Jin: Peek-a-boo


A special Halloween with a girl name Akiko Goro and Kim Seokjin.




Today was Halloween, more specifically there was 11 hours more until this special day was over. I loved this holiday, in fact it was my all favourite. Why? Because it was my all time moment to bring out my goodness in scaring others. In fact, I was the Halloween queen. Not meaning to brag, but no one could ever scare me. I'm just that good.


For this special day, I had one particular person in mind to scare: Kim Seokjin. He was my friend since middle school – and the only one person to never been scared. I tried many things, from putting fake worms in his bag to jump scaring him with a creepy clown costume. But none of those things worked.
“Face it, you can't ever scare me.” he smirked, sitting across from me on the marble top in his kitchen. I laughed.


“Just you wait, I will scare the living shiz out of your soul.” I say. He turned a page in the article, landing on a paranormal poster about a haunted house. My brain suddenly clicked.


“Wait,” I say, getting his attention. He looked at me. I pointed at the paper. “when is this haunted house?” he read the ad,  which was at 6:00pm to midnight. Which means...I got a brilliant idea.


“Hey, I have a great idea.” I smiled. He sighed, crossing his arms.


“A haunted house...really?” he rose an eyebrow. “a lame attraction like that won't scare me.”


“Well, how would you know? Listen, how would you like to make a small bet? If you don't get scared – which I doubt you wouldn't – then I would wear a costume you choose. However if I win, it will be vice versa.” I explain. He rubbed his chin, his face distorted in deep concentration. Soon he grinned.

“You're so on.” he held out a hand and without hesitation I shook it with determination.




I went and already bought a costume just in case, which was a princess outfit. I wasn't sure why, but him and princess themes just seem to suit really well.
My friends were part of making in the whole haunted house attraction, which after they knew about me going with Jin they were nice enough for us to be the first ones to try it.


As soon as it hit dawn Jin and I have already made it to the attraction, with a line building up with anticipation behind us. “When you lose make sure you don't be grumpy when wearing your costume.” Jin smirked. I chortled a laugh.


“In your dreams.” I stuck out my tongue at him. Soon it was the time in which we entered the house, where already I was succumbed in pitch darkness. There was an eerie creak of the wood beneath our shoes, echoing off in the dark. Ceiling lights flickered on and off, and I swore I think I heard a door open just across the narrow hallway.


Suddenly I tensed up, a shiver ran down my spine. “Jin,” I whispered. “did you feel that?” I slowly s my hand onto his arm, just for safety reasons.
“No. You scared? Considering that you're holding onto me pretty tight.” he said. I laughed, rather nervously.


“What are you talking about? I'm not scared. I just...don't want to be lost. I mean, what if I get stuck here for hours?”


“Arasso.” he chuckled, proceding on. We turned towards a corner when soon I hear a blood curdling shriek. My hands began to sweat, and my heart soon changed pace. I tried to calm down with taking deep breaths, but nothing seemed to change it.


After Jin advised that we were almost through I was relieved. I'll admit – it was my first time going to a haunted house. I wasn't so used to being in pitch darkness for so long because it made me very uncomfortable. At least I don't have to in the house for very long, as Jin said we were almost at the exit; and to my relief we were. Almost.


Just inches before the bright neon sign saying 'EXIT' a distracting yellow light was in my peripheral view. I turned to see what it was...only to be jump scared by a broken china doll with a grotesque expression coming out of the shadows right in my face.


That sure ripped a scream out of my throat.


After that Jin took my right out and straight to where he latched his bike off the wall; a small garbage bag which probably was my costume for my awful defeat.
He waited for me while I went to the washroom nearby, and soon I wanted to not wear it. “Don't bail out, Kiko. You were the one who made the bet in the first place.” damn it.


When I came out in a big tiger one suit – god help me this was embarrassing – I see him smiling foolishly.



“You know, I'll be honest. I thought you'd look ridiculous; but you actually look really cute in that costume.” I blushed furiously.


“Shut up, Jin.” I mumbled. I pulled up my sleeve to see what it was on my phone and it was 11:49pm. I threw my head back and groaned. “man, I'm going to miss trick-or-treating!”


“Well, we have around 10 minutes.” he replied. I shook my head to just forget about it, and said we can just walk around the park with bubble tea.


Agreeing he bought two milk teas and when we tried to find a bench to sit they were all occupied by those in costumes and couples. We walked around until we found a small hill that showed the entire block of the city. We sat at the cliff edge and drank our tea, admriing the little kids walking around with their parents in aiming for last minute candy, all while to see the parents' faces washed with relief that the night was almost over. Jin suddenly chuckled out loud, surprising me.


“Sorry, but I was just curious. What is 'tiger' in Japanese?” he asked.


“Tora. Why?” he shrugged, mumbling no reason.


“Another question. Were you really scared back there?” I smile shyly.


“Honestly, I was scared of being lost.” I admit.


“Lame excuse.” he scoffed, which I pushed him playfully. I checked my phone for the time, and sighed miserably. Jin cleared his throat to get my attention.


“Hey, last question. Will you be scared when I lean this close?” his face inched close to mine, making me gulp nervously. Smirking I felt a soft breath tickle my cheeks. Then, he closed the distance between us. I swear my heart didn't beat this fast as it did in the haunted house.



“How about when I kissed you?” oh, I wasn't scared, I was flustered as hell.

“Pabo.” I mumbled. He only laughed.


“Happy Halloween, Tora Kiko.”













Author's Note

Just a special one shot I wanted to put up on a very special day. Don't we all want Jin to dress up as a princess? XD

Alright, have a happy Hallowen everyone!



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09/18/2015: I'm going to remake these chapters, just to let you guys know!


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Chapter 54: The story was interesting
New reader incoming XD feel so hreat to have found ur ff to make my life better XD
Lameseline #3
Chapter 4: Yes! Finally another person with namjoon as his/her bias!
Wow this is great I ever thought suga could be a shy and even blushing kind of guy since he looks like the bad boy type but wow he would look soo cute blushing lol
Corallipop #5
Chapter 8: Oh lordy~this is wonderful~keep it up! ^-^