Chapter 46 : The Flashback

The Heiress & I
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Taeyeon was silent for few minutes after Soojung offered the deal. She knitted her temple, thinking about every chance, possibility the risk and effect. The midget sounded a loud sigh. Then she fixed her sitting position.
“Mmkay.. after did a deep thinking I decided to accept your offer. Promise me that there will be no feeling involved in this relationship, just pure casual relationship and mate since you  said that you need to be pleased because your husband couldn’t fulfill your need since he’s a gay man plus and I have my own need too. We’re free to date everyone we want to date, ah I forgot that you’re already married to that Jong In. Let’s enjoy our time well” stated Taeyeon in cheerful tone.
The woman in front of her showed a wide smile.
“I know you wouldn’t reject my offer. It’s good for both of us though. Just assumed it as stress reliever” stated Soojung bluntly.
“Right, haha you are crazy cunning woman, Soojungie. What kind of treatment that you received from your husband until the sweet and spoiled soojung flew away like dust and changed into y woman?” asked Taeyeon.
“Everything changed me since you broke my heart. I decided to lock the old soojung up deeper inside my heart” stated Soojung.
Taeyeon heard the girl’s line attentively.
“All right, let the past be the past. We have to live our life well from now on. Enjoy everything, don’t hurt yourself, arra?” replied the petite Kim in cool manner. She grabbed a slice of bread.
“Wow, I didn’t know that you can behave this jerk, Taeyeonie. Is it because of the divorce?” asked Soojung in shocked tone.
“Mmhm.. maybe. All I wanna do is enjoying my life as single woman now. I will make my heart happy, I don’t care what people say. They may label me as womanizer, jerk, or even bastard.. I don’t care. Why? because since the beginning I was treated like trash by my own biological parents. My mom used me as reason to achieve her goal, my dad wants me to die. My wife ah ani..ex-wife to be precise, she threw me because I did good thing, because I helped an old friend. I tried to forgive her doing. I tried to save my marriage life, Soojungie but what I got in return? A divorce paper, haha sad right?” stated Taeyeon nonchalantly. She munched her bread with bitter feeling.
“Well, just like you said.. let’s forget the past and live our present life well, just enjoy everything. Ah, by the way what should we do after this? What’s your plan?” asked Soojung to the petite Kim.
“Let me check my phone first, I left it inside my coat” stated Taeyeon.
Taeyeon took her phone on her coat. There were some missed call and text messages. She opened all of them. All of them are sent by the ex-wife, Tiffany Hwang.

From:  Our Darling
Kim Taeyeon where are you? I couldn’t find you in the bedroom

From: Our Darling
 Tae, why didn’t you reply my text? Where are you?

From: Our Darling
For the third time I ask you, where are you Kim Taeyeon?. Ok if you want to avoid me it’s your right. I just want to remind you that our first trial will be held tomorrow at 10 AM. Bring your attorney with you. Don’t you dare to miss the trial. I want this process is finished in quick time.

Taeyeon checked the clock on her phone. It’s 9.30 AM now. 
“Soojungie, can I borrow your clothes? I have trial at Paris town court at 10 AM” asked Taeyeon in rushed.
“Sure, take everything. It’s inside the wardrobe room. Are you sure you want to attend the trial, Taeyeonie.. and do you want me to come with you?” asked Soojung.
“Thanks for caring, Soojungie. Can you drive me to the court? since I left my car at the bar last night” asked Taeyeon calmly.
“Of course, it’s better you get yourself ready. I’ll be waiting outside and take my car first” replied Soojung.
“Thanks buddy” said Taeyeon shortly, she kissed her FWB’s lips quickly before she went inside the wardrobe room.

5’ later Taeyeon already dressed herself in casual outfit. She called her attorney and went to the court. Soojung drove the car like a pro racer.
Taeyeon arrived at the court on time. She paced her steps to the designated room. There, her ex-wife already sat on the prepared chair. Taeyeon bowed down to the judges and sat on the prepared chair. Tiffany saw the girl with sad expression. Taeyeon tried to hide her true emotion in front of the public. She composed herself, Taeyeon stayed calm during the trial.
“My lord, since I and my wife already signed the paper, I want to finish this process quickly. I’m sure that my marriage life couldn’t be saved anymore. My wife already explained her version too, I’m okay with that. I beg you to grant our divorce proposal” stated Taeyeon coldly. Her tears were nearly

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