Jimin: Tough Break


Kasumi Nobu is friends with the cold hearted Park Jimin at school. She’s trying to teach him to become more gentle, until one particular event and the whole day is turned the other way around…


Oh boy, not again. Jimin is giving the stink eye to a girl who accidentally threw the shuttlecock to his shady area under the tree. I felt sorry to even hear the conversation. “So-sorry, Jimin-ah,” she bowed. Jimin scowled.


“So, this was yours?” he held out it out for her to take and taking it she dashed away like a cat. I sighed, closing my book and stood up so I faced him.


“Seriously? Did you have to scare the girl like that?” I pointed out. He shrugged, frowning.

“It’s her fault she hit me.” I threw my arms up in the air.


“Does not matter, Jimin-ah! I taught you to be more nicer towards the people at school otherwise it gives you a bad reputation.” I furrowed my eyebrows in worry. I’ve known Jimin well enough that he’s honestly a real sweetheart; wouldn’t hurt a fly.

“Oh, is that what they think of me?” he scoffed whilst leaning back on the tree; clearly not giving a crap.


“Jimin-ah, promise me you will be more nicer…for both of our sakes.” I was glad he would listen to me especially since he knew well enough that I hate him for acting cold. He nodded with a warm smile.


“Fine, Kasumi. Just for you.” Ruffling my hair he walked into the school building. I stood there, with a proud smile. Suddenly I dropped it all in a second to realize what he had he just said:
For me?



The next day we went to school together Jimin was actually taking my word: already he smiled at two teachers and a couple of girls once we passed by the corridors. When I entered my math class and to my seat Jimin sighed frustratedly; his head buried in his arms. I paid no attention besides my book until he sighed even louder on purpose so I could hear. That earned him a glare from me. “Smiling at others is so hard. How are you able to do it every single day?”


I smirked. “Giving up already?” I teased. He looked at me and scrunched his nose, and we both ended up laughing. Two girls at the front came up to him, as I noticed one of them was blushing.


“Could you…help us study, Jimin-ah?” the blushing girl asked, with her friend beside her had eyes  glimmering of hope. He glanced at me with a questionable look, as I gave a slight nod. He turned back to the girls with a brief smile.


“Of course.” They soon walked away, with giggles and high whispers. “I hope your happy Kasumi,” He whispered tautly. I chuckled. The bell rang for the next class, with Jimin having P.E outside and I had English. We got a text analysis for class but ended up finishing it with my friend ten minutes before. We walked out of class, talking about the assignment. “Question 4 was so difficult. What did you put for that?” she asked me whilst walking through the hallways.


“I said it was dramatic irony between Jeongri and Hyon.” she nodded, then stopped in her tracks with her eyes locked out the window. “isn’t that Jimin?” I followed her finger and realized she was right. Jimin held a boy by his collar, and gave him a er punch to the face as he fell to his knees. A large crowd already gathered, and I sighed.


“Be right back.”  I dashed out the doors into the field. I pushed through the crowd to see just metres away Jimin wiping away what seemed like spit to the ground; his breaths coming in huffs and his face covered in scratch marks. “what the hell…” I muttered, grabbing his wrist and we dashed out the crowd towards the fountain out back. he rinsed his cuts as I crossed my arms.


“You punched him because he was bullying another student who’d hit him with a soccer ball?” He never responded; just continued washing his face. “Jimin-ah, look at me.” I say sternly. He obeyed but with little effort in doing so. He knew how upset I must have been at him for the moment; but I shook it off and gave a small smile.


“Tell me. Am I a bad person?” he quietly said. I reached out and tucked away a small strand that was sticking up on the side of his temple. “You’re not a bad person, Jimin-ah. I just wished more people could actually see the real you.” I bit my lip, and how much I wanted to say out loud:
The real kind person you always were underneath that cold shell of yours.

I never knew how close we both were, until I locked eyes with his. With each passing minute my heart thrummed louder in my ears, and already he closed the gap between us with his lips on mine. It was all too sweet, almost like honey; that I melted right in. He pulled apart with a small smile. I gave him a tight hug.


“Alright then. Go and apologize for beating that kid’s earlier,” I looked over at him who’d just gave a pout.

“Do I have to?” he whined. I rolled my eyes; crossing my arms with giving him a look. He sighed in defeat, before leaning in for another kiss. “Fine. Anything for Kasumi Nobu, right?”


As soon as he walked away I chuckled quietly to myself, smiling over that single kiss we just shared. How did I ever put up with him?


Now I have to deal with him being my boyfriend.












Author's Note

So... I finally get to update this! Woo-hoo ^^
Yup, I might as well put it up before I sleep (I am so dead tired from school ><)
This collection is still in semi-hiatus, so please be patient for more future updates!

Have a good day everyone~


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09/18/2015: I'm going to remake these chapters, just to let you guys know!


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Chapter 54: The story was interesting
New reader incoming XD feel so hreat to have found ur ff to make my life better XD
Lameseline #3
Chapter 4: Yes! Finally another person with namjoon as his/her bias!
Wow this is great I ever thought suga could be a shy and even blushing kind of guy since he looks like the bad boy type but wow he would look soo cute blushing lol
Corallipop #5
Chapter 8: Oh lordy~this is wonderful~keep it up! ^-^