Chapter 59 : The Decision and A Little Secret

The Heiress & I
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“I….” stated Taeyeon calmly after she took a deep breath. 
Tiffany nervously waited the petite Kim to continue her sentence.
“I’ll be the dad of your baby, but I have some conditions” stated Taeyeon coldly.
“What are they?” asked Tiffany curiously.
“I’ll type them on the paper. Later we can discuss it together” replied Taeyeon still in cold tone.
“Miss Hwang, I want to ask question to you” stated Taeyeon. She sipped her juice before she continued her line.
“Ahh.. Why me?” asked Taeyeon expressionless.
Tiffany looked confused.
“I mean, why did you choose me to be your baby’s father? I think you knew many figures who are better than me. Whether it is woman or man” stated Taeyeon.
“Because, You are Minho’s best friend. I want my baby is raised by the best person” replied Tiffany calmly.
“What is your plan with the baby? I’m sure that you are really aware that many people around your circle hate me. They want me to die. Your Dad, Hwang Junsu, Your beloved ex-mother in law Kim Tae Hee, Your ex-father in law Kwon Tae Hyun also hates me. What is your reason in choosing me, Stephanie Hwang Miyoung?” asked Taeyeon curiously in flat tone.
Tiffany shut up.
“Hei answer me, please convince me that the baby inside your uterus is worth my name” stated Taeyeon cold.

Why Taetae behaves this cold? Where is the old warm Taetae? –TF.

“I’m sorry I drag you in this mess.. I made your life miserable. My dad hates you because of our separation. You left me without notice. You’re unreachable. I was desperately looking for you that time” stated Tiffany emotionally.
“What’s the point of you are looking for me? Don’t we a divorced couple? Isn’t that what you want?” asked Taeyeon in intimidating tone.
Tiffany remained silent for a moment before she answered Taeyeon’s question.
“Because I’m still loving you, until now Taetae. I realized that I made big mistake. I made a big mistake by deciding to doubt your love. I felt lonely when you left me after you signed that paper. I felt hurt when I saw you came in Soojung’s outfit to the court. You wore the clothes that I and Jessica bought for Soojung. I didn’t know what you did with Soojung the night before our trial” stated Tiffany, she streamed her tears down.
“It’s not your business Miyoung-ah. I didn’t protest when you ed Minho. My ex-wife ed my own best friend, I saw it with my own eyes. The pain I felt just damn hurt until I couldn’t feel anything. I never protest about it. At the end, I decided to withdraw my existence in your life. I decided to start a new life, in a new place with new people. When I have moved on from you, I decided to start new life with my fiancée. She loved me wholeheartedly. Month ago I decided to propose her to be my real wife. But the night that I expected to be the happiest night turned into the saddest night. We broke up. She chose to leave me in order to save my life, in order to save her family. Then you came here by saying that favor. I think it’s God’s way to heal my pained heart. He sends me a baby to take care of” stated Taeyeon emotionally.
The petite Kim tried to wipe her tears.
“Talking about Minho, don’t you know that he already passed away?” asked taeyeo

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