Chapter 47

What If
Chapter 47

At Kona Beans

Eunhyuk's POV

In just three weeks, I couldn't believe that so many things could change. For one thing, Yoomin and Seonhee are no longer in speaking terms, almost like as if they had not known each other. And since Jiyoo was always with Yoomin, Seonhee has also cut off her communication with her. Seonhee was always with her new friend, Sooyeon recently. This new friend of her, there's something about her, but I just can't pinpoint it.


She was always hanging around Seonhee so much so that Seonhee and I could no longer spend time with just the two of us. Whenever we go for meals, she was always there. Never leaving. I mean, perhaps it was helping Seonhee in some way, but...I just don't like it.

I was sipping my cafe latte that Seonhee had made for me while she was working. She was wiping dry some glasses and placing them back in the shelves. When she caught me staring at her, she smiled and turned around so as to not face me, face probably blushing. Sooyeon on the other hand, was sitting infront of me, doing her Fundamental of Medicine homework. She was also waiting for Seonhee to knock off work at 10.30pm.

"How's Law for you?" she asked me, as I was writing up my essay for Siwon hyung which was supposed to be handed up two days ago.

"Alright," I replied flatly.

"Hmm," she responded, turning her attention back to her homework.

"How long have you and Seonhee been together?" she asked, eyes still on her homework.

"8 months."

"Hmm," she responded again, not looking up.

She also has this habit of questioning a lot of things that doesn't concern her. Like at one time when we were waiting for Seonhee to knock off work, she asked me, "Who really is Donghae to Yoomin?"

I had an argument with Seonhee at my house once about Sooyeon's excessive questioning. Seonhee reasoned that she was merely being curious and was being polite to start up a conversation with me.

"But whatever Yoomin and Donghae were wasn't any of her business!" I argued back.

"You're not Yoomin and Donghae, why are you so annoyed?!" she screamed back.

"But those were others personal stuff she shouldn't be questioning!"

"You could have just said you couldn't say! It's not like as if she was going to kill you if you don't tell her!"

And that heated argument ended up with Seonhee storming out of my house. Everything was fine again, thank goodness, the next day, like as if that argument didn't happen at all, and Sooyeon was still always with us.

"How's everything holding up?"

Seonhee asked as she walked over to our table. She kneeled on the floor and supporting her head with her two arms, elbows leaning on the table.

"Good, everything good," I replied. I looked at my watch, while trying to stifle a yawn. It was 10.35pm.

"Are you almost done?" I asked her, pulling her to sit on the space beside me. She nodded and rested her head on the table.

"I'm so tired," she said, pouting a little, as she faced me with her head on the table.

I tucked a loose strand of her brown curls behind her ear before replying, saying, "Go change then we'll go."

She nodded and skipped off to the back of their kitchen to get ready to go. I was about to shove my belongings back into my bag when I caught Sooyeon staring right at me.

"What?" I asked, jerking her back to present from her whatever daydream.

"Nothing," she replied and quickly averted her stare elsewhere and too began packing up her stuff.

Seonhee's POV

We were walking quietly, Sooyeon, Eunhyuk and I, towards my house. It had been a long tiring day for me and it was already 11.25 pm. It was also quite a chilly night, a soft wind blowing as the crescent moon shone brightly above.

"Thanks a lot for being here for me," I spoke, turning to each of my side on Eunhyuk and Sooyeon, smiling at each one of them.

"It was alright," Sooyeon responded, placing her arm over my shoulder. "At least I finished my homework."

"I had been doing this all this while, for as long as I can remember," Eunhyuk spoke, intertwining his fingers with mine. I looked at our intertwined fingers then at him. His eyes had a certain sparkle, concern and love readable from his expressions.

It has been almost three weeks without my bestfr- Yoomin and Jiyoo. I admit I still do miss them, no, scratch that, I miss them loads. I know I'm supposed to feel grateful that I have Eunhyuk and now Sooyeon with me as well. I think if they weren't around for me, this time would have been a lot difficult. There's not a day that go without me feeling regret that I walked out on our table that day, if I could only turn back the time, I wouldn't have done that.

But even if I do miss their company, I wasn't going to be the first one to apologize. It wasn't my fault to begin with.

"So how are you two going back?" I asked them.

"It's quite late already, I guess I'll take a taxi home," Sooyeon replied quietly.

"How about you and Eunhyuk take the taxi home together? It's safer that way. Anyway, you guys live near each other."

I turned to Eunhyuk and squeezed his hands and smiled at him. He nodded and turned to Sooyeon, "Sure."

"That would be great," Seonhee replied, smiling hugely at Eunhyuk.

As we neared my house, I turned to both of them.

"Stay safe both of you," I hugged Sooyeon and then Eunhyuk before going  taking out my key to open my house.

The least I could do is cherish this ones I have with me now.

I shuffled slowly into my room, switching on the light to fill the room with brightness. I threw my bag on the floor beside my bed. The bed looked so inviting, calling me to lie on it and have a good 7 hours of sleep. But I couldn't spare it a moment, as I turned to my study table, i saw the mountain-like pile of projects, homeworks and books.

The only thing I'm afraid of now, is that my parents would find out about my grades. I tried really hard to pull up these grades of mine but they continue to make a dip.

"It's going to be a very long night," I whispered to myself, walking over to the study table. I plopped down on my swiveling chair and buried myself in my work.

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Chapter 65: I read this all chaps. just in 1 day and gah! I like this Oh no! no! I love this story! I hope u continue this story :) I'll be waiting~ hwaiting~!! /winks/
I deeply apologize for my long absence .. I have been so busy with school that I have been unable to update the fanfic at all. I hope you readers would forgive me. But I still continue to write the chapters slowly.. And perhaps tmr I would upload the chapter 63. Please do continue to support!! 정말 미안합니다! :/
wae you no continue???? ;(
Ame-chan #4
Thanks for this chapter, since the beginning I have been for Yoomin and Sungmin but this trip to Japan is starting slowly to change my mind XD
Fighting !
Thank you thankYou so much for being so understanding!:) I had such an emo mode , it was going to be bad for the story if I touched it because the whole story will be affected by the way I feel and my mood. But u know what, ur motivation helps me keep afloat!:) I SHALL COME BACK WITH AN AWESOME CHAP!!
DomiKitty #6
WOW thank you!! OMG poor Eunhyuk :( and Yoomin~ please look at Donghae T_T
Its ok, dont feel pressured to write. Sort out your problems first :) we support you <3
Ooo it's okay dongseang, cheer up and keep smiling no matter what happens. :P
NOOOOO EUNHYUK!!!!! ...and wahayy for Sungmin ;)
Ooo.....Eunhyuk got caught.. Update soon!