Namjoon: In His World


Miu Tarou is an average Japanese foreign student at school. She’s intelligent, and has the most highest rank. Then she gets a new partner for an assignment, the name Kim Namjoon, a rebellious spirit who has his world distracted by music. How will she ever put up with him for the project?




I sighed, smacking Namjoon on the side of his head which he yelped, taking out his earbud and looked at me, his dark eyes glared at my copper pairs. “Could you stop listening to music and help me on this assignment that’s due tomorrow?” I reminded him. He groaned, putting his ipod in his pocket. We were in the classroom and everyone seemed to be glad with their partners. I however, was not. Being the most high ranked, I was paired up with the average class. Which to me, Kim Namjoon (the rebel as he was), should be even lower. I know that sounded pretty low of me, but I'm telling the truth. He took a pencil and tapped it against the desk, along with his foot in rhythm. He began humming a beat, which I rolled my eyes.


“Seriously, Namjoon.” I say sternly, which he stared at me again.


“It’s a small project, no big deal.” He scoffed. I pointed at the paper between us.


“Yeah, a small project that’s worth half of our grade! Could you at least give me some ideas before-“ too late. The bell rang, signaling the end of school for the day. I silently cursed, which he stood up, grabbing his bag. “hold on just a minute,” I stopped him. He turned to me, with an irritated look.


“Because of the lack of process, we’re meeting today, at the nearby café. 3:00 pm sharp.” I smiled mockingly. His jaw dropped.


“Fine, suit yourself, Miu.” He shut his mouth, turned, and walked away. From there I couldn’t stop staring at him, more so over at his blushing face.



I left my house 10 minutes before, making sure I got my books in my black spiked backpack before heading to the café. Suprisingly, he was already there, staring out the window, dark shades covering his eyes and a cap that showed only the front of his styled hair. He saw me, which I quickly sat across, his eyes still on me. “Okay, let’s get started.” I took out my books, which he scoffed. I gave him a look.


“What, no ‘Hello Namjoon’? How nice of you.” He teased, which I replied coldly.


“Am I supposed to?” he shook his head, chuckling.


“Are all high rankers like that?” I scowled, which he laughed even more.


“Shut up, Namjoon. We should start our project, as promised.” he sighed in surrender.


“Alright, alright. Which, by the way, you look nice.” I widened my eyes, blushing. All I wore was a cut sleeve top and black grid tights, my red sneakers matching my red violet hair.


“Um, thank you.” I murmured, which he heard, smiling. “um, you look nice yourself too.” I managed to say, but I mentally slapped myself. Why the hell did I say that? A blush crept on his face. I never seen him so flustered before. We ended up teasing each other with little effort on the task, off to an extent that the next day I realized we never actually finished. I ran up to Namjoon, who sat at his desk listening to music.


“Namjoon! we never finished!” I practically yelled, my voice echoed across the room. Everyone in the room stared, which I coughed awkwardly. He looked at me and grinned.


“Don’t worry, I have an idea for it.” I almost shook with how nervous I was, but I sighed agreeing, my heart beating. Why did I get carried away yesterday? God, I’m such an idiot.


It was our turn to present, which we both stood in front of the class. I looked at Namjoon, who gave me a  reassuring nod. This idea better work. I thought. He began rapping different verses, which all came in a beat. Everyone was shocked, even me. i was surprised by how fast and fluent the rythm to each verse was. Once we finished, I sat down, my pride slowly disappearing. I’m not high ranked anymore, that’s for sure.
Suddenly the teacher smiled as he came up to me, giving me the final grade. I felt like I was going faint upon seeing it. As class ended, I catched up with Namjoon outside the school.


“Guess what? We got an A!!!” I squeeled. He chuckled at my satisfied face.


“That’s great.” He smiled. I gripped on his sleeve before he walked away, which he turned around abruptly.


“Thank you, Namjoon.” I murmured, turning away my blushing face. He held my hand.


“Why don’t we celebrate by hanging out at the café?” He replied instead. My eyes widened.


“You mean as a-“ he ruffled my hair messily, chuckling. “Yes, as a date, Miu Tarou. Are all high rankers this slow?” he teased.








Author's Note

Great, my friend found out one of my biases in BTS and is teasing me about it...

Yes, Rap Monster/Namjoon is one of my biases. He's just... hmm, how do you put it...

Note: Call BTS and tell them to never put up selca's online. EVER.
Sigh, I just want to put that out, since I now have Namjoon feelz all over. Who're your biases in BTS? I really would like to know ^^


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09/18/2015: I'm going to remake these chapters, just to let you guys know!


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Chapter 54: The story was interesting
New reader incoming XD feel so hreat to have found ur ff to make my life better XD
Lameseline #3
Chapter 4: Yes! Finally another person with namjoon as his/her bias!
Wow this is great I ever thought suga could be a shy and even blushing kind of guy since he looks like the bad boy type but wow he would look soo cute blushing lol
Corallipop #5
Chapter 8: Oh lordy~this is wonderful~keep it up! ^-^