Jin: The Book Shop


Hina Isamu is a book worm-whenever she has the time off of studying her college notes tends to grab a novel from her favourite nearby bookstore. She meets the new worker who works there, a boy name Kim Seokjin, and notices that it’s not only the books that catches her eye…


I walked out the corridors of the college auditorium, holding on to my black messenger bag as I quickly strided to my favourite book store that was a block away.  The excitement of seeing new novels fills my mind, already seeing them from the window. I checked for my reflection; combing my short  wavy cocoa-brown hair and pampered my bangs as I  adjusted my black glasses before walking into the air-conditioned room. Already I see Jin, sitting at the front; his eyes entranced in his novel. I quietly walked around the desk, peering over his shoulder. He never noticed as I was there, because when he shot his head up he almost jumped. I laughed, him staring. “Hina, God...what the hell! I almost had a heart attack.”


I snickered, turning my direction to the row of books along the shelves. “But you didn’t, so I’m off the hook.” I gave him a look on the side, which he smiled small. Because I was a frequent customer I knew him and his manager quite well. I guess it was alright for the manager because even though I hardly bought the books; at least someone enjoyed being in the store.


“How’s school?” Jin asked. I shrugged while grabbing a pink book and turned it on the side.


“It’s good. Though, the tutorial of Haikus; borinnngg.” I drawled.


He smirked. “Coming from a Japanese student.” He teased, which I glared at him. He gave me some recommendations, since I was stuck with what book to read first in the store. I already had 3 in my hand before his manager came in with a bag of groceries almost covering his wrinkled complexion. He set them on the desk, turning to me and politely bowed; as I returned the favour. “You look lovely in that skirt Hina; love the black owls on it.” I smiled, looking at my cream halter top and the skirt. But as I look up Jin was behind him, he rubbed his neck with his head looking away; a blush crept on his face. I raised an eyebrow, wondering his sudden flustered-ness. I shrugged it off anyway, as the manager handed me my reciept before I walked out the store whilst waving a farewell out the window. Jin just stared at me in return.



I already finished the books the next day which I walked in again at the store after my lesson in class. Jin was still at his regular seat at the front - this time reading a new book. I firmly held my bag as I murmured a ‘hello’, which he looked up and smiled. Well, he seems fine. At least in my eyes he does. “I’m guessing you already finished the books I gave you?” he smirked, earning my nod.


“I think I want to go for a short story,” I walked to that section of the store; which he got up and trailed behind me. I scanned the row, but nothing attracted my eye. “Any thing you liked?” I asked.


“Hm, let me see.” His arm stretched over my right shoulder as he touched each of the colourful spines. “Well, there’s this girl who loved going to her nearby bookstore, and the boy working there became close friends with her. The boy developed a liking towards her, but she doesn’t know. Until now.” He stopped lingering his fingers onto the books, as I slowly turned my head; lowering my blushing face. Was he…talking about me? Did he like me? “What-what happened next?” I murmured.



He slowly leaned in and gave a long sweet kiss. “Sorry, I can’t give you any spoilers.” 









Author's Note

Hello! So sorry for the late update; but I just had so much assignments due tomorrow to finish and it's just 'why do you want me to suffer in the middle of the week' T^T

None of the less it's my last day of school tomorrow before my mid-winter break...Woot Woot!
Enjoy reading~ (Also I fully completed to write each member of BTS-yay ^^)


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09/18/2015: I'm going to remake these chapters, just to let you guys know!


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Chapter 54: The story was interesting
New reader incoming XD feel so hreat to have found ur ff to make my life better XD
Lameseline #3
Chapter 4: Yes! Finally another person with namjoon as his/her bias!
Wow this is great I ever thought suga could be a shy and even blushing kind of guy since he looks like the bad boy type but wow he would look soo cute blushing lol
Corallipop #5
Chapter 8: Oh lordy~this is wonderful~keep it up! ^-^