Nurse Me Back To Life

Uncover Lay (Yixing)

I wake up in the morning, not feeling too well. I rush over to the toilet, but it's already too late for that. Before I make it there I already puke on the floor. After that whole scene I crawl up in foetus position on the floor. I'm way too hot. I'm sweating so hard. I have to get this all cleaned up, but I can't find the strength to do so. I finally crawl back to my bed. It's the safest place for me to be. I even consider calling the front desk to send someone to clean it up. But my mother always taught me to clean up my own mess. And that's what I'll be doing. As soon as I get better. Which won't be really soon. 
I have to cancel on EXO too today. I have no other way for contacting them then through Lay. Luckily my phone is on my bedside table and I don't have to reach far to get it. 

'I won't be able to make it today. I'm very sorry. Could you tell the other boys?' I text him. 

I don't get a reply for the first hour. I know this because I checked my phone every minute for the last actual hour. Nothing has come in. I feel kind of annoyed but then I realise they must be training still. And they don't have time to always reply. Not even to me. A girl they've known for what? A day? I'm not on their priority list by far. So I turn around in bed and try to sleep some more. 

About two hours after I send that message I get one back. 

'What's going on? Are you alright?' He asks me. 

I smile at my phone. He's worried about me! 

'I think I ate something wrong yesterday. Or my body is not used to this kind of food. I don't feel so good so I think it's best to not go out today.' 

'I really hope you're okay! Me and the boys are very worried about you...' 

I smile some more. Even when I'm sick he can make me smile like that. Actually, they all can. The fact that they're worried about me means that I do mean something to them. Maybe they consider me as a friend? Could that be? Because we all had fun yesterday. I mean, I had. I don't know if they had fun, but it sure did look like it. 

With a smile on my face I try to go back to sleeping. This was something I needed to get out of my system. A bug, or the food I ate... After a while I run back to the bathroom and this time I make it there just in time. I curl around the toilet and make it as cosy as I possibly can. I'm going to be here for at least a while. Probably until it is all out of my system. I accept this fact and let it all wash over me. 

After a while I even fall asleep there. That's until I hear my door open. Maybe one of the maids came to clean the room? I try to lift my head, but it's too heavy so I rest it on the toilet seat. I hear someone walking around but not really doing something. I even hear some foreign words being spoken. But it's a male voice. Maybe they have male maids here? Then the door to the bathroom opens and I try to yell not to open it but I'm too late. The door is opened and he just stands there. It's not a maid, it's Zhang ing Yixing. He looks around the bathroom and discovers the horrible seen that is displayed. Then he looks at me with his sweet eyes, full of concern. He rushed over to me and picks me up. He puts me down in the bathtub. 

"First we need to clean you up, then the rest of this place..." He tells me before letting the water get into the tub. 

Then it hits me, I'm not wearing anything beneath my pj's! Just my , but still... If this gets wet he'll be able to see through. I need to tell him. 

"Yixing, I'm not wearing anything beneath this... Could you, ehm, maybe step outside until I'm cleaned up?" I ask him, my voice croaking. 

"Oh yeah! Can I get you anything? Maybe I can lay some clothes out for you? And then I'll go and buy some medicine!" He says while rushing out as fast as he possibly can. 

I laugh a little, feeling better too. He's just so awkward and cute at the same time. I hear a knock on the door. "The clothes are in front of the door if you need them. Everything's here. I'm heading out to buy medicine. I'll be back in a few. This hotel has his own apothecary", he says before heading out. 

Wait, he even laid out and a bra for me? Didn't he? He said everything is there. He went through my underwear! Oh my god. This is so embarrassing. The tub is full and I get out of my clothes. I duck my head under to make sure I'm cleaned up well. I can not comprehend what is going on. How the hell did he even get in? And was he really that worried? My head hurts from thinking this much. I hope he's back soon with some medicine so this can all be over soon too. Not that I want him to go, I just don't want to look like a zombie when he's alone with me in my room. This is not how I thought I would be spending my first time completely alone with him. I am even more embarrassed now.

After a good, long soaking bath I get out and peek outside the bathroom to find my clothes. Everything is really there. He really put everything out. He even got my trainers and a big comfy shirt. And of course he laid out my EXO Lay sweater too. He's really hung up on that. I put it all on and go back to my bed. 

"You're out of the bath already?" I hear Yixing say. I hadn't heard him come back in.

He's sitting on my bed, laying out the different types of medicine for me to take with a bottle of water. And he cleaned up a bit here as well. 

"I didn't hear you come in..." I tell him before walking over. 

"I can be very quiet when I need to be", he winks at me.

"You didn't have to come all the way over here", I say and he just smiles. 

"My afternoon schedule suddenly cleared up", he jokes again. 

"I'm sorry that you have to see me this way... I'll clean up later. If you want you can go now..." I try to give him an excuse to go. 

"I don't think there's anywhere else I'd rather be", he says, suddenly very serious. 

"Not even Baekhyun's grandmother's house?" I joke.

"Not even there."

I blush a little. I know what he's talking about. He doesn't want to leave me in this state. He's a real sweetheart. But what will he be doing here all day long while I'm sick? I look awful, I just cleaned up but I'll be sweaty in a few hours again.

"Now take your medicine. It'll be good for you. And it seems like you got all the food out of your system. I'll call room service to bring something up that is easy to digest. I promise you, everything is going to be okay. I'm here now" he says while handing over the pills for me to take. 

Weirdly I trust him. The guy I have known for a day. The one I've been admiring from a distance since 2012. It all seems like a dream. But it feels too real to be a dream. He watches me as I take the pills and get comfy against my pillow. Then he tucks me in and sits on the covers beside me. There is a TV on the wall in front of us and he gets the remote. 

"Is there anything you'd like to see?" He asks me with a sweet tone. 

"Are there any Korean drama's on this thing? And do they have subs? Because I can't understand a word they say when it isn't subtitled!" I tell him and he laughs softly.

"Most of the hotels these days have some form of Netflix. So we can watch Korean drama if you want. And they do have subs because a lot of international guests stay here", he smiles and goes to the category he wants to see. 

They have a lot of Korean drama over here. And I pick one I've been following at home. Yixing tells me he has been following it too for some reason. The guy who plays the lead role is someone of S.M. Entertainment too and he knows the guy. It's a really good one filled with lots of love. We watch it for quite some time before I start to feel sleepy again. I try to keep my eyes open but nothing seems to be working. I close them and fall asleep. Gently resting my head on his shoulder. He doesn't seem to mind me being this close to him. And I doze off without another second of hesitation. 

I wake up after a while and see that Yixing has fallen asleep too at some point. The screen of the TV has gone black and there's no more light in the room. It must already be evening or even night here. I don't want to move because Yixing looks adorable when he sleeps and I don't want to wake him up. Plus he's so close to me I can feel his heat. I don't want to lose that by waking him up. He must be really tired too. From all the work he has been doing too. He's always practicing, so are all the boys. They always work so hard. 

I decide to get up anyways. I have to pee and it's not comfortable sitting here like that anymore. I am ultra quiet and walk over to the bathroom. I only turn on the lights when I get inside and the door is closed. It smells really fresh in here. I turn on the lights and look around. All the evidence of what transpired this morning is gone. All the puke has been cleaned up and the towels have been replaced. The maid even left some rose petals for us. He let room service come to clean this up? I feel annoyed because I wanted to do this myself, but on the other hand I'm happy that he didn't do it himself. I would've been really embarrassed if he'd done it instead of me. It wasn't his place to clean up my mess. 

"I wanted to do it myself", I turn around and see Yixing standing in doorway. "But you were finally asleep and your head was on my shoulder so I didn't want to wake you up. I called the maid and apologized a hundred times for the fact I couldn't do it myself. But she told me it was okay because we're such a cute couple." 

He laughs a little at couple remarks. I try to laugh too but the only thing I can do is turn red. 

"What is it? Has your fever come back again?" He asks while getting closer and touching my forehead. 

"No, it's nothing!" I say while turning away from him. "I kind of need some privacy." 

"I'll be in your bedroom", he says before walking off and closing the door. 

Yixing is going to be in my bed again. How the hell did all of this happen? It seems like we've grown closer and closer. And all thanks to getting sick. I think I should get sick more often over here. But that wouldn't be fair to him or anyone else. But I have to admit. He nursed me back to life when I was wishing for a quick death.

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I updated all chapters for my Yixing fanfic! I'll be starting to update my new one (a Jay Park one) soon!


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QueenEmmanuelle #1
Chapter 52: This is the best.. Really.. I'm sad that it's ending but happy because they managed to work things out. Thanks for this magnificent story Author-nim!
Vladlette #2

But really though, very much enjoying it so far. :)
GalaxyFinderOfEXO #3
Chapter 5: Update please, I really like this story. It's amazing!!