Chapter 36 : Is She?

The Heiress & I
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“Stephanie? Her mom sets up Taeyeon with Stephanie?” asked Jessica in disbelief tone.
“Yes, that’s what my ears heard, unnie” replied Soojung nonchalantly.
“But.. Does Yuri and” stated Jessica.
“Yeah, at first I reacted that way. But it seems the two only put an act about the relationship” stated Soojung coldly.
Jessica remained silent.
“That’s why I asked you about you dating Yuri or not, unnie” added Soojung.
Jessica busied her mind. She thought about Taeyeon being together with Stephanie.
“Unnie, are you with me?” asked Soojung after the girl got no response from her sister.
Still there was no reaction from Jessica.
“Jessica unnie, are you okay? Speak up don’t stay silent like that” stated Soojung.
“Aah.. mian Soojung-ah.. I just felt shock after heard your saying about Taeyeon and Stephanie” responded Jessica.
“It’s better you go home, unnie. You have to rest. I’ll be okay alone here, Don’t worry” said Soojung calmly.
“O-oh.. okay” replied Jessica shortly before she grabbed her bag and left the room.

Unnie acts weird, does she still love Tiffany?-SJ.

On the VVIP section corridor.
Jessica leaned her back on the wall, her memory flew back to the incident at Taeyeon’s apartment that morning.

Stephanie was there and wore Taeyeon’s shirt. Did they stay together? When I punched Taeyeon she just out from her bedroom in messy condition, Did they..-JS.

“Aaargh.. impossible, no. Taeyeon dated my sister, it’s impossible she cheated on Soojung, moreover with Stephanie” stated Jessica weakly.
Because of focus less, Jessica bumped into a feminine figure in front of her.
“Aah.. I’m sorry Miss” stated Jessica in sorry tone.
“Be careful when you’re walking next time” replied a lady coldly.
“Mrs. Kim Tae Hee” muttered Jessica.
“Yes?” responded the lady coldly.
“A-animnida.. I’m sorry for bumping into you” stated Jessica politely.
“Next time please be careful Miss Jung” stated Kim Tae Hee before she headed to the standing doctor.
Jessica saw the lady from a far. She hid herself behind the white wall.
“Good afternoon doctor” greeted Kim Tae Hee.
“Oh, Madam Kim. I’ve contacted Dr.Dantec and She’s agree to help your daughter until her sense of taste come back again” stated the doctor politely.
“Oh really, That’s relieved. Thanks for the help. I’ll tell my daughter about it after this” said Kim Tae Hee in delight.
“Yeah.. I just visited Miss Kim Taeyeon for regular check. It seems her condition is getting better. I’ll take my leave, Madam Kim. Good day” stated the doctor politely.
The doctor left the corridor and Kim Tae Hee came inside to the one VVIP room.

Kim taeyeon? Sense of taste come back? Dr.Dantec? what in the world actually happened to that midget?- JS.

With that Jessica left the hospital with big curiosity inside her mind.

Inside the VVIP room.

Seolhyun sat next to Taeyeon. The petite Kim played the TV remote lazily. The other Kim watched the other Kim in question. The door opened and revealed familiar lady.
“Hello girls, sorry for making you wait. Ah.. what are you doing my dear?” stated the lady warmly.
“Oh, auntie Tae Hee you’re here. Just watching some boring shows on TV and confusing Seolhyun probably” answered Taeyeon teasingly.
“Here I brought you some chips and fruit Seolhyunie..Sorry Taeyeon you are not allowed to eat them yet” stated Kim Tae Hee.
“Waaah..Thankyou Auntie, you’re the best” praised Seolhyun. The younger Kim opened the chip’s seal directly.
“By the way, I’ve made up a plan for you, Taeyeon-ah” stated Kim Tae Hee.
“A plan?” asked Taeyeon confusedly.
“It’s regarding to your medication. I’ve talked to your doctor, your taste problem can be cured. I found a great specialist, She resides in Paris. Dr.Janet Dantec. And She agreed to help you get your tongue return into normal” answered Tae Hee clearly.
“Paris? Whoa it’s very far from Korea, auntie.. can I be treated here in Seoul?” asked Taeyeon.
“Hmm.. no no..I want the best medication for my beloved daughter here, listen me.. just go to Paris, concentrate on your medication. Don’t think about money and everything. I’ve been cleared that for you. All you have to do is be a go

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