27. Lies

Eunsun: A star for the king

“Come in,” Eunsun said as there was a knock on the door. HoDong appeared and she smiled coming over to him.

“How are you uncle?”

“Much better, it seems that I was removed off the blacklist.”

“That’s great,” Eunsun smiled at him, “I’m so relieved.”

“Me too, let’s eat out tonight.”

“I don’t know…” Eunsun peered down and close at his niece’s face.

“Are you alright? You don’t seem well.”

“Oh I’m ok,” Eunsun lied, “just been tired.”

“Ah huh, well let’s grab your friends and then we will go.”

“Alright,” Eunsun went to look for them while a guard went to HoDong.

“His majesty wishes to speak with you,” he whispered into his ear.

“Ah Eunsun-ee I think I left something in the car,” HoDong called, quickly wondering why he even had to lie.

“Ok uncle,” Eunsun called back from her room. HoDong quickly followed the guard to where the king was.


“Hmm something tells me Eric’s being disloyal,” Donggun had a sly grin as he read Eric’s phone bill, “He called Chayune’s place twice within the space of a week.”

“I can’t stand her,” Hyori spat her legs dangling as she sat on the edge of her husband’s desk in a pair of overall shorts and a low cut black t-shirt, “she’s such a cow I don’t miss seeing her ugly face.”

“Now, now my dear,” Donggun said placing the papers down and circling some details in a red pen, “we don’t need to bring personal matters into this. However this is good blackmail material which may be the final key thing I need to get rid of him once and for all.”

“You’re forgetting yeoboh that he’s the king’s close friend and is like a brother to him,” Hyori added putting a chocolate in and chewing it, “you’re going to need more than that.”

“Well if I’m right Eric already has two strikes against him regarding trust. Once this is added on then we can truly say goodbye to him.”


HoDong hurried back to Eunsun’s apartment.

“Ah there you are,” Eunsun smiled as she stood waiting with the other girls, “you remember them all don’t you?”

“Ah yes you five were going to be in a group weren’t you?”

“Yeah we even had a name,” Gyuri nodded.

“What were they going to call you?”


“A nice name,” HoDong had to wipe his hands on his trousers.

“You seem a bit nervous,” Jiyoung commented.

“Oh I’m just hot, its warm weather right?”

“Umm I suppose,” they didn’t quite agree with this.

“Ok let’s go.” They all followed HoDong to his van where they got in and drove somewhere.

“How’s the food girls?” HoDong asked as they all sat and ate.

“Delicious,” they all said with their mouths full.


“Why the sudden surprise Uncle?” Eunsun asked twirling some pasta onto her fork.

“Can’t I surprise my niece and her friends like this?”

“Well normally you call up beforehand or write me a letter.” Eunsun added.

“True but I guess I wanted to do something different.” Hara whispered something to Jiyoung who then replied with a low voice. The other girls got involved but Eunsun found herself left out of the loop.

“I wonder what they’re talking about,” Eunsun said to her uncle.

“Could be nothing,” HoDong said taking a sip of his water.

“Are you sure you’re alright?” Eunsun took a closer look, “you haven’t been the same since you went back to the car.”

“Yes Eunsun-ee I’m fine my dear,” he patted her on the head though he had other things on his mind.


“Hello Soo-yoon,” Eric grinned at the young girl who came over to him.

‘Guess what uncle?’

“Tell me then,” Eric said signing this to her as well.

‘Daddy has someone he wants to marry.’

“Yeah I heard… Do you know who?” To his surprise Soo-yoon nodded.

‘He showed me her picture.’

“Really? Do you have it on you?” She took out a folded piece of card and gave it to him. He unfolded it and smiled; despite the marks where the card had been bent he could recognize her in an instant.

“Thank you,” he said handing it to her, “let’s not tell his majesty that his old pal here knows.” Soo-yoon looked at him confused but she nodded.

‘Ok,’ she got off his lap, ‘I have to get ready for bed.’

“Alright good night,” Eric glanced at the phone. His mind raced as he had the thought to pick it up.

“No… I won’t betray him,” he got up and left his office, locking the door behind him. But then his guilt of entering the bargain got the better of him. He ended up dialing.

“I know who it is… I will send her picture tomorrow morning.”


Ok so hopefully you are still curious as to what is going on still. The next chapter will be pretty awesome I think!

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Chapter 24: Yes ! A Harry Potter referance lol :D I love it
14 streak #2
Chapter 74: The story was wonderful! You did a great job in writing this :) I'm glad Eunsun is going to have be own family and Sooyoon can finally speak!
nasomi2011 #3
Ah, this must be the story of Esther. ^^
xinli_ang #4
Congratulations~! Why Jaewoo?
I like this happy ending. :) I hope you're crying because you're happy. Dr. Seuss says, "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." I'm glad you were able to write it and finish it. :)
hopelesswriter #5
Congratulations for finishing the fic! though i rarely comments.
Happy ending for everyone(the good guys i mean) though everything's a little too neatly tied for me...but that's just me, most readers i've seen love neatly tied endings so no biggie. n aww, great thing Sooyoon gets to speak after the panic.
but Kara? SM? noooooooooo! haha, excuse me, that's just my personal sentiment.
anyway, Congrats again. it's been a great journey.
xinli_ang #6
I'm glad that's dealt with~ :D
xinli_ang #7
She's pregnant? :D Wow! Congratulations, Eunsunie~ :D But she's in a pinch. =[
adlinriz #8
-chap 42- jinja they're going to philipine me and my family exclude my lil bro went there and its my first going abroad except the country in malaysia cause im from there what a coincident hahaha
xinli_ang #9
I pity Youngmin... A king's job is never easy. ;w;

And I agree. I was disappointed Miley chose to go down that path. I used to like her before. It makes my heartache for her father. It must be hard to see his little girl go down such a path...
xinli_ang #10
(I'm trolling your comment box! XD)
T^T Why Youngmin? Why?