You Want Me To Go With You?!

Everything Happens For A Reason

Your POV

“WHY DO I HAVE TO GO WITH YOU?!” I screamed, as Yemi pushed me into her car.

I’ve just met Yemi from music class. She was really friendly when she first talked to me. We’ve got to know each other and she was a nice friend and all, but she could get a bit pushy at times.

She applied for this planner job where you get to organize concerts, performances, events, and other “stuff” for some idol. I didn’t even want to know who he or she was because truthfully, I didn’t care about these things.

When she got a phone call at lunch saying she had an interview after school, she freaked out. But I went even crazier when she told me to go with her! Why would I go with her?! It made no sense! I asked her more than a million times why I should go with her, but she would say the same thing every time.

“I would feel more comfortable with you there” was her reply.

How comfortable do you want to get?! It’s an INTERVIEW!

Right when we were let out of our last class, she literally dragged me into her car. I told her that I really didn’t want the go and that I had homework. She ignored me and just pushed me into her car.

“It’d be fun!” She shouted as she started the car’s engine. My eyes widened. “HOW?! I’LL JUST BE SITTING THERE!” I protested.
She chuckled and shrugged. “Too bad~” She sung. I crossed my arms.

Fun? This was ridiculous. I’ve never heard of anyone going to an INTERVIEW WITH THEIR FRIEND!

“This is stupid. Can you just drop me off here? I can walk home myself,” I groaned. She shook her head. “No. No. That will not do, ~~~~,” She said. “Anyways, you can gain some experience with interviews,” She explained. I rolled my eyes.

She will never get persuaded with anything.

“Where are we going?” I asked her. “Don’t you have to go home and find something to wear?” I sighed.
She smiled and shook her head. “I’ve been prepared for this interview since like, FOREVER!” She shouted. “Look in the back seat, my clothes are there,” She said.

I looked behind me and sure enough, a nice dress was softly laid in a plastic bag.

Yemi’s Outfit:

“Wow,” I said. “Are you obsessed with this job or something?” I guess. She eagerly nodded. “Yea. Yea. Yea,” She said.
“You’re unbelievable,” I whispered. “I heard that!” She lightly hit my arm. I stuck my tongue out at her and looked outside the window, waiting for all this to be over.


Kim Yemi’s POV

Oh my god! You’d never guess who the idols I would be working for were! DBSK!

I was so happy that I almost pulled my hair out when I received the phone call. I was a HUGE fan of DBSK since they debuted. They’re talented, handsome, hot, good –looking, cute and all the other AWESOME qualities they have.

But, I was a bit nervous. That’s why I asked ~~~~ to come with me! Hehe. I knew she didn’t want to go and that she wasn’t interested in idols, but it’d be fun! She has never had a job before and she can gain some experience when I was interviewing. All in all, we both can gain some advantage.

I went into the bathroom in the building and quickly changed. I walked out and ~~~~ was leaning against the wall, bored.

I laughed. “Let’s go,” I said, grabbing her hand and pulling her into the elevator. “Third floor,” I whispered to myself.
~~~~ let out a big sigh. “You better get this job,” She said. “If you don’t, I’ll cry instead of you,” She glared at me. I laughed. “I hope too,” I wished.


Your POV

We were sitting in front of a door where people came in and out from. Surprisingly, interviewee could bring in friends or relatives. That’s pretty…interesting.

I looked over at Yemi and I noticed how nervous she was. I gently patted her shoulder and gave her a gentle nod. She softly sighed and nodded back.

“Kim Yemi,” Someone called.

Yemi jumped. I lightly patted her thigh and stood up. She stood up and took a deep breath. Then she went up to the door, while I stood closely behind her. She knocked the door and someone called “Come in”.


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Iminthezone #1
Ryughosh #2
Chapter 45: This story is not relatable on any form or kind....besides you have written the same again n again with using doesn't make sense
Andreaaa06 #3
Chapter 63: This is so beautiful ❤️
Chapter 63: Yemi really pissed me ugh! But im glad jaejoong finally awake and go to her. I really want to have a friend like jonghyun
Good plot:)
Chapter 46: To be honest, it kinda pisses me off with all the changing P.o.V's but other than that, it's a really interesting storyline.
Chapter 43: My reaction: "Oh yo this ____-"
Chapter 53: wow.. what an idiot. I would have totally chosen the caring understanding and devoted Jonghyun over a guy who has the EQ and IQ of a doormat. I mean seriously... Jaejoong observes in his point of view that the main character (-----) is scared in presence of Yemi, then 3 paragraphs later accuses ----- of being violent? that doesn’t make sense. He treats her like ____ and stuff. wow she probably is mazochist. If they get married she’s probably going to end up as a battered wife.
I understand you like Jaejoong and wanted to make this a JJ-OFC fic, but don’t loose focus. He was too much of an _______ to make the decisions made by the OFC in relations to whom to date credible. She’s not a mad Cassie after all - it doesn’t make any sense.