Jungkook: Convention Date



Haha, I missed you guys too :) this is honestly such a rare update, b/c of school and whatnot I've been pretty busy - I literally finished it today so chyeah. Enjoy this real experience (that I've been to an actual convention last summer lol) story and hopefully see you on the next update ^^

Enjoy the fluff~~~~ -B.B

A date with Lee Myungi and Jeon Jungkook...though somewhere that you wouldn't expect it to be.


Aish, where are we going?” I complained, trying to squirm out of Jungkook's hand. He kept tugging me along anyway, with a broad smile growing on his face. I was still conscious as to what he told me the other day; that we would going on a date. It wasn't the only date we've ever been on, but I began regretting it the invitation when he clearly advised me to wake up as early as 7:30 am.


At first I thought he was joking but boy, he wasn't kidding when he bombarded my house midway in me eating breakfast. He owes me a blueberry muffin.”You tell me to to wake up early yet you still won't tell me?” I sighed.


We stopped walking suddenly to see in front of us a huge convention centre with a large banner sprawled in red hangul: FAN STAR KOREA. “I hope you don't mind to have our date spent at a convention centre, do you?” he smiled shyly, squeezing my hand.


It's just, I really wanted to go here for so long, but I never got the chance to since my friends were always declining. I mean if you really don't like video games or anything geeky like that, it's fine with me. I'm sorry for not telling you earlier; I was afraid you wouldn't come with me.” I blinked, recounting as to what he just said.


Was he embarrassed? “Are you kidding me?” I rose my tone, which his expression was to shrunk his body even more. “-I love going to conventions!” I exclaimed. He looked at me with wide eyes and stuttered out a string of words. Without further explanation I grabbed his hand and dragged him inside of the building. Thousands of booths displayed with many geeky figurines, clothings, gimicks and whatnot.


While walking around I glanced at Jungkook, who still seemed shocked. I wasn't sure if it was my sudden confession, or that he too was just baffled by how many things were in this building. He darted to a booth that displayed of one of my favourite cartoon shows, Adventure Time. I couldn't help but jump for joy and end up scanning all the cute plushies of Fiona, Jake the Dog even my all time favourite character Marceline.


Aigoo, why is it so much money?” I pouted, sadly putting the little toy back. Jungkook then picked it up and looked over at me.


If you'd like, I can buy it for you.” he offered, though I immediately shook my head in refusal.


Ani, Kookie-ah; it's okay.” I feel bad for my boyfriend to pay for something; in fact just in general I hate someone paying for anything that's for my personal use.


He looked at me once more if I would change my mind, but with just a reassuring smile he let it slide and we continued to walk around. I was able to grab my phone and with permission ask a couple of people dressed us in geeky costumes (in my terms I believe it's called 'cosplaying') and even asked Jungkook for me to take my picture with them.


We went off to a section where there was a display of newly developed games coming this year, and a bunch of people were crowded by what seems to be two players playing on the computer; showing up on the screen up above them.


A mix of cheers and over excitement shown off in the presence of the audience when up on screen it showed the final results of who the winner was for the game. Squinting my eyes I nudged Jungkook beside me. “Hey, isn't it that game you always mentioned in wanting to buy it?” I asked, still eyes pried straight on.


Yeah, I just can't believe they have it here, right in this convention.” his voice struck with wonder. The MC at the front introduced the new first person shooter PC game, which offered if anyone wanted to try the 2 on 2 battle mode. Jungkook looked at me with eyes filled with curiosity and excitement, like a little kid opening a new present – which is one of the most cutest expressions ever on him. I chuckled, urging him to volunteer.


With a slight hesitation he did so anyway and soon his excitement changed to nervousness in a second. I wrapped my arms around his shoulder and gave him a reassuring squeeze, and when he went off to the crowd I gave him a 'fighting' gesture, which he smiled broad before adjusting himself to the seat before they began to play.


The boy he was facing was rather musclular (but not so body-builder wise) and his glasses were black round and sharp around his eyes; making his aura even more demeaning. When he glanced at me at first he was shocked that a girl like me would even have interest into this, but soon turn into a flirty wink. I scoffed, rolling my eyes and crossed my arms. I acknowledged that I have a boyfriend and that he was facing him, though he didn't understood the body language I was showing.


Kookie, beat this guy's for me. I hoped. They put on their headphones and with a series of keyboard typing and mouse clicks I see at the top screen that they really went all full out for this round. The crowd were on the edge of their seats, shouting an 'aw' when Jungkook almost shot the other player, and cheered when one killed the other.


This went on and on, while I stood with clamped fingers and my lip bit that it must have turned purple by now. Suddenly, it went down to a tie: 14-14. my hands held to my sides, crumpling my shirt. The MC narrated the entire game, making the last few minutes thrilling.


Oh, he threw a grenade but – aw, missed my a milestone! What's this? Is he going to...he's going to do a head-shot!” the MC exclaimed. We became silent as Jungkook's character hid behind a window, full view of the other POV. With the click a loud bang! The 2nd player's screen faded as a loss and Jungkook's to a win. Everyone including me, cheered and clapped, as the MC congratulated him. I ran up to him and gave a big hug, wrapping my arms tightly around him.


He chuckled, pulling apart with a shy smile. “I played video games for quite awhile, so this was a piece of cake. Although the guy who I was facing? God, he seemed scary.” he shuddered. I nudged him that he was standing pretty close and approached us both, shaking Jungkook's hand in congratulations.


Good game out there.” he gave a small smile, his eyes flickering to me back and forth. I whispered to Jungkook that he attempted in a flirt with me, which Jungkook's pose stiffened.


So...you tried flirting with my girlfriend?” he rose an eyebrow. The muscled guy laughed nervously, mumbling a few random words and sped off in a dash. Jungkook remained still with a angry frown on his lips.


Well,” I spoke up. “Although he's not that great at playing, he's still cute.” I joked. Jungkook stared at me with a 'really-not-helping' look, which I couldn't help but break into a grin afterwards.


Yah, I'm kidding Kookie-ah.” I kissed his cheek. “You're more cuter.” I pinched his cheek. He gave in and mumbled not to say ridiculous things anymore, which after I agreed he gave me a sweet peck on the lips. By the end of the day we come of the convention with sore feet and both our bags filled with novelties that we bought enough with our money's worth.


We sat at the stairs at the front of my house, looking at the free posters we've gotten. I looked at the pins and buttons I got from the convention, which I never regretted in getting. I'm definitely going to keep this one. I held up the Totoro pin and placed in my bag. When I looked over at Jungkook I asked as to what was he trying to find.


Ah, let me see...here it is!” he took out a plushie, which I gasped suddenly. It was the Marceline plushie I saw at the booth! He held it towards me for me to take it. “While you were getting a couple t-shirt for the both of us I quickly went and bought this for you. I know, you can punch me if you'd like, but I honestly felt bad.” he admit. My fingers gripped on my bag tight.


I grabbed the fabric of his shirt, lessening the distance between us. My eyes glared dead on onto his. “I told you, to not buy me it...babo.” I clenched even tighter. He gulped, looking scared as if I would really punch him at the moment. As a little tease I raised my fist up in the air, which he scrunched his eyes. I brought it down halfway and soon brought my lips to his, leaving him stunned with parted lips. I smirked.


Thank you, Jungkook.” I held the toy in my lap, squeezing the little hands. Jungkook clicked his tongue.


Yah, Myungi.” turning my head I looked at him and suddenly cupping my chin he leaned and returned a kiss, way more slower and teasing than mine that I ended up blushing hard; my heart thrumming louder in my ears each minute. When we pulled apart he placed his forehead on mine. “Thanks for coming with me today, and for not refusing in doing so.” he entwined our fingers. I smiled.


Next time if you're going to another convention don't be embarrassed in telling me.” I say. With a nod he traced his fingers along my cheek and kissed me again, and I pulled on his shirt to bring him closer, probably squishing my Marceline in between.


I guess I'll keep it a secret in saying that this was probably one of my favourite dates I've gone with him thus far.

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09/18/2015: I'm going to remake these chapters, just to let you guys know!


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Chapter 54: The story was interesting
New reader incoming XD feel so hreat to have found ur ff to make my life better XD
Lameseline #3
Chapter 4: Yes! Finally another person with namjoon as his/her bias!
Wow this is great I ever thought suga could be a shy and even blushing kind of guy since he looks like the bad boy type but wow he would look soo cute blushing lol
Corallipop #5
Chapter 8: Oh lordy~this is wonderful~keep it up! ^-^