Chapter 16

What If

In Jiyoo's POV

2.55pm. God, why doesn't the time just past already? It's okay it's okay, 5 more minutes.

I hurriedly walked down the stairs towards the 'Mushroom', taking the steps in three. I wonder where we would have our lesson today?

I half-ran to the Mushroom and even from a distance, I spotted him at the round seats, constantly looking around himself, probably looking for me.

I felt myself swell with pride and excitement as I went up behind him quietly. He didn't notice me coming. Slowly, I tapped him on his shoulders.

He turned around then looked up at me and smiled. I swear I can drown in that smile of his...

I felt blood rushing to my face, coloring me. He chuckled while he stood up and took my books from me ever so gently, slightly touching my hands. I blushed again, even redder at the contact.

He smiled at me, as I stared transfixed on the floor, when he touched my face.

"So cute," he mumbled. I looked at him in wonder. He was still staring at me in an apparent daze. When he noticed that I was staring back at him, curiosity evident in my face, he jerked back to reality.

"Oh, let's go," he said smilingly and pulled me towards the Business School building.

My heartbeat quickened, I swear I can hear it pounding in my ears. His grip on my wrists was tight but it didn't hurt, if anything, it made me feel good. Walking under the sun didn't feel so exhausting anymore. I pulled my bag closer to myself, because it was in danger of dropping and I have no intention of going down and ruin this moment for both of us by picking up a bag that dropped.

I was aware that some people, including a few teachers' heads turned as we walked past. But that was the least of my worries. It was probably the last thing on Siwon's list of things to be bothered about too, because never did he let go.

He opened the classroom door and held it for me to enter.

"After you," he smiled sweetly, my eyes transfixed at his lips that curled perfectly in a smile, remaining outside the classroom. I blinked when he gave me a gentle push to enter, and reluctantly tore myself from his smile and walked into the empty dim classroom.

As soon as he entered, he closed the door behind him.

He then switched on the lights and the air-conditioning while gesturing for me to take a seat on the chair in the middle of the room.

He sat down beside me, dropping his bag onto the floor and placing the books on his desk.

"Shall we begin our lessons?"

Donghae's POV

When were we close? I shook my head, the words I heard uttered to me almost  six hours ago, continued to echo in my head. Yoomin, didn't you understand by what I meant when I said that I liked you a lot?

I squeezed my eyes tight as I walked down the corridor for my next class, willing myself to forget it and move on. But I couldn't. I couldn't even begin to point where the pain is coming from.  It's just... It's just...

Aish. Forget it Donghae, I told myself. Just forget it.

I continued walking to my class absent-mindedly, when I slammed into someone.


"Hey," I called out. But he ignored me and continued walking away, sparing me no glance. I shrugged, momentarily forgetting Yoomin in my head.

As I continued walking, I passed by a classroom. There weren't any Legal Comm class in the afternoon, I thought.  Curious, I took a peek at clear glass on the door and saw Mr Siwon and Jiyoo having a conversation.

Must be her extra lessons, and shrugged and walked off.


I turned around at the sound of my name.


"How have you been?"

Forget it, Donghae. Forget it.

"I'm good. You have time?"

She nodded and we turned to the opposite direction, away from my lessons. Away from where the pain originates from.

Yoomin's POV

Where is he? He's supposed to be here. Beside me. Because...he is my partner.

Where are you?


Thanks so much to readers and subscribers!! I hope you find this update good!!!! HAHAHA:)

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Chapter 65: I read this all chaps. just in 1 day and gah! I like this Oh no! no! I love this story! I hope u continue this story :) I'll be waiting~ hwaiting~!! /winks/
I deeply apologize for my long absence .. I have been so busy with school that I have been unable to update the fanfic at all. I hope you readers would forgive me. But I still continue to write the chapters slowly.. And perhaps tmr I would upload the chapter 63. Please do continue to support!! 정말 미안합니다! :/
wae you no continue???? ;(
Ame-chan #4
Thanks for this chapter, since the beginning I have been for Yoomin and Sungmin but this trip to Japan is starting slowly to change my mind XD
Fighting !
Thank you thankYou so much for being so understanding!:) I had such an emo mode , it was going to be bad for the story if I touched it because the whole story will be affected by the way I feel and my mood. But u know what, ur motivation helps me keep afloat!:) I SHALL COME BACK WITH AN AWESOME CHAP!!
DomiKitty #6
WOW thank you!! OMG poor Eunhyuk :( and Yoomin~ please look at Donghae T_T
Its ok, dont feel pressured to write. Sort out your problems first :) we support you <3
Ooo it's okay dongseang, cheer up and keep smiling no matter what happens. :P
NOOOOO EUNHYUK!!!!! ...and wahayy for Sungmin ;)
Ooo.....Eunhyuk got caught.. Update soon!