Taehyung: Noticed


Mei Kastuko always seems to be invisible; no one really sees her. She was quiet, and tries to avoid large social groups. That is until she meets a boy name Kim Taehyung.


As soon as class ended I waited until all the students left; with only me and the teacher left. Packing my bags I walked up to the teacher and handed in my assignment; which she smiled gratefully.
“Mei, you should really speak up in class more; you have such amazing ideas,” I bit my lip and tugged on my shoulder strap nervously.

“I-I guess,” I mumbled. With a meek farewell I walked out the door and past the corridors of the school gates. Groups were scattered all about; waiting for their friends or waiting for a ride home. Luckily I would just need to take the public transit to go home. It was like this everyday for me – keep your head down, avoid people, be invisible. I didn't mind when no one rarely sees me; I was a quiet person that I don't think anyone would find interested to talk to. What can I talk about? Nothing. Nothing at all. Fashion wasn't my topic; neither was video games or fan girling about boy bands. In fact, I hardly knew anything about Korean culture as much. I just wasn't used to adapting into it faster when I'm still attached to my own Japanese culture.


With a fast pace I kept walking in a straight path until I see one splatter on the cement ground. Looking up, The grey sky released tiny droplets, soon turning into a heavy down pour. Students had to use their bags for protection, others had to run to the nearest shade. Sighing, I took out my umbrella out of my bag and opened to reveal the dark red hat. I kept walking, but now that my face was covered properly I looked up with my eyes straight towards the intersection. Suddenly when I turned towards my right I never noticed someone there; and I heard a muffled grunt as if I had just bumped into them. Gazing down I realized that with their black leather dress shoes that I bumped into a student who's also attending my school. I heard a slight chuckle; deep enough I presume was a boy's voice. I stood still in place, waiting if they might talk to me and hoping the exact opposite. Unfortunately, they did. “Sorry,” the voice said apologetically.


“Don't worry about it,” I say in monotone, looking up briefly. The boy had dyed orange hair, and his eyes were scrunched to little crescents; making it difficult to see his brown irises. With a small laugh the creases in his eyes became more visible.


“Are you Mei Katsuko from Anthropology class? The one that sits at the far corner desk that you don't seem to talk as often?” he asked. I sighed, looking away. Thanks for stating the obvious much. But what caught my attention was how he knew what class I was. Looking at him again I wondered where I have seen his face somewhere. Cautiously I spoke my words.

“Are you in my class?” my voice came out more normal than I thought; almost not even a mumble or a whisper. He nodded.

“I sit right beside you! I always get scolded for making jokes in the class,” he smiled proudly. I raised and eyebrow and nodded slowly. Now I know why he seems familiar. How did I not see his bright hair the first time? Oh yeah, because I didn't care about socializing with others.

“Kim Taehyung, it's nice to meet you, er... bump into you.” he gave a lopsided grin. I had to chuckle at his humour at least.


I nodded. “Mei Katsuko.”
He offered to buy a drink at the local cafe, at least until the rain died down. I wanted to refuse, but with his constant offer and begging I just couldn't say no. We sat at a far booth drinking up our lattes; with him initiating the talk.


“Say, are you from Japan? I have never heard a last name with Katsuko before,” he sipped. I shrugged, swirling the spoon in my cup.

“Maybe...” I mumbled. He gasped, making me look up in surprise if he had a heart attack.

“No way! How is it where you live? City or town? Is it true you guys have weird stuff there, like fizzy candy or how much you guys are popularized with curry-” I had to stop him with my hands up. Strange...


“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Yes, we have those many things, but they are normal to us. Yes, we have weird toys and whatnot and yes, curry is popular both in our city and towards tourists. Why do you want to know so much?” I asked. He slumped back into his chair, blushing. Crap, now you've done it Mei. Thanks for making him feel bad. It was soon replaced by a small sheepish smile on his lips.

“I thought Japan is pretty cool... When you were in my class I thought you would just talk to anyone about yourself. I was a bit sad that you didn't talk as much as I thought you did, so when I bumped into you earlier, it was basically my lucky day to talk to the one person whom was pretty interesting.” I widened my eyes with my blood rushing to my cheeks. No one actually went up to me in person and said that I myself, was a cool person. I smiled shyly.

“Okay, then, what do you want to know more?”


he smiled. “Everything.”


If anything, right after I talked with Taehyung the next day when going to class I noticed that people have begun to stare at me. Usually I would just ignore them, but with how much eyes and how tense the situation was I couldn't refuse to look at them back. Some smiled at me, others actually waved at me and said 'Hey Mei! How's your day?' and I would just nod and mumble a word or two. Finally when I came over to my desk Taehyung grinned even wider once I saw him. I returned a meek one; before settling down in my seat. I looked around in bewilderment as the students continued to look at me, smiling and waving. I frowned. Taehyung nudged me on the side and leaned closer to me to whisper into my right ear.


“I told them about you. They seem really interested after what you told me yesterday. Looks like you got more attention now,” I stared at him, which he sat there with a cheeky grin. He told me about them? I wasn't even asking for attention; I was used to being invisible. Damn it, Mei. Why didn't you shut up yesterday? I sighed, placing my head in my arms. Never have I in my entire life regretted something so much. The teacher soon walked in and closed the door, making the room quiet down. She began to lecture something about Japanese legends and soon someone already perked up.


“Miss, Is it alright if Mei can tell us more about these folklore?” a girl stood up. Everyone agreed; humming in few words and pounded their desks for it. I blinked, slowly standing up as well. I fidgeted with my cuff, to which the teacher looked at me and smiled encouragingly. I made my way up to the front. Turning around I faced the class, and a set of familiar set of yes hit mine. Taehyung leaned forward on his desk and gave a thumbs up, making me smile even wider. Soon, I began to talk about the stories, with each passing minute the class was listening with full ears. At first it felt unsettling – they were actually listening to me. But as soon as I finished, that relief washed over me like a wave – they clapped, and even the teacher was impressed. Having that feeling where someone is actually noticing you and what you say... it felt nice. Going back to my seat I thanked Taehyung for what he has done, but he held a hand up.

“Thank me over the cafe later; I'm buying you a latte,” I raised an eyebrow and smirked.

“Oh really?” I leaned on my desk whilst propping my chin under my hand. He nodded and laughed.

“Of course. I want to know you more.” I smiled right back. 



I could of never agreed more.










Author's Note
Fluff. Fluff everywhere. But, you're welcome ^^

Have a great day everyone~


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09/18/2015: I'm going to remake these chapters, just to let you guys know!


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Chapter 54: The story was interesting
New reader incoming XD feel so hreat to have found ur ff to make my life better XD
Lameseline #3
Chapter 4: Yes! Finally another person with namjoon as his/her bias!
Wow this is great I ever thought suga could be a shy and even blushing kind of guy since he looks like the bad boy type but wow he would look soo cute blushing lol
Corallipop #5
Chapter 8: Oh lordy~this is wonderful~keep it up! ^-^