Jungkook: The Sleepover


Jun Keiko was invited over to her best friend’s Jeon Jungkook to his house for a sleepover. This is their night together.


His parents were so nice to allow me to sleep over. They knew me pretty well, so I could have went over to his house in the morning if I wanted to. Today was a Friday night,and I figured to accept Jungkook’s invitation for the sleepover since I honestly had nothing better to do. I knocked on his door twice; my other arm holding onto my checkered coach bag. I waited for almost what felt like 5 minutes. Maybe he was not at home?

But soon after I was greeted by a round faced grinning boy with his charcoal hair brushed against his clear pale skin. I hugged him, making him stumble back out the entrance; but he managed to hug me back. our little embrace soon ended when I caught a strong smell wafting in my nostrils. “it’s smells like…” Jungkook widened his eyes by cathing the scent as well, as he dashed away into the kitchen.


Quickly, I set my bag down on the couch and followed him soon after. He took out his what looked like a tart that was over burnt - it’s crust almost as black as his hair. “Crap,” he muttered as he waved a hand to blow out the smoke away from the food. I smirked. I never knew he cooked - or at least, tried to.


“What’s with the sudden cooking?” I asked. He sighed.


“I wanted to cook at least once, since you always made me those lunches when we went to summer school together. I figured to make you a crab and spinach tart; erm well…what used to be one.” I chuckled, wrapping an arm around his waist and rested my head on his shoulder. He wasn’t uncomfortable by this sort of contact; he combed my hair in between his fingers to make himself more happier.


“It can’t be that bad.” I pushed him away gently and took a fork from the table, cutting a small piece and plopping it into my mouth before Jungkook began to protest. I only swallowed half the piece and it already tasted like a rubber boot. He held out a hand in front of me with a small smile.


“Here. Spit it out.” I obeyed, as he flicked his hand so the charred piece fell into the sink and he washed his hands right after. Whilst turning around he saw me with an apron I took from the table and my hair fixed in a messy bun.


“Before you even stop me, you can either bring up my bags into your room or help me make dinner.” I cut him off before opening his mouth.
He chuckled lightly, giving me his wide eyed smiles.


“I’ll do both.”

Well, at least he could cut vegetables pretty decent. I used the carrots and mushrooms and placed them in bubbling water and stirred them until it turned to a rich caramel colour. Jungkook took the noodles from another pot and ladled half into each of the bowls on the table. I poured the broth right after; delicately placing one large fish cake before setting them both down on the table. We both took our chopsticks and the look on his face when tasting the ramen was astounding. “How are you able to make such good food like this? It’s almost like magic.” I hid my smile as I drank my broth.


“When I was living with my grandma in  Mount Yoshino we always cooked together whenever my parents weren’t at home. I cook more meals for my parents since I moved here in Seoul.” We talked to and fro – up to the point we both finished.


“I’ll take your dish; try find something to play in the main room.” I got up and walked into the room he instructed. He had his console out, though it looked like he never touched it in quite a while. I took out a game out of the shelf below the TV and called him over, opening the case. He came dashing and immediately stopped and smirked at the game I inserted in the console.


“You know, I got the highest rank in combat.” He boasted proudly. I scoffed, rolling my eyes.


“I just wanted to beat your little before I go to sleep. Or are you chickening out already?” I cooed, his smile faltering. In a swift move he plopped down on the carpet beside me and grabbed another controller. It was game on. We went to the 20th round, and we were tied 15-15. As I saw his character in my view I aimed my sniper and shot. Bam! A fatal head-shot. I squealed as Jungkook groaned.


“Jun Keiko is now the highest ranker, and Jeon Jungkook is the lowest~” I singsonged. He sighed, getting up.


“Yeah, yeah.” He smiled. Suddenly we heard the chime of the clock. It struck at 12:00 midnight. I yawned whilst stretching my arms up into the air.


“You heading up?” I say sleepily. He shook his head.


“I’m going to clean up for a while first. I’ll be up in 45 minutes.” I cocked my head to the side with furrowing my eyebrows. “Jungkook-ah…” I felt really bad for this guy. Why? His face just screamed that he was absolutely tired. His deep bags under his eyes especially gave the obvious conclusion. I hate being the one to call out an argument, so I put my head down and nodded; heading up to his room. I brushed my teeth and combed my hair in his washroom, then took out my favourite cherry pajama’s and dressed into them. It was already 10 to 1, and what struck me was how silent it got all of a sudden. Too silent.


I took the blanket off of his bed and snuck quietly down the stairs and into the kitchen. The dishes and table were clean…but where was Jungkook? As I left the kitchen and into the main room I already saw an all too familiar boy lying down the couch. I stifled my laugh with my sleeve to see Jungkook sleeping on the couch, his mouth hung open and an arm draped over his chest. I walked slowly to him and taking the blanket at his feet I covered his torso up. He shuffled so his body so there was more space on the couch. Well, I didn’t want to wake him nor did I want go back upstairs since I already was here, so slowly I climbed into the blanket and wrapped an arm on his waist with my forehead resting on his chest. I gasped in surprise as his arm tightened on my own waist and his lips came close to my ear.


“Good night, Jun.” he chuckled. I snuggled even further into his sweet smelling soap cream white fabric, my laugh muffled against his shirt.


“Good night, Jungkook-ah.”









Author's Note

But hey, I'm glad there are readers out there who quite like it so nonetheless hope you enjoy this one-shot!

Enjoy your day everyone~


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09/18/2015: I'm going to remake these chapters, just to let you guys know!


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Chapter 54: The story was interesting
New reader incoming XD feel so hreat to have found ur ff to make my life better XD
Lameseline #3
Chapter 4: Yes! Finally another person with namjoon as his/her bias!
Wow this is great I ever thought suga could be a shy and even blushing kind of guy since he looks like the bad boy type but wow he would look soo cute blushing lol
Corallipop #5
Chapter 8: Oh lordy~this is wonderful~keep it up! ^-^