Yoongi: In Dog's Paw


Cho Ayane was just walking her dog when she encountered a boy name Min Yoongi, who slowly came more closer to her through…the love of dogs?


“Choko, catch!” I threw the frisbee across the park which the small Shiba Inu ran after it; it’s light brown fur against the dark green field of grass. She came right back, her small curly tail wagging happily. I took out a small treat from my ziplock and gave her it and she gnawed on satisfactedly. Rubbing her chin, I took the frisbee. “Nother’ round?” she barked gleefully. I threw the disc, which turned unexpectedly to the boy walking past; occupied by his ipod.

I winced as it hit him straight on the head. “Sorry!” I rushed up to the boy, as he rubbed the back of his copper hair.


“It’s alright; I should just really stop being distracted by my music.” I chuckled at his humurous comment. Choko barked, bouncing up against his feet; tail wagging. He laughed, rubbing her fur. “Aw, what a cute dog! But I never seen these breed before.” I held on Choko’s leash, pulling her back.


“That’s because she’s a Japanese breed; we’re both from there technically.” He looked up at me with a little smile. “anyways, sorry about what happened, er..” he bowed politely.


“Min Yoongi.” He stated. Nodding, I bowed in return. “Cho Ayane.” He chuckled. “That’s a cute name, just like your dog.” I widened my eyes by the sudden compliment. He bit his lip whilst smirking, waving a hand before walking off the other direction. Choko barked at his way. “Min Yoongi,” I softly whispered his name.



My dark hair was put in side braids; my fringe swifted to the side. I looked in my mirror, admiring my pastel pink cashmere sweater and red floral pants; my clean beige combat boots appearing brighter.



“Choko, quit your barking. We’ll go right now.” She continued on until I grabbed her leash and walked out my house, her strutting in front of my view. We reached my favourite place in the park, which surprisngly Yoongi walked in just in time as he saw us.


“Choko, come here!” He bent over as I let go of the leash, which she came bouncing right into his arms. I crossed my arms, smirking.


“What, no greeting for me?” I teased. He took out a squeaky toy and threw it, which Choko ran after it.


“Geez, I never knew you were so clingy.” He smiled jokingly. I laughed. Soon it subsided and I began to speak. “anyways, why do you seem to like Choko so fast? You just met us in a day.” I wasn’t jealous, mind you; I found it rather odd since strangers would just walk away when they see the excited furball bark happily at them. He rubbed his neck nervously, blushing.


“Maybe I just get attached too easily.” I smirked. “And you say that I’m the clingy one.” He bit his lip, looking right at me with such an serious expression that I had to stop smiling and I too began blushing by how close he was to my face.


“Yoongi, what’re you-“ I got cut off by his lips on mine, which my eyes widened right after he pulled away.
It’s not Choko that I’m attatched to.” Chuckling I rolled my eyes - internally cringing by his cheesiness. Choko barked at the both us, which hand in hand we walked over to her. I bent over and rubbed her belly.




“What do you say? One first frisbee catch with Yoongi-ah?” a wag from her tail happily was a sure sign from me. Grinning, Yoongi took the disc and threw it, as we saw her dash off across the grass under the blue sky.


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09/18/2015: I'm going to remake these chapters, just to let you guys know!


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Chapter 54: The story was interesting
New reader incoming XD feel so hreat to have found ur ff to make my life better XD
Lameseline #3
Chapter 4: Yes! Finally another person with namjoon as his/her bias!
Wow this is great I ever thought suga could be a shy and even blushing kind of guy since he looks like the bad boy type but wow he would look soo cute blushing lol
Corallipop #5
Chapter 8: Oh lordy~this is wonderful~keep it up! ^-^