Chapter 39

What If
Chapter 39

Donghae's POV

Yoomin is sitting beside Sungmin. Darn it!

"Donghae, are you not playing?" Siwon hyung asked, patting the space beside him. Everyone was already seated on the floor except for Eunhyuk who grabbed a bottle from the table in the kitchen.

On Yoomin's right was Sungmin (asdfghjkl!) and on her left was Seonhee. Varsha, who didn't really feel like going back home just yet, and decided to stay over at the chalet as well, sat down beside Sungmin. She was constantly glancing at him but he just ignored it and politely, no scratch that, fakely smiled. Jiyoo seated herself beside her with Siwon hyung on her other side. Having not much options to the seating arrangement, although I'm dying to ask Seonhee if I could swap with her, I sat cross-legged down beside Siwon hyung. Leeteuk then followed and sat down beside me.

"Hey!" Eunhyuk said, as he approached us, holding the almost empty 7-Up softdrink bottle. "I want to sit beside Donghae!"

Leeteuk then moved slowly to his right, next to Seonhee, giving space for Eunhyuk to sit next to me.

"But I want to sit next to Seonhee too."

"YAHHH!" Leeteuk shouted, very much annoyed, before swapping seats with Seonhee, to sit next to Yoomin.

So, from my right, it was Eunhyuk followed by Seonhee, then Leeteuk, Yoomin, Jerk-Sungmin, Varsha, Jiyoo, Siwon hyung and then me.

"Since it's Yoomin's birthday, we should give her the first spin!" Seonhee said, clapping her hands excitedly, her brown curls bouncing as she did.

"Wait, does everyone know each other here?" Jiyoo asked, raising her hand to stopping everyone to listen to her.

"Well, I don't think everyone knows me yet," Varsha replied, smiling from ear to ear.

"Me too," Jerk-Sungmin said, nodding.

"Hmm, me three," Siwon hyung agreed, nodding.

"I only really know my students," he continued, clearing his throat.

"Okay, then intro yourselves."

Varsha then stood up, turning to Jerk-Sungmin first then to the rest of us.

"I'm Varsha, I love to read Harry Potter books and I love guys who are cool and awesome and so on and so forth," she said, gesturing wildly with her hands.

That's Varsha for you.

"I'm in Law, as most of you would already have known," she continued.

"I think that's about it," Jiyoo cut in, afraid that Varsha might continue on to her long an eventful life story, which usually happen when you let her.


"Sungmin! Your turn!" Varsha squealed.

Oh God, i thought, shaking my head at her.

So Jerk-Sungmin introduced himself, acting cool and all, to which I didn't want to listen to, and instead busied myself with my fingers, catching only fragments of what he said such as martial arts and guitar.

When he sat back down, I thought I caught Yoomin grinning at him. That jerk!

I was almost beside myself with frustration, and was merely holding back my anger. If only I could give that jerk a piece of me, and a really good knuckle sandwich, how he would wish he had not come for this party at all.

"I'm Siwon," Siwon hyung began, smiling politely to everyone. "I'm eighteen years-"


"We all know okay!"

"Stop pretending!"

"We're your students!"

"Who are you trying to trick here?"

"Fine fine fine," he laughed and continued, "Can't I just pretend for the night?"

"It's already morning!"

"What good will it do?"

"You're not 18 and that's a fact, accept it!"

"Okay okay, I forgot I'm with my law students," he replied, raising his hands in surrender. When he finished his introduction, the game began. I almost forgot my frustrations as the game proceeded.

Seonhee did a dare which involved Eunhyuk, to which i don't think i should give such gross cheesy details. When it was Seonhee's turn to spin the bottle, it stopped at Sungmin.

"Truth or Dare!" everyone chorused.

"Dare! Dare! Dare!" Eunhyuk chanted under his breathe and soon everyone, except me of course, was chanting the same thing.

That monkey! Like as if he wasn't my bestfriend!

"Okay okay, a dare then!"

"PEPPERO GAME!!" Seonhee and Varsha squealed together.

NO WAY!! I thought, a panic look sweeping over my face. They cannot! Not Yoomin, please not-

"With Yoomin?" he asked.

"Yes!" Seonhee squealed just as Varsha screamed, "No with me!"

I bit my lips, clenching my fist on my knee. I then felt a hand pat my heated-up fist, trying to calm me down.

"Relax, it's a game," Siwon hyung whispered.

"Why me?" Yoomin asked.

"Because I want," Sungmin replied back.


If Siwon hyung had not been beside me, I swear SungMin's body would be lying at one corner, beyond recognition.


Yoomin's POV

"With Yoomin?"

I heard my name. He wants to do peppero game with me?

. Oh no Yoomin, what to do??

I felt my heart racing a hundred times faster than the usual, hands sweating, hair on my skin standing, sight blurring.

Oh my gosh, this is not happening.

"Why me?" I asked, probably using up all my energy to just utter those two words.

I felt weak and I swear if I was standing, I would have already fallen onto the floor.

"Because I want," he replied, flashing me one of his smile. I felt a fuzzy feeling in my stomach and I couldn't almost breathe.

If by just his smile, I'm already a mess, if I play the game with him, what would be left of me?

He placed one end of the peppero stick into his mouth, before turning to face me, waiting for me to bite the other end.

Oh my gosh, Yoomin are you seriously doing this? Oh . I think I might need the toilet, I suddenly felt a strong urge to pee.

As awkward as this would be, I held onto his shoulders and gingerly approached my end of the peppero stick. As soon as I bite on on it, I heard squeals erupting in our circles and loud cheers. And one distinct curse. Which I bet came from Donghae. But I was long gone to understand or hear what he said.

Slowly, we took turns to bite our peppero stick until our lips were only a centimeter away from each other. I gripped his shoulder tighter, afraid of what might happen.

He looked at me intently, causing me to blink my eyes as I felt my face redden at his intense gaze. I stopped biting my end. He continued biting his side.

Closer and closer he moved.

Just as his lips brushed against mine for a short fraction of a second, causing an electric  current to pass through me, he bit it fully.

It happened so fast. Like as if it didn't happen. Did it?

Or was I just imagining it?

I turned to look at his face, to see any sign of blush or a look that would have confirmed, what only the two of us know, that it did happen.

Nothing. His face was cool, relax and was smiling at everyone, laughing along as Eunhyuk told a joke.

Did it? Or did it not?

I touched my lips, remembering how softly, how quickly his met mine. Like as if it didn't happen.

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Chapter 65: I read this all chaps. just in 1 day and gah! I like this Oh no! no! I love this story! I hope u continue this story :) I'll be waiting~ hwaiting~!! /winks/
I deeply apologize for my long absence .. I have been so busy with school that I have been unable to update the fanfic at all. I hope you readers would forgive me. But I still continue to write the chapters slowly.. And perhaps tmr I would upload the chapter 63. Please do continue to support!! 정말 미안합니다! :/
wae you no continue???? ;(
Ame-chan #4
Thanks for this chapter, since the beginning I have been for Yoomin and Sungmin but this trip to Japan is starting slowly to change my mind XD
Fighting !
Thank you thankYou so much for being so understanding!:) I had such an emo mode , it was going to be bad for the story if I touched it because the whole story will be affected by the way I feel and my mood. But u know what, ur motivation helps me keep afloat!:) I SHALL COME BACK WITH AN AWESOME CHAP!!
DomiKitty #6
WOW thank you!! OMG poor Eunhyuk :( and Yoomin~ please look at Donghae T_T
Its ok, dont feel pressured to write. Sort out your problems first :) we support you <3
Ooo it's okay dongseang, cheer up and keep smiling no matter what happens. :P
NOOOOO EUNHYUK!!!!! ...and wahayy for Sungmin ;)
Ooo.....Eunhyuk got caught.. Update soon!