The Conflict


Kim Jong Kook mockingly smiled, in front of his half-brother, when Ji Hyo answered his call. "Guess you have to choose between your career and her now." he then told Jin Hyuk. Jin Hyuk smiled back at him as he replied, "I didn't know that a time like this will come, Kim Jong Kook-ssi." Jong Kook let go of his smile when Jin Hyuk called him by his name. "How rude. Don't you know how to respect someone older than you?" he then commented. "Respect is given to those who deserve it." then told Jin Hyuk. "No wonder why I don't respect your mom." Jong Kook, without thinking, answered back to Jin Hyuk, who might have killed him, if looks can kill.

Ji Hyo's clothes are very casual. She's just wearing black jeans, and a white shirt. She put on a cap, and tied her hair. "Where are you going?" asked Suk Jin when he saw her running towards the gate. "I have to meet Jin Hyuk oppa, Suk Jin oppa." she answered as she opened the gate without turning back. She stopped a taxi, and fortunately, it stopped in front of her. "Hotel Kim, please." she told the driver. A little while later, she's already at the entrance of the said hotel. She looked at the tall building, and was reminded of Jong Kook and his family's elite status. She sighed heavily as she hurried herself toward the reserved room.

Jong Kook and Jin Hyuk, were sitting one seat apart, when she came inside the room. She was surprised when the sea of people, who are obviously from the entertainment industry, shifted their positions to take a good picture of her. She was very confused as she tried to cover her face. She was trying her best to cover her face while looking at the two men, who were just sitting there, doing nothing. Her facial expression changed. She then let go of her hand to reveal her bare face to the all the paparazzi. She then glared at the two men, who were obviously surprised at her reaction. She walked forward to where the two are sitting.

Ji Hyo almost got blinded by the flashes of cameras that are being used as soon as she entered the room. As she walked towards Jong Kook and Jin Hyuk, much more cameras, followed her every move. She's now standing in front of the siblings. Both Jong Kook and Jin Hyuk were looking at her. Her anger is very visible on her face. "Do you know how I am hating the two of you right now?" she asked in a soft tone as she's aware of the camcorders. "Stop treating me like a trophy, that you two, need to have. Act your ages!" she warned in annoyance.

Jong Kook and Jin Hyuk were about to stand up as Ji Hyo was about to turn around, however, one of the present paparazzi in Hotel Kim, was actually the one who took the picture of Ji Hyo, when they went to Ha Ha's restaurant. "Oh! Isn't she the woman in red dress at Ha Ha's restaurant?" the paparazzo, named Kang Gary, asked. She was then startled enough for her to be expressionless again. Jong Kook and Jin Hyuk were as surprised as she was, so they were silent for a moment. Gary's assistant, Gil, whispered something to him.

Ji Hyo looked at the two men again, and she looked at her boyfriend after. She wants him to help her get rid of the situation but she knows that once she admits that Jin Hyuk is her boyfriend, his career will be ruined. She has been with him for three years, and she knows that Jin Hyuk isn't ready to reveal the relationship yet. Jin Hyuk shook his head as she saw him mouthed the words - 'Don't worry!'. Jin Hyuk took the microphone to reveal that he's actually dating her, and that he is no longer concerned about his career as long as he's with her.

Jin Hyuk was about to speak up, however, Gary revealed something in front of the sea of people inside the enormous conference room of Kim Jong Kook's family. Gary told this one aloud, "It has been confirmed that, that woman and Kim Jong Kook-ssi, are engaged-to-be-married. According to my reliable source, the meeting of the two families was held in the famous glass restaurant near this hotel." Ji Hyo stared at Jin Hyuk upon hearing what reporter Gary has mentioned. Her eyes are tearing up when she saw Jin Hyuk's bitter smirk.

Jong Kook saw Ji Hyo's saddened expression upon hearing what Gary has announced. He didn't know why seeing Ji Hyo's sad expression made him want to grab the microphone, and deny things just to see her smile again. But when he was about to speak it up, Gary butted in again as he added some information, "Also the black car, where that woman was sitting on in the picture, belongs to Kim Jong Kook. At first, it was believed to be Choi Jin Hyuk's car, but because one of the waiters in the said restaurant has already confessed, there's no doubt now. Kim Jong Kook and that pretty lady over there are soon-to-be-married." 

"Oppa..." she called Jin Hyuk's name for help. She's actually confused now.  Lately, she has been getting annoyed at Jin Hyuk for he has been acting so strange. Yes, it is true that she understands that Jin Hyuk's dream, is to become a famous celebrity, even if she doesn't know the reason behind it. But she also knows that, if the issue between her and Jong Kook will be written or broadcasted, there'll be no chance that Jin Hyuk and her can live a peaceful relationship anymore. Her mind says that it's okay, but her heart says the opposite. 

Jong Kook looked at Jin Hyuk, who also looked at him. He made a gesture for Jin Hyuk to take the stage already and admit that Ji Hyo is his. He doesn't know why his heart has softned when he saw Ji Hyo's helpless look. He saw how the woman is dedicated to his half-brother, who he still hates and will always hate. Jin Hyuk smiled at Ji Hyo as he took the microphone to announce that he's dating her, but Gary, who is the representative of the paparazzi, asked the rising actor, "Choi Jin Hyuk-ssi, may we know what's your relationship with Kim Jong Kook and his fiancee?"

Jin Hyuk forced a smile when he was reminded of his interaction with Jong Kook before. Even if Song Ji Hyo is his girlfriend, as of the moment, she is his older brother's fiancee. And it was rubbed to his face again when he was  about to admit to the whole world that he and Ji Hyo, are the ones, who are in a relationship. He looked at his side and saw Jong Kook looking at him with his smile. He hates seeing him smile at him like that, so he held the microphone tightly as he looked at Ji Hyo, sending a signal via gestures as he replied, "Me? Well, I am actually... -- " stopped Jin Hyuk as he tried to smile harder as he added the words, "--their best man."

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Chapter 53: this story is sooo adorable,,,i love it big time<33
zeroeightwentyone #2
@Mithani - You're so sweet. I don't know how many times I've said this, but I am thankful for your support. I'll be back this weekend, so I hope you can read one of the pending stories that I'll be updating. Thank you. :)
zeroeightwentyone #3
@lovely_kjk76 - Thank you for the appreciation. I'm glad you were able to like all my stories. I'll be back on the weekend to update one of my pending stories. Hope you can read it. :)
Chapter 53: unnie i re-read it again, so beautiful! maybe its my 4th or 3rd time reading it:))
love__kjk76 #5
Chapter 53: Authornim thanks for your such a good stories that you have writen,, I read all of your spartace story and found out that all your stories are good,, I really love all of your works,, hope u will come with a new story
zeroeightwentyone #6
@cancergirl88ak - Thank you! I'm happy you felt that way when you read this. Thanks again for reading and commenting. :)
zeroeightwentyone #7
@raina_nisa - Thank you for appreciating my writing skills. I hope you can read the new one/s soon. Thank you so much again. Hope you had fun. :)
zeroeightwentyone #8
@laura_ng - Thanks for the comment. Hope you can read the new one, and you can share your thoughts, too. Thanks for reading. Kkk~ :)
cancergirl88ak #9
Chapter 53: What a wonderful story you make me cry and smile at the same time you are so talented author nim
raina_nisa #10
Chapter 53: author-nim , you really a talented writer > o< , it's really exciting to read your stories and i'm looking forward for other stories ... author-nim ,keep it up and fighting ! ˊ▽ˋ