Hoseok: Snowed In


Because of the massive snow storm that hit in South Korea, Kira Heiyko and her friend Jung Hoseok stayed at her place for the day. She soon discovers that Hoseok had a little secret soon to be told...

I tapped his shoulder, which he looked up from his headphones in place. “What did you get for question #34 in the algebra textbook?” I asked. He turned off his iPod and removed his headphones to hear me properly.


“Square root the 25 and then substitute X for it,” he smiled -  as if it was the most dumb-founded question I asked all day. I playfully punched him by the arm, which he yelped right after.

“Idiot, don't smile at me like that! Be glad that I actually invited you over so we can do our homework together,” I laughed. Jung Hoseok was my friend, and I decided to bring him over the weekend so we could do our math together. He'd been to my house many times; especially during our summer breaks. With that he knew well enough about my sister who lives with me as well.

“Kira, you guys come down here, I've made rice balls!” we both dropped what we were doing and scurried down the stairs into the main room, with hungry growling stomachs. She set a plate between the two of us as we both completely devoured it in whole. Once we've finished she set it down in the sink just when I realized she was on the phone with her navy blue dress-shirt and denim. After she hung up I looked at her with curiosity.

“I still have work today. It's a shame really; the storm seems to be getting worse each hour.” I looked out the window to see heavy downfalls of white from the sky, leaving almost what looked like a centimetre of snow on the ground.


“Does mom and dad know about the storm? Did you contact them?” my sister just sighed, grabbing her purse and coat from the couch beside me.

“I only e-mailed them – but because of the storm I don't think they'll get it from Osaka.” I slumped back to my shoulders. Nonetheless I closed the door shut behind her; as I told her to contact the house as soon as she arrived. I walked back into the living room, still looking out the window.


“Man, I don't think I'll be able to walk in all this snow. It wasn't as bad as it was last winter season,” Hoseok furrowed his brows in worry.  I walked over to him and bending on my knees I wrapped my arms around him in reassurance. From the slight reflection on the window I saw a smile grow onto his lips as he reached a hand to hold onto my wrists.


“I'm sure it will be fine.” I say as I released myself back. I grabbed our book bags and settled them onto the floor, which I dropped our books and pencils onto the table to continue on with our work.

After an hour we've finished, Hoseok and I began to draw each other for fun. As the artist I was, I could have easily drew a self-portrait or in a cartoon-ish figure. We never showed each other until we actually both finish completely. “Ready?” he held onto his piece of paper. I nodded. “one...two...three!” we flipped the paper right around, and I had to stifle my laugh. What he drew looked like what I used to draw like...in the 5th grade.


“Yah, don't laugh! I'm not artistic as you,” he scrunched up his nose in a mockery. I eased down my smile, getting up.


“It's something I would have drawn in the 5th grade.” I snickered, adding on another comment before he opened his mouth in a protest. “It's a compliment; trust.” he rolled his eyes, which I smirked before heading into the kitchen to grab the boiling kettle out of the stove from earlier.

“You want a drink?” I yelled over my shoulder. “Hot cocoa please,” he responded, as I heard the TV groan on. After finishing up with Hoseok's drink I did my own drink – a green tea latte.



Placing both drinks on a tray I walked over to the living room once more to see the news anchor man filing reports on the weather.
“-we'll be expecting almost 20 centimetres of snow to the south end of Busan; and a mere 10% more north in Seoul,” the man announced. I sat beside Hoseok on the couch, and gave him the cocoa before he immediately reached for the remote to close the TV. Between slurps of my tea I glanced at him to the side – and boy did this person ever look so worried that it made me worry as well. Was it because of the storm? or...something else? It was hardly ever that I see him so concerned that he wouldn't even crack a few jokes or two. He probably knew I was watching him, because when he turned I quickly looked down at my drink and sipped as if I was doing nothing but that.

He catch on well enough that he finished his drink rather quickly and settled it on the table beside his book. Suddenly I heard his phone chime, which was muffled in his bag. He ped the front of it and took it out, sliding a finger over the screen. He muttered a curse. “Sorry, Kira. My mom just called. Would you mind?” he pointed out into the hallway for the conversation he was about to have, which I nodded.


“Go ahead,” with a nod and smile he walked away with the phone close to his ear.


“Mom? Did you call...” I sighed, hardly hearing his voice growing fainter by the minute. After my last sip of my sweet tea I placed it down on the tray which slightly tipped his book over.


“Whoops,” I say quietly, bending it over to pick it up. As I flipped it downright up it landed on an empty page that was filled with messy writings and jot notes. It almost looked like a check list.


I didn't mean to look into it further, but it was weird how the date was set off particularly for today. Already he checked off most – almost all – of the things on the list. But what caught my attention especially was that last bullet that was much more bolder and larger than the rest. My eyes widened from the sudden words I just read over: Confess to Kira Heikyo. My hands trembled. What other girl does he know that isn't the 'Kira', that he knew?


Crap... no wonder he was so nervous all of a sudden. Right at the moment I see him come right back and still talking on the phone. In a split second I closed his book and slammed on the table quick enough to place my back on the cushion, with hands folded neatly into my lap. He sighed, putting his cell phone on the table. I gulped. He then eyed me suspiciously, squinting. “Kira? You okay?” I looked up; with much more fast reflexes than I intended to.


“Wh-what?” I stammered. He sat right beside me; causing me to flinch.


“You're nervous – if it makes you feel better, I can tell you that my mom just wanted to make sure I was alright, and that she's not affected by the snow as much,” I managed to chuckle by him thinking I was worried for his mother.


“No, it's not that...and I'm glad she's alright. It's just,” I turned my eyes to set off the book, which he followed right after. I too can feel his tension build up on his shoulders. “did you-” he pointed hesitantly at it. No answer from me – I just looked down with blushing cheeks.
“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. It fell over and when I grabbed it up it fell on the page where...” I swallowed the lump in my throat. Now he knows. He knows. He knows... instead of an answer, he reached over to me and lifted my chin, gazing into his eyes.

With a slight chuckle he leaned in and gave a lingering kiss, which left the sweetness and creaminess of the cocoa he drank earlier. “You don't need to explain; it saves me the time for my confession anyway.” it was his grin that I couldn't help but wrap my arms around him in a tight hug. “You never even told me if you like me back!” he chuckled.


I looked at him and gave another kiss. “What do you think from the hug and kiss was for?” I smirked.


The snow now drifted in whispers to the ground, almost as if it was invisible to see. Just how it peeked at the new couple admiring them right back.









Author's Note
Aanndd, I am back! Hello wondeful people, I am so glad I was able to update this again ^^
Truth be told, this week wasn't the best for me -.- so am I ever glad to have this weekend ~
This story is a season late, because it was based on a storm that happened during my mid-winter break... sorry about that ^^;
Also this was supposed to be published after Taehyung's motorcyle one-shot but I missed it when I was searching it in my files... oops. ><
(P.S do you guys have members you want me to write a one-shot on? Let me know in the comments)

Have a great day everyone~


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09/18/2015: I'm going to remake these chapters, just to let you guys know!


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Chapter 54: The story was interesting
New reader incoming XD feel so hreat to have found ur ff to make my life better XD
Lameseline #3
Chapter 4: Yes! Finally another person with namjoon as his/her bias!
Wow this is great I ever thought suga could be a shy and even blushing kind of guy since he looks like the bad boy type but wow he would look soo cute blushing lol
Corallipop #5
Chapter 8: Oh lordy~this is wonderful~keep it up! ^-^