Put it back-," He stopped reaching for the ice pack when I grabbed his hand.

"Thank you, Jonghyun," I said. "Thank you for trusting and believing me," I patted his hand. "I'm always here for you, noona," He whispered. I smiled and nodded. "I know," I said.

"You want something to eat?" I asked him, standing up. "Wait," He said, grabbing my wrist. I looked down at him.

He stood up. "I have something to tell you," He said. I tilted my head. "What is it, Jonghyun?" I asked.

He took my hands and there was a twinkle in his eyes. "I like you, noona," He firmly stated.



I AM SO SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE! D: I had to do a lot of this this Christmas so I didn't really have time to update >>

And I was watching Yoochun's Sungkyunkwan Scandal xD (I know, it's old, but I didn't get time to watch it when it came out D:) Man, he's such an amazing actor! :D



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Iminthezone #1
Ryughosh #2
Chapter 45: This story is not relatable on any form or kind....besides you have written the same again n again with using pov.....it doesn't make sense
Andreaaa06 #3
Chapter 63: This is so beautiful ❤️
Chapter 63: Yemi really pissed me ugh! But im glad jaejoong finally awake and go to her. I really want to have a friend like jonghyun
Good plot:)
Chapter 46: To be honest, it kinda pisses me off with all the changing P.o.V's but other than that, it's a really interesting storyline.
Chapter 43: My reaction: "Oh yo this ____-"
Chapter 53: wow.. what an idiot. I would have totally chosen the caring understanding and devoted Jonghyun over a guy who has the EQ and IQ of a doormat. I mean seriously... Jaejoong observes in his point of view that the main character (-----) is scared in presence of Yemi, then 3 paragraphs later accuses ----- of being violent? that doesn’t make sense. He treats her like ____ and stuff. wow she probably is mazochist. If they get married she’s probably going to end up as a battered wife.
I understand you like Jaejoong and wanted to make this a JJ-OFC fic, but don’t loose focus. He was too much of an _______ to make the decisions made by the OFC in relations to whom to date credible. She’s not a mad Cassie after all - it doesn’t make any sense.