Yoongi: Let it Be


Amuya Saskei is the most popular girl among her school, and Min Yoongi was the most popular guy. What happens when he switches into the same class as her?



“Shh, Yoongi-ah is coming!” the girls in my class hushed each other, as the door opened with a boy with copper hair, a small smirk plastered on his face as he walked with his friend across the room to his seat. With each step the girls looked up at him and squealed with delight when he shot them one of his cheeky smiles; which, was cringe-worthy in my opinion. My friend who sat in front of me was talking about how it was weird he would exchange classes in one day at sudden notice.


“Don't you find it odd? I heard that he chose this class especially; out of all the other classes,” I shrugged, turning my page of my book with my right cheek resting on my hand.


“Like I care.” I scoffed. Because of me knowing almost most of the people in this school (the girls mostly) it seemed that Min Yoongi was the main attention.


“As expected of Amu – the only one who doesn't care about her reputation at school,” my friend rolled her eyes with a small smile. That was true – I was just genuinely nice to those who were nice to me in return. But with Yoongi? Not in a million years would I be ever so kind to him and his cocky ways.

She leaned closer to me and I had to turn my head so I can hear her whispers. “I bet you the reason why he flirts with the girls is because he's partially desperate – he seems to be the mommy's kid.” I nudged her at the arm whilst we both tried to stifle our laughter as he sat down a seat beside mine; his friend right in front of him. As the teacher walked in my friend turned around and I closed my book; paying attention to the lesson with a pencil in my hand just in case the lecture had anything important in it.

Beside me Yoongi began making noise by ping his backpack and rummaging through it. He probably couldn't find a pencil, because when he asked his friend he shook his head slightly. His friend leaned forward and it was only me that heard the conversation:
“Yoongi-ah, why don't you ask her for a pencil?” he pointed a finger at my desk. I swear I think I saw him blushing by the mention of what he thought who this 'her' is. He shook his head quickly. Was he scared of me? “don't be so nervous; just ask for a pencil!” From their constant bickering it got the attention of the teacher; as well as the other students. With just one glare and Min Yoongi sulked back into his chair, coughing awkwardly. I honestly felt bad for the dude – you can't blame him for being so nervous, even if it was just me he would be nervous to. I went to my pencil case at the corner of my desk and took out a fresh sharpened pencil, which I poked him with it lightly.


“You wanted a pencil, didn't you?” my tone stayed flat whilst my eyes still glued on ahead. At first he seemed hesitant – but took it just when I felt his hand brush on mine slightly as he retrieved it.


“Th-thanks,” he mumbled, and I already knew that with one glance he was blushing like mad.

By the time the bell rang it was the end of the day, the students already filing out the class room in groups. Some smiled at me and waved farewells, which I returned the gesture warmly. “Thanks so much for the lunch, Amuya! Again, sorry that I keep forgetting my lunch,” one of the girls amongst a group bowed apologetically. I nodded, chuckling.


“No worries. I'm just glad you ate well.” with a soft laugh she and her friends headed off, leaving just my friend and Min Yoongi and his in the room.


“Amu; let's go to the bubble tea shop later, I'm craving for mango milk tea~” my friend whined as I packed up my bag.


“Alright. But, you're paying since I paid last time we went,” she sighed; but eventually agreed. We both heard a snicker from just a few metres from us, that came from Yoongi's friend. “Sorry, Ayumu. For you know, Yoongi's stubbornness for the pencil.” I looked at him and shrugged with a small smile.


“It's cool, no worries about it.” it didn't matter to me anyway – a pencil was a pencil. Yoongi slowly walked behind and over to me with his gaze down, his hand extended to reveal the pencil I gave him. I raised an eyebrow. “keep it, just in case you need it.”

He retracted fast and quickly put it in his bag. No questions asked. My friend told me she would wait outside the school while his friend told him that he would be at the bus stop; which they both left and it was only us two in the classroom. Just when I turned around to fix my pencil case and notebooks on the desk, I heard something that I wasn't sure if it was him entirely. “Sorry...Ayuma.” I looked up at him in surprise.

Did this guy actually apologize himself? I told him that it was no big deal, and from that he just took it with a slight nod. If he had the courage to apologize right after his own friend did, well - that sure meant that he actually did have a soft side. He finished packing before me, and throughout the time I was still putting my pencils in my bag. “Do you like anyone?” He suddenly asked, avoiding eye contact by looking to the books on the shelf. Well, I sure wasn't expecting that.


“No, not really,” I answered bluntly. I crossed my arms and gave myself enough courage to tell him the next few words out of my mouth. “do you like anyone?” I asked. This time I knew I wasn't seeing things – he was actually nervous by the question. How else could I explain the way his face became even more paler than it actually was, or how he picked on his hair that's already so neatly combed? But it was his too formal answer that stated the obvious.


“No, I don't like anyone.”

I threw my bag over my shoulder, and steadied my gaze on his. “Yoongi... do you like me?” It was like I just set a bomb – his eyes widened with deep crimson cheeks already present, and his hands were clenched so much it was just snow-white.


“N-no way! Are you nuts?” He never even looked at me once when he angrily grabbed his bag and walked out the door, hearing his footsteps marching out and soon faded. I had to ask, didn't I? Sighing, I walked slowly out to meet my friend from the corridors. I ignored her questions of what happened, because I had honestly had no idea either. Or so I thought.



I had no idea that Jung Seokmin from my science class had a crush on me. I was about to go to my last class but now I am stuck between a huge crowd behind him and now in the classroom that is soon spreading. Why did I let my friend go to class ahead of me? Stupid Amuya.
“If you don't like me, it's alright. I just wanted to tell you that,” he rubbed his neck. I bit my lip. Looking at the crowd behind him I see no other than Min Yoongi almost in the front, and it was him that initiated the glance. Looking back at  Seokmin I smiled real and sincere.


“Thank you for the confession, but I just don't like you in that way. Hopefully we can still be friends, okay?” the crowd behind him cried an awe of disappointment, but he took it with such optimism that I had to chuckle.


“Al-alright,” And with that the crowd dispersed from both inside and out the classroom, as the girls whispered among themselves about what happened. I was glad that they weren't being so gossipy about it – they just left it as is.

It was still Yoongi that the girls swooned for, but I guess they never noticed just how many times he kept staring at me whilst walking over to his seat. Even when I looked away I felt his gaze on me. Geez, what the hell does he want from me? I took the note that he wrote to me and unravelled it; making sure the teacher had his head still turned to the board before I read it flat on my desk.


Why did you reject him?


He wrote. I thought for a second. Wasn't it obvious for him? Right after he left yesterday it was then I knew he lied about liking me. Taking my pen I wrote my answer.


I did it for you.


Reading my answer once more I gave it back to him before the bell rang, and never looked his way afterwards.

His friend and mine walked out the classroom after school, and once more it was just Yoongi and I in the room. “So, you like anyone?” his smirk made me want to punch him right away, though instead I returned the smirk right after.


“If you want to find out, why don't you ask me out on a date, Yoongi-ah?” he blinked for a good few seconds as to what I just said, and then chuckled.


“Fine. I'll pick you up after 8:00 pm to the nearby cafe; no excuses,” I laughed. The good old little prick is back. And I admired it.

Suddenly we heard squeals outside the door, which my friend and his raced up and hugged us both. “AHHH! Both the popular students are dating each other! I just- cannot-” she fanned herself, which I had to calm her overreacting self.


“Say, what will the students think of the new couple? They sure are going to talk about it for a while.” his friend said. Yoongi and I glanced at each other. He smiled softly, taking my hand in his and leaned in for a kiss on my cheek. My friend squealed once more and warned that if we do anything cute, she would die of a heart attack. I laughed.


“It's alright,” I answered his friend, looking over at Yoongi and returned the smile. “I don't mind.”












Author's Note
THIS... was honestly the most cutest one-shot I wrote about Suga that when I was editing it once more I was practically getting feels all over ^^
Goodness, why is he such a cutie pie? I mean -


Yeah, I have no words either. Have a great day everyone~


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09/18/2015: I'm going to remake these chapters, just to let you guys know!


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Chapter 54: The story was interesting
New reader incoming XD feel so hreat to have found ur ff to make my life better XD
Lameseline #3
Chapter 4: Yes! Finally another person with namjoon as his/her bias!
Wow this is great I ever thought suga could be a shy and even blushing kind of guy since he looks like the bad boy type but wow he would look soo cute blushing lol
Corallipop #5
Chapter 8: Oh lordy~this is wonderful~keep it up! ^-^