Jin: New Chance


After getting heartbroken Mami Airi doesn't know how to move on. How does her childhood best friend Kim Seokjin deal with the situation?

                                                                         Jin | via Tumblr

I was standing in the middle of the dance floor, and my eyes brimmed with tears as I see my date. He was holding hands with another girl. Did he not see me? Was I invisible? I didn't want to believe it, but I knew for sure it wasn't a dream. I clenched the hem of my skirt and closed my eyes just when I see their lips connect. Without thinking I turned a heel and pushed away into the crowd, stumbling out the exit. The cool night breeze hit my skin, which made my tear feel warm on the surface of my cheeks. I managed to relieve my choking sobs to hiccuping sighs, and I began to retain my normal breathing pace. Taking my phone I dialled the pre-dialed set, though my eyes begin to brim with overflowing tears from remembering the memory; shaking my voice. “Sis? Can you pick me up from the banquet...” I sniffled. That's right - I got dumped on my first dance. Anger boiled through me, yet with sadness. I just want to get out of here as soon as possible to not see him anymore.


“Sorry, I think you got the wrong number.” the voice said. I caught my breath, soon muttering a curse right after. I dialled Kim Seokjin's number instead!

“Oh! I'm sorry Jin-ah,” I say softly. “I was just too upset that I accidentally dialled you instead of my sister.” my laugh faltered. He quickly asked if I still needed a ride, which I didn't hesitate in my answer. Without further explanation; a few minutes later Jin came by and picked me up all the way to his small condo, into his main room.




Because Jin and I were very close childhood friends, I called my sister and she allowed me staying over his house for the night. Dropping off my clothes, I told her why I left the dance so early from my two-timing date. I was happy she understood and she comforted me as much as Jin did too. After she left I dressed in my fleecy red pj's and sipped on the leftover hot cocoa that Jin made.

He listened to my whole story while we sat on his bed, and through gentle affections and kind words he didn't push on further; making me melt comfortably into his presence.

“Don't stress so much,” we lied down on his soft mattress, his hand my hair. I mumbled a protest.

“I was just so stupid. We were together for so long and just tonight he...he left me hanging there. Prick, heartless, cheating jerk,” Already all my tears has made my eyes puffy and swollen that I was just left with sniffles. He kissed my forehead and chuckled.


“Tomorrow, you'll forget about him. Why? Because we are going to hang out tomorrow. Just the two of us.” I smiled, and we both said 'good-night' to each other before drifting to sleep, soon the memories of the night vanished.



Thank goodness it was a Saturday. I felt happy that I was hanging out with Jin, already forgetting my ex-boyfriend. Luckily I didn't need to talk to him when I go back to class again – my phone call ended it all. What's more? He took it pretty well, of course. Although Jin wanted to hang out at the district today, he'd gotten a sudden call to work half day at the local cafe, which I didn't mind; sitting at a far booth and listened to music while doodling in my sketchbook.

At times he would try to cheer me up with small faces he would make while getting orders, even sneaked a few side dishes for me to snack on while he works. Sometimes girls would just casually strike a conversation in an intentional flirty expression, but I didn't really get bothered by it (In fact, I found it pretty amusing just to watch). But there was one particular group that caught my attention.


While Jin was on his break he cracked a few jokes until two girls approached him with blushing cheeks and high giggles. A tall brunette asked if he was free to hang out with them after work. My eyes looked up from my page quickly to Jin's reaction. He just smiled genuine.

“I'm sorry, but I'm occupied with her as per the day.” Jin squeezed my hand, which I rolled my eyes and pushed it away, both of us laughing by how he exaggerated the word 'her'. With disappointed expressions they nodded with a trying smile, yet I managed to catch their few whispers.

“Aish, so lucky to have a girl like her.”

“Yeah, she's so pretty!”


I smiled by that compliment.

“But, I would feel pity when she gets dumped too fast.

My smile froze when I hear the last sentence. My heart beat was thudding in my ears, and soon all sounds faded back into my brain. Pity. Dump. Soon last night comes back into view, and I slowly curled my fingers in. I closed my eyes and my throat felt tight; almost hard to gasp for air. When I finally did, however; I was a trembling body. I felt someone else's hand on my shoulder, and through my tears I see a blurry Jin.


“A-are you okay?” his voice was in a caring tone. I nodded, wiping away my tears, and soon when I got up my legs gave way and I tumbled into his arms, which he let me sit down again and called the manager. He got out of work early and figured out that I just needed some fresh air. We sat at a bench in the park; cut off that it was hidden from the actual trail. We never said anything, already he knew that me just me being wrapped by his strong arms in comfort it eased me until I had the courage to speak.


“Jin-ah,” I mumbled. He hummed a response, making me continue. “why... are you being so nice to me?”

He chuckled. “You would need comfort at a time like this, especially from a...friend.” I scoffed, and looked up at him.

“Friends? Why are you friends with a... crying wimp like me? You deserve to be with someone else who doesn't cry all day about heartbreak and crap that you probably don't really care about.” I blurted. He rose an eyebrow, though it soon faded as he smiled.


“That's the thing, Mami-ah. I do care about all that crap that you're dealing with. I'm glad that, you chose me to share this pain you are dealing with, and that you're being open to do so. In a way, you're not a crying wimp. Why do you think that you never hesitate in expressing your feelings, more so to a closest friend you know since childhood?” he placed a hand over mine, which caught my breath. Jin...cares? About me? After all this time, even though I felt like it was just a temporary comfort to move on, he latched on. He understood me. He didn't question why I even dated a jerk, because no matter what he supported me this whole time. My blood rushed to my cheeks.


“W-why...care?” I pried my eyes away.

Suddenly he pinched my chin and lifted my face up just so his lips were fully on mine. Pulling away he gave a more broader smile than before.
It's because caring is worth for someone they love.”









Author's Note
Credit to the person for the picture of the room; and to the one who took the lovely picture of Jin (Isn't he adorbz? ><)
Also, if you haven't noticed, but I made a new story. If you have the time, please do check it out ^^
Have a great day everyone ~


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09/18/2015: I'm going to remake these chapters, just to let you guys know!


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Chapter 54: The story was interesting
New reader incoming XD feel so hreat to have found ur ff to make my life better XD
Lameseline #3
Chapter 4: Yes! Finally another person with namjoon as his/her bias!
Wow this is great I ever thought suga could be a shy and even blushing kind of guy since he looks like the bad boy type but wow he would look soo cute blushing lol
Corallipop #5
Chapter 8: Oh lordy~this is wonderful~keep it up! ^-^