Chapter 58

What If
Chapter 58

Yoomin's POV

"Okay class," Ms Ukiro's raspy voice could be heard above the din that was our class. It's a surprise I could still hear her from the back.

Today is our first day. February 14.

"Please get into your proper pairings and we shall explore the whole huge garden together," Ms Ukiro said in her fluent Japanese. She ended her early speech with a cough and a sneeze. The cold was really getting to most of us already.

I was wearing three layers of covering and it was still too cold. I had worn a white singlet inside and topped it with a grey knitted sweater. And of course I had a brown leather jacket, courtesy of Jiyoo's cabinet. I was also wearing a beanie on top of that. But it was still cold. I could feel the blood just under my skin on my face freezing over whenever the wind blows. I wish I hadn't been stubborn and brought my gloves like what my mother had said.

"Please make sure you follow the group because this garden is huge and we don't we to leave out one of you, alright?"

Ms Ukiro then clapped her hand and pulled her jacket close to herself. The whole class, started moving off to their own pairs and followed Ms

Just as I was about to step along, a hand grabbed me by my elbow, stirring me around.

"I've been here before," Sungmin's voice came into my ears. It was soft and gentle.

I looked up at him and watched him smile slowly.

"I'll give you a one-to-one tour," he said  pulling my hand slowly. "I promise,"

"Promise what?" I asked as he pulled me along.

"I'll be a good guide."

He held onto me tightly, his hand unbelievably warm, was such a comfortable thing to have on my hands. I don't even know why I'm following him.

He probably noticed my freezing fingers because he stopped and turned to look at me and then at our hands.

"You're unbelievably cold," he said, pulling my hand upclose to his face.

"And you're unbelievably hot," I said back.

"I've always been," he replied smirking at the same time.

He pulled my two hands and cupped with both his hands and started rubbing them, the friction generating a little warmth into my frozen hands. He blowed at it and continued rubbing until my hands were warmed enough.

"Better?" he asked, taking my hand into his again and pulling me along.

"Never been any better," I replied smiling along.

He then intertwined our fingers. I yelped in response shocked at his boldness. But before I could speak, he replied the question that was yet forming in my head.

"It will keep your fingers from easily dropping off because of the cold," he said, pulling me along as we walked further and further away from our class.

"I'll show you my favourite spot," he smiled, turning around briefly to look at  me before tugging me faster down a small corridor made of what looks like eggplants, its vines curling around the thin post which connected overhead. It looked almost fairytale-like with all the snow but minus the tiny purple eggplants that hang on the sides. It's pretty amazing to see the eggplants here still able to grow despite the cold weather. I wonder how. I know Seonhee would be intrigued. If only -

"Here it is," Sungmin said, jerking me back to present as he stopped in front of a huge tree. It looked just like an ordinary tree. It had spindly branches that drooped low with the heaviness of its leaves and the snow that weighed on top of it.

"Emmm, okay?"

He shook his head violently and pulled me close to the tree and pointed at the bark of the tree.


Takashi love Maya

Tom and Emma forever

Junsu Sora saranghae

It was carved on the tree. Names after names lost in etched barks of years of years of visitors. Practically every part of the tree that I laid my eyes on was covered with the scribbles of lovers.

"Come here," Sungmin tugged on my hand to show me the other side of the tree.

He then pointed at a name on the brown bark.

Sungmin and -

Sungmin and? And who? Eh?

"Go write your name!" he urged me on, pointing at a carving knife on a table under the tree.

There's only one-

"There's only one spot left," he spoke, pointing at the space beside his name. It's like as if he could read my mind.

I nodded and bit my lips, not daring to look him in the eye, feeling a little whoozy at his physical closeness to me. I gripped the carving knife cautiously as I began etching my name.

The carving knife kept getting caught on the bark and refused to follow the way I want it to go.

"Come let me teach you how to," Sungmin said, a hint of annoyance evident in his voice as he put his arm behind me, his right hand gripping mine as he guided my hand on how to carve my own name.

"Like this," he murmured into my ear.

I could feel my pulse quickening and my heartbeat ramming against my ribs, threatening to escape. His warm hand kept me comfortable the whole time even though my mind is an incoherent mess.

"Em, excuse me?" came Ryeowook's voice that sounded a little like he wanted to laugh.

And then the murmurings of familiar classmates of mine.

And Ms Ukiro's shrill yelp at finding us not behind her the whole time to listen to her tour-guiding.

Sungmin slowly let go of my hand and both our hands fell to our sides.

They did not just see that. They did not just see it.

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Chapter 65: I read this all chaps. just in 1 day and gah! I like this Oh no! no! I love this story! I hope u continue this story :) I'll be waiting~ hwaiting~!! /winks/
I deeply apologize for my long absence .. I have been so busy with school that I have been unable to update the fanfic at all. I hope you readers would forgive me. But I still continue to write the chapters slowly.. And perhaps tmr I would upload the chapter 63. Please do continue to support!! 정말 미안합니다! :/
wae you no continue???? ;(
Ame-chan #4
Thanks for this chapter, since the beginning I have been for Yoomin and Sungmin but this trip to Japan is starting slowly to change my mind XD
Fighting !
Thank you thankYou so much for being so understanding!:) I had such an emo mode , it was going to be bad for the story if I touched it because the whole story will be affected by the way I feel and my mood. But u know what, ur motivation helps me keep afloat!:) I SHALL COME BACK WITH AN AWESOME CHAP!!
DomiKitty #6
WOW thank you!! OMG poor Eunhyuk :( and Yoomin~ please look at Donghae T_T
Its ok, dont feel pressured to write. Sort out your problems first :) we support you <3
Ooo it's okay dongseang, cheer up and keep smiling no matter what happens. :P
NOOOOO EUNHYUK!!!!! ...and wahayy for Sungmin ;)
Ooo.....Eunhyuk got caught.. Update soon!