Chapter 57 : I'm sorry, Goodbye.

The Heiress & I
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“Don’t you dare to lay your fingers on Kim Taeyeon, Uncle” stated Jessica coldly.
“Well, it’s depend on your decision, Sooyeon-ah” replied Jung Jae Min casually.
“For your information, many people want that Kim to die.. Kim Young Min’s family, Kwon Tae Hyun even Hwang Junsu also wants her to die. So, I’ll give an advice to you, leave her for your goodness. Please save your little sister who you dear the most. Her life is also in danger, Sooyeon-ah. As Soojung’s father, I beg you to save our Soojung from Young Min’s anger” added Jung Jae Min.
“Uncle, in return what will you do if I save Soojung and left Taeyeon?” asked Jessica carefully.
“I’ll do everything you want. It’s only me the one who know that Erika Kim is Kim Taeyeon. I’ll keep the information to myself. I won’t tell Kwon Tae Hyun and Young Min about this matter” answered Jung Jae Min.
“And what will happen to Taeyeon and Me if I refuse to save Soojung?” asked Jessica coldly.
“The worst possibility, both of you will die. Soojung too, Young Min may kill her too. You break Jung family, you lost your sister. The Kim will put hate on us and hunt our family down. Please, Sooyeon-ah, the ball is in your hands now. Throw them wisely” pleaded Jae Min nearly crying.
“Sooyeon-ah please help me. Please save our lives. I have no power now, Young Min and Tae Hyun control me. I’m their puppet. It’s you the one who can save me. I admitted that I’m guilty and too greedy for power. I forced Soojung to marry that guy, I made you hated by Kim Tae Hee and Hwang Junsu until you almost lost your life. At least, let me save Taeyeon’s life. I know that you love her wholeheartedly. If you agree to do this deal, I’ll be faithful to you and Taeyeon in the future. I’ll protect her secretly. I promise, Sooyeon-ah” begged Jung Jae Min emotionally.
“Promise me if I agree to do this deal, you will leave Taeyeon alone. You will protect her above your own life. Let’s seal this deal legally. If you break the deal, I’ll send you to the jail for the rest of your life. I want to torment you slowly, uncle” responded Jessica coldly.
“I will do everything for you, Sooyeon-ah.. and there is one more problem” stated Jung Jae Min hesitantly.
“What’s again, uncle?” asked Jessica.
“The Jung’s company is in danger. Kwon Tae Hyun manipulated me and snatched away our company little by little” answered Jung Jae Min guiltily.
“What do you want me to do, uncle? Throw all the s to me” responded Jessica expressionless.
“Please help me to save our company, Sooyeon-ah.  Do you remember Kwon Tyler, the son of Kwon family that loves you the most?” pleaded Jung Jae Min.
“Yes, I remember him. He’s my sunbae in Stanford. What should I do with him? Doing business negotiation?” asked Jessica bluntly.
“Yes you may say that. Marry him in order to save The Jungs. Remember that Your Grandpa, Your Dad and Me built this business from zero. I know it’s my fault that created ty mess like this. You’re the Jungs’ savior, Sooyeon-ah. I promise I will do everything you tell me to do obediently” closed Jung Jae Min.
“Ok, if it’s the case. Give me more time to finish my business here. Once I cleared all things here, I’ll go back to Seoul. Don’t interrupt me” stated Jessica expressionless.
Jung Jae Min nodded his head.
“Ok, I’ll go now. See you later in Seoul” dismissed Jessica.
Jessica left the villa. Once Jessica left the villa, Jung Jae Min took his cellphone and dia

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