Namjoon: Listen Carefully


Chiyoko Kumi is a tutor for many students across various schools; in fact one of the youngest tutor in her teens. What happens when she is assigned to tutor a boy name Kim Namjoon?

“Well Ms. Kumi, how is your day with Jung Seun?” the attendance asked. I smiled, getting the paper I marked out of my backpack.

“She has done extremely well from the last test I have given her. Her math has increased by at least 5% with her communication skills,” I explained. The attendance has an approved smile written all over; as she placed them in a folder at her desk.

“That's great! I think it's time to assign you a new student, since Ms. Seon would be guaranteed to pass without a tutor.” clicking on her computer and after a series of pushing keys on her keyboard, she opened up a file and in another tab she typed out my name in block letters within the document. She swivelled the screen and pointed a finger within the reach of the name.

“This is the student you will be assigned with for the given month or so,” she says. I stared hard at the name and without a word I nodded. After a few more chatting and giving me recent document files, it was time for lunch. Once I set out to meet my friend, I told her who was my next student to tutor.

Him? He's known for being an underground rapper.” my friend whispered. “some people say that every time he skips class is because of that reason.”

I scoffed. “Well, rumours are rumours. It's because of his skipping that I have to help him bring up his grades,” I muttered under my breath. My friend laughed.

“I don't get why you have such patience for students – I mean, considering that you have a scholars degree and one of the highest rank in school, you still manage to have time to aid others.” the school bell rang for class and we packed up our bags and threw out our garbage; walking along the halls.


“I'm just doing it for the kind of heart.” I say to my friend last before we parted ways to our class. It didn't matter who this so-called rapper everyone thinks – grades are grades, and it's my responsibility to help this boy name Kim Namjoon.



After school I looked at the directions I wrote in my notebook, trying to find out where he lived. Found out that I had to take a transit and walk for at least 8 minutes to where his house was located. Soon, I was already up to the front door and rang on the doorbell; being greeted by a loud bark and a messy haired boy looking as if he had just woken up from a nap.


“Is this Kim Namjoon?” I asked. The boy nodded solemnly, making it my chance as to bowing in a manner.


“I'm Chiyoko Kumi, your tutor. I'm the one that is going to help you with yiur English.” I answered before he opened his mouth. He motioned me to come into the house; which was small but cozy enough. Walking across the floor a small furry creature pounced at my legs; it's white fluffy tail wagging side to side energetically. I laughed, reaching down to pet it's tummy. “I never knew you had a dog,” I looked up at Namjoon. He sighed, picking up the pet and ruffled its fur with his long fingers.


“Yeah, well, my Pomeranian can be pretty excited when she sees other guests. Coco, sit down.” he ordered once he set the dog down. Once it obeyed he took a treat from his pocket and handed her it; which she munched on in satisfaction. With a relieved look we sat down at his dinner table and I took out some papers.


“Alright, let's try the basics of Grammar and Punctuation. Try these sentences,” I handed him a pencil and paper, as he looked at it quizzically. In a few minutes he picked up the paper and wrote slowly onto the sheet. Sliding the paper back to me I read it over and smiled.

“Good job, now try saying them out loud,” I say. He blinked, looking down at the sheet I passed back. Taking a deep breath, he spoke in low tone.

“T-the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.” he stated. I blinked; amazed by his spot-on English. Does this guy even need a tutor to begin with?

“Did I do something wrong?” he went right back to speaking in his native tongue. I shook my head, quietly chuckling to myself.


“N-no, you haven't. It's just... your English is really well. Why did you get a tutor anyway?” I asked.

“My mom thinks that my English is poor. Because of that I tried to prove otherwise by teaching myself for a while. Maybe a few months or so right after you were assigned in the job. They only got the message at the school just weeks ago, and you just knew today.” he explained. I nodded, slumping back into my chair.

“Well, I guess I don't need to teach you at all then and call back the school to get a new student.” I smirked. He held his hand up in defence.


“Wait! Why don't you just teach me for a few weeks instead? That way when I pass the test my mom won't hire another tutor again, and you're off the assignment. And, you can still teach me the basis; such as writing and reading. Oral I already got covered.” I pondered by what he said. It did help us either way, and it wouldn't harm anybody in doing so. Smiling, he took out his hand. I shook it with a matching grin on his face.

“Let's get started then.”

It was already weeks when I taught him reading and writing from literature books. He was attentive too – listening on to every word and every once in a while would respond his answers in English. My friend was even surprised about his unique talent – I will admit; I think I did a darn good job in teaching him. It still never explained about the rumours about him being an underground rapper... or so I thought. When I was at his house again to pick up his last assignment (which was almost like his test) I realized that he did not answer the questions on his sheet. And boy, was I ever so pissed.


“Namjoon! What happened with those weeks of me tutoring you? Was that just a waste or what?” I rose my tone at him. He tried to calm me down with gentle words and actions.

“I can explain Chi, if you would just just listen for a while.” he began. I sighed, crossing my arms.

“Okay then, explain.” I tauted. With a quick clearing of his throat, he began to speak. no...rap.

At first it annoyed me how fast he was rapping; almost like a bunch of words slurred together. But when I looked beyond that it was beyond what I felt. It was compelling, it was intriguing, and it was almost impossible to not be drawn to it. I was even grabbing my notebook and writing down his final mark while he stood there; proudly throwing his voice in rhythm like no tomorrow. Once he finished, he bit his lip with anticipation. Without hesitation, I showed him his mark on the paper; looking like as if he was going to pass out.


“85% on the final mark?!” he grinned. I laughed, easing him down with my hand on his shoulder.

“Yup. It was my first time to hear an underground rapper like you. And to think – who knew rap and English literature went so well together? I even gave you an extra bonus from the creativity,” I chuckled. It felt all too soon when he reached and hugged me tight, making me feel constricted. I coughed; which signalled him to let go before I nearly choke out of air.


“You know, I really owe you one,” he implied. I shook my head, but he insisted.

“I know! How about tomorrow night, I take you out for a night at the nearby cafe? They sell amazing hot cocoa,” he his lips dreamlike. I smiled, with an eyebrow raised.


“Are you asking your tutor out on a date?” I scoffed. He took my hand, as my heart thrummed in my ears.

“No, I'm asking you; Chiyoko Kumi, on a date. Don't you know your English?” he laughed.










Author's Note
Hello~ I updated way more earlier than yesterday; that's for sure ><
Alas, this collection will be on a hiatus due to school and whatnot. I'll try to update if I have the free time, but now that I am going into mid-terms chances are slim for me TT^TT

I apologize; and  I thank you for your patience! Have a great day everyone~


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09/18/2015: I'm going to remake these chapters, just to let you guys know!


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Chapter 54: The story was interesting
New reader incoming XD feel so hreat to have found ur ff to make my life better XD
Lameseline #3
Chapter 4: Yes! Finally another person with namjoon as his/her bias!
Wow this is great I ever thought suga could be a shy and even blushing kind of guy since he looks like the bad boy type but wow he would look soo cute blushing lol
Corallipop #5
Chapter 8: Oh lordy~this is wonderful~keep it up! ^-^