26. Controversy

Eunsun: A star for the king

“My gosh!” One of the women exclaimed as Eunsun came into the dining room, “what is she still doing here?!”

“Weren’t you meant to leave last night?” Another woman asked Eunsun who sat a few seats down from her.

“I was told to stay here.”

“But that’s going against the rules!”

“Trust her to be able to bend them.”

“It must be the king… He knows her unlike the rest of us.”

“Maybe it is to do with his assistant.”

“Please stop making accusations,” the women looked at Eunsun as if they’d been slapped.

“Pfft what cheek,” she added, “why don’t you just admit defeat and let someone who’s more deserving take the crown?!” Eunsun stood up and pushed her chair in. She didn’t feel hungry anymore.

“Eunsun-ee, you really should eat,” Nicole tried to persuade Eunsun who was sitting in a chair by the window.

“I’m not hungry Nicole,” she told her.

“But you’ve been sitting there for ages just staring at nothing. We’re getting worried about you.”

“What did the psychologist say?” Gyuri asked.

“Nothing that isn’t expected.”

“So what does he think of the king leaving?”

“He didn’t tell me his verdict…He just knows that I love his majesty.”

“Omo!” The girls began to jump up and down until Gyuri had to calm them.

“So have you said anything to his majesty?” Eunsun shook her head causing Gyuri to sigh.

“Well then… You will have to tell him won’t you, but maybe we can cheer you up.” She turned to her friends, “girls lets show her a routine.”

“But unnie we haven’t practiced.”

“We won’t have forgotten it,” Jiyoung disagreed, “I still know the choreography.”

“Me too I still know it.”

“Ok let’s just do the chorus then,” they turned Eunsun’s chair around so they faced her. Moved the couch and other stuff out of the way and then got into their positions.

“Ok ready?” They nodded.

“Hey yo, yo mister
look over here mister
yea that's right, you mister
come next to me mister
(la  ... La)

Hey here mister.
now look at me mister
wanted you so mister
what's your name mister
(la .. La)”

Then they started to do circular motions with their hips as they all sang, “La..La…. 1, 2, 3,4,5,6 boom it!” They then stopped in their poses. Eunsun started to clap.

“Wow you girls are good,” she applauded them with her smile wide, “I can’t believe that you don’t have a CD yet.”

“We were going to…” Gyuri began, “we had a different leader before me and Hara and Jiyoung-ee weren’t with us.”

“But then the group changed our leader left and…” They fell silent.

“I know that you five will reach your dream,” Eunsun said, “once they’ve chosen the queen I will make sure I let her know about you and how lucky she would be to have you work for her.” They all smiled at Eunsun.

“Shame we don’t know yet,” Jiyoung said, “we would rather work for you than anyone else.” There was some ‘awws’ from the other four and Eunsun found tears in her eyes.

“Dongsaeng that isn’t fair for the future queen,” she joked and they all chuckled.

“Uh oh… Take a look at this,” Gyuri had the television.

“News just in… The king of Korea has flown to America breaking the cycle of dating he’s been involved in for the past couple of months. After the dethroning of the past queen Chayune, there was a competition held where the king would spend one date with a hundred women in the hopes that he would choose one of them as the next queen. News broke out of the kings departure this morning when the king was spotted at the gate boarding to Florida where it is believed Chayune now resides. Could the king be reconsidering to take Chayune back despite the rumors? Stay tuned as we keep an eye on this story.” Hara sensed it was right to switch it off.

“No…“ Gyuri shook her head displeased, “he shouldn’t take her back.”

“Yeah what’s done is done he needs to move on now and find the right queen.”

“Agreed besides what about Eunsun-ee…?” They all remembered their boss who was sitting on the edge of her chair as white as a sheet. Her eyes were glistening.

“Eunsun-ee…” They all felt terrible as tears dripped off her cheeks. She touched one of them.

“I need to reapply my mascara,” she said trembling as she stood. She went to the bathroom and closed the door.


Eric was walking to the dining room to make himself a cup of coffee when his secretary intercepted him.

“Sir you have a call waiting in your office.”

“Tell them that I will call them back later…”

“-It’s your majesty.” Eric’s face fell.

“Right, I’ll come now.” He changed direction and went to his office while his secretary followed. Eric went inside, looked the door and pressed the hold button off the phone.

“Youngmin-ee thank God.”

“Don’t tell me everyone’s fluffing about now that I’ve gone for a bit.”

“You didn’t exactly tell anyone that you were playing to fly over to America!” Eric adjusted his tie as he added, “when were you going to tell me?!”

“Tell you what?”

“Don’t joke around!” Eric snapped, “why did you make me go to the trouble of choosing a hundred women to date when you were just going to take her back!?”

“You think I’m here because I want Chayune to be queen again?”

“That’s what the press is saying!”

“The press…?” Eric heard his friend sigh over the line, “Aish they really have misunderstood.”

“What do you mean?”

“Soo-yoon is coming home with me, she was staying with her mum for a few months if you can remember.”

“Ah right, I remember,” Eric said sheepishly.

“She seems to be happier with me than Chayune. So she’s going to be living with me instead.”

“That’s great,” Eric told him, “but… There’s still the matter of a queen…”

“I’m not taking Chayune back!”

“Ok, ok I get it, so do you have someone in mind for the next queen?”

“Actually I do but I want it to be a surprise, besides me Soo-yoon knows.”

“Do I get to…?”

“Not until I’ve asked her.”

“Oh no fair,” Eric put his bottom lip.

“You’re doing aegyo aren’t you?”

“Huh how can you tell?”

“You’re Eric Mun! I know what you’re like when you don’t get something you want.”

“Fair enough,” Eric sighed, “do you have a ring at least?”

“Actually I’m picking it up from here as well. You’re going to like it.”

“Good, well I can’t wait to find out when do you fly back?”

“We are coming back this evening.”

“Excellent, shall I send out a memo?”

“Please don’t I only want my personal servants and guards to know.”

“Ok, can I ask this then?”

“What is it?”

“When are you going to pop the question?”

“—When I feel the time is right.”

“Alright, see you later Youngmin-ah.”

“Night Eric-ee,” Eric hung up and smiled to himself.

“Nice job dongsaeng,” he said before putting on a straight face and dialing a number.

“He’s found his next queen.”

“Do you know who it is?”

“No I didn’t get a name.”

“Aigoo what was the point of me getting you to help me?”

“Good question.”

“Alright just tell me then when he’s asked her.”

“Fine.” The person on the other end hung up, “rude,” Eric muttered as he put the receiver down.


Uh oh… But anyway! Yay the king has a queen in mind

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Chapter 24: Yes ! A Harry Potter referance lol :D I love it
14 streak #2
Chapter 74: The story was wonderful! You did a great job in writing this :) I'm glad Eunsun is going to have be own family and Sooyoon can finally speak!
nasomi2011 #3
Ah, this must be the story of Esther. ^^
xinli_ang #4
Congratulations~! Why Jaewoo?
I like this happy ending. :) I hope you're crying because you're happy. Dr. Seuss says, "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." I'm glad you were able to write it and finish it. :)
hopelesswriter #5
Congratulations for finishing the fic! though i rarely comments.
Happy ending for everyone(the good guys i mean) though everything's a little too neatly tied for me...but that's just me, most readers i've seen love neatly tied endings so no biggie. n aww, great thing Sooyoon gets to speak after the panic.
but Kara? SM? noooooooooo! haha, excuse me, that's just my personal sentiment.
anyway, Congrats again. it's been a great journey.
xinli_ang #6
I'm glad that's dealt with~ :D
xinli_ang #7
She's pregnant? :D Wow! Congratulations, Eunsunie~ :D But she's in a pinch. =[
adlinriz #8
-chap 42- jinja they're going to philipine me and my family exclude my lil bro went there and its my first going abroad except the country in malaysia cause im from there what a coincident hahaha
xinli_ang #9
I pity Youngmin... A king's job is never easy. ;w;

And I agree. I was disappointed Miley chose to go down that path. I used to like her before. It makes my heartache for her father. It must be hard to see his little girl go down such a path...
xinli_ang #10
(I'm trolling your comment box! XD)
T^T Why Youngmin? Why?