Jimin: Piercing


A day where Park Jimin gets his piercing with his friend Yui Satako tagging along.


It was a nice warm sunny afternoon. The sun was out, the sky was primarily blue, and there was enough wind that it came out as a gentle breeze. I was walking through the busy district with my friend Jimin; who was clearly excited as to where he was then I was.

“Jimin-ah, are you really that excited to get your cartillage pierced?” I asked. He looked at me and smiled; fixing his black cap so it was askew to show his front bangs.


“Hell yes I'm excited! I've been wanting to get one for ages; and now that you told me about your cousin opening up a piercing and tattoo shop near this place for sure I wasn't going to refuse the offer,” he boasted. I rolled my eyes with a small smile.


“I should of not told you in the first place then; you wouldn't stop talking over the phone last night about the piercing,” I muttered under my breath. He pouted at me, which I end up laughing amongst it.

“Yui-ah~” he whined, thinking that I would actually cancel on the plans. I sighed and rolled my eyes again.

“God, I'm kidding! I'm kidding.” I held my hands up in defence; which he went back to grinning giddily. Turning to the right corner was the shop already in front of us: As You Wish.

It was a fairly small shop; if you compared to it on the outside. I came up the steps and knocked on the white door for good 3 reps. Minutes later a girl with violet hair in loose waves had opened it with a click; and she had a wide smile on her face.

“Yui!” she hugged me tight right around the waist. I chuckled; returning the favour.

“Hey, Hori-chan! We promised to come didn't we?” I motioned for Jimin to come up and greet her. With a small and bow he stood more straighter up to her.

“Park Jimin,” he introduced. Hori bowed right after and returned a smirk.

“Aina Hori, but just call me Aina. And don't worry; no need for you to call me 'noona', it's weird,” she scrunched her nose, making Jimin nod slowly. She motioned us to come in, and I was surprised how cozy it was. Fresh new interior – and not to mention the small table she had. I was glad she never painted the walls just yet; it would of been really off with the overall theme.



Hori came right around us and went off into the kitchen to turn off the stove where her tea kettle was boiling. She talked over the kettle as she poured the tea into small cups. We sat down at the table and I admired her outdoor window of the outside city. She then came over and gave us our drinks; which we both mumbled a 'thank you' in return.


“So, what brings you both here today?” she sat across form us, with her closed hands resting underneath her chin. I looked over at Jimin; who was gulping down the tea like no tomorrow. He then placed the cup down while swallowing in one setting. Soon, he spoke up.

“I would like to get a cartilage piercing, on my right ear,” he stated. Hori raised her eyebrows and nodded in note.

“I see,” she smirked, leaning towards the table. “how interesting – you already have both of your ears pierced and you want one on the cartilage?” she lowered her eyes. With wide eyes Jimin nodded. With a hum of satisfaction she stood up quickly and told him to follow her into the main room.

“Help yourself out for any rice balls in the fridge,” she called out. I responded with a hum and soon it was just me in the dining room. I heard shuffling and mumbled words, and when I looked over Jimin settle down on a small wooden stool; surrounded with a table that had billions of metal gimicks and whatnot. I heard a pump of rubbing alcohol squirting, and more mumbled sounds. Jimin seemed to laugh.


“Have you ever been scared of piercings?” she asked him casually.

“Well, considering that I have 2 of them...” he joked, which made Hori laugh and me smile. At least he was being opening up to her. I never admit this to Jimin, but I was really nervous the whole time about this piercing phenomena. I knew him well enough that he was brave; not scared of a single thing. And well... there's me. I am worry-wart. I didn't tell him the whole time because he would of stop and not even have the courage to continue with this. I didn't want to stop for my concern. Already I heard the click of the piercing gun and I gulped down my last sip of tea; the leaves leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. God, did I leave my tea up until it was cold? Stupid thoughts of mine.


Suddenly I heard a yelp of surprise. I turned to where the sound was to see Hori startled, and Jimin clutched onto his jeans with white knuckles. I stood up abruptly.
“H-Hori-san?” I say in concern. She gulped with a feeble smile.

“It...wasn't me,” she breathed. Looking over at Jimin he had his gaze down, and I can tell that he was blushing. I walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. I leaned closer to him, which he looked up slowly.

“I-I panicked,” he mumbled; shaking. “It's a cartilage being pierced, Yui, I...” I stopped him with a hug. He hesitated at first, but soon his arms wrapped around my waist.


“Don't worry, I'm also scared. If anything, I don't want you to stop at this because of me. You were excited with this; so why not now?” I smiled at him. He chuckled, adjusting his cap and stood more straighter.

“Alright, I'll...I'll try again.”


After a few agreements I decided to be just with him; holding his hand to support him. With a click, Hori began to readjust the needle and each time it came close to him he closed his eyes; squeezing my hand.

“Okay, hold still. Annnndd..." click. "there you go!” It felt like a second when he opened his eyes. Hori held out a wall mirror and he inspected the new metal stub that was visible in the ear. He grinned, standing up and bowed as a thank you. Hori laughed.

“Hey, no problem! As your first visit I'll give you a 25% off, and you can come anytime with Yui,” I nodded.


“Thanks, Hori-chan.” I paid down the money. She patted my shoulder and we made it to the door.

“I think someone else should say a thanks to you,” he motioned over to Jimin who was standing at the door with hands in his pockets. She handed me something with a small wink and I walked behind him. Wrapping my arms around his shoulder I swayed back and forth.

“How do you like your new look?” I whispered in his ear. He smiled, ruffling my hair.

“It's better to share it with my friend.” he says.

“It's funny – a guy like you actually got scared,” I pointed a finger to his chest. He scoffed, denying it. Taking it out of my pocket, I unwrapped the lollipop from its wrapper and plopped it in his mouth; which he muffled a surprise. I laughed.


“Rigght, baby Jimin,” I cooed. He blushed, making me pinch his cheek. I could hear Hori behind me laugh by how I , making him even more flustered.

This will definitely be something to talk about for a while.











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09/18/2015: I'm going to remake these chapters, just to let you guys know!


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Chapter 54: The story was interesting
New reader incoming XD feel so hreat to have found ur ff to make my life better XD
Lameseline #3
Chapter 4: Yes! Finally another person with namjoon as his/her bias!
Wow this is great I ever thought suga could be a shy and even blushing kind of guy since he looks like the bad boy type but wow he would look soo cute blushing lol
Corallipop #5
Chapter 8: Oh lordy~this is wonderful~keep it up! ^-^