Yoongi: Third Wheel


Yuzuki Goro and her boyfriend go out for a nice date… little did he knew that they’ll be having company…



“When you said that we are going on a date, you never told me that it involved with being accompanied by your sister.” Yoongi slumped his shoulders back onto my couch. I hushed him, placing a finger to my lips.


“Shh, Mimi lives here too you know,” I retorted. I promised Yoongi that we would go on a date;  but later on my mom called in saying she was working this night.


“So, our date for today is that we’re basically babysitting her. Swell.” He scoffed. I punched him hard on his arm, causing him to yelp and glare at me. I smirked. I’ll admit – Yoongi could be a little self-centred at time, but in the end he would just do what makes me happy for the both us – including sacrificing one of our own dates. I scooted a little bit closer to him, as he noticed how close our faces were. A small smile lingered on his lips; his arm slowly wrapping around my waist as I felt his breath tickling my nose.


“What are you thinking?” I whispered, with both our eyes gazing down to each others lips.


“Isn’t it obvious?” he smirked; closing the gap between us two, the smell of his fresh sharp musky cologne and his hand my hair to pull me even closer. I closed my eyes and…


“Do you know where my Hello Kitty bracelet is?” we both jumped and reached the end of the couch to see my sister standing there, with her eyes widened in surprise.


Yoongi coughed awkwardly as I stood up with fuming cheeks and began glaring at her. “oops, did I ruin the moment? It was sort of an emergency.” of course with her smug smile I knew she was lying. I sighed, pointing a finger towards the kitchen. She dashed away and came back. Yoongi got up and right away Mimi had to bow for manner purposes.


“Good to see you, oppa.” she said monotone. That earned a bow as well as a wry smile from him.


“I like your hair Mimi. When did you cut it?” she swiftly combed her bangs back, but ended up to fall right back in front of her brows. “Just last week. Onee-san cut it for me.” That was a Japanese term we used to direct older sister – which was me. Yoongi smiled.


“Really? Maybe she can cut my hair too.” Yoongi knew well enough about our culture; so these terms wasn't so foreign to him now. He looked at me and I rolled my eyes with a scoff.


“Right, in your dreams.” We got our shoes in the front as they both waited for me outside as I closed the door of the house. We walked to the nearby district, which was awfully crowded with hundreds of citizens milling by in either groups, families, or couples. “where to?” I say first, looking around each shop in my view.


“The park!”

“Bubble tea café!”


They both shouted in unison, which both gave down each other cold eyes. “Bubble tea is better,” Mimi whined. Yoongi just scoffed, crossing his arms.


“You can bring it to the park,” he said sternly. I sighed whilst rubbing the back of my neck. They kept going at it for what almost ten minutes until I whistled in a high pitch to just get their attention.


“Guys! Why don’t we just eat first? After that we can take a stroll in the park…” I glanced at Yoongi. “-and also get bubble tea in the process. How does that sound?” they both mumbled in agreement, and I soon took both their hands with a proud smile and into a nearby restaurant; relief washing over me. Mimi ordered one large bowl of spicy ramen, and since it was too big we would share while Yoongi ordered himself black bean noodles. It wasn’t then it occurred to me that Yoongi was being a slobbering mess when slurping his noodles – his chin was stubbled with the black bean sauce. I chuckled, taking a napkin from the table and without hesitation held his chin so he could face me as I wiped it clean.


“Yoongi-ah; eat more properly, will you?” he blushed lightly with a slight snicker from Mimi; hiding her smile under her chopsticks.


“Onee-san is being so motherly to oppa,” she teased. I shook my head and laughed when rubbing her hair across the table.


“Yah, shut up and finish the remaining of those noodles,” sighing in defeat she obeyed.


So motherly,” Yoongi murmured, earning a quick glare from me. Once we finished we went and bought bubble tea for the three of us and headed into the park. We walked slowly and immediately Mimi squealed and tugged my arm.


“Hmm? What is it, Mimi?” I pulled away from Yoongi’s embrace on my waist, hearing a slight disappointed sigh from him.


“The pet owners are walking their dogs! Can I go and pet them?” she pouted. I rubbed the back of my neck.


“I-I don’t know…” I say worriedly.


“I promise to be careful!” she whined even more. I chuckled, nodding.


“Alright. We’ll be watching you from the bench across.” hugging me she already sped off before I was able to even hug her back. exhausted to even speak I rested my head on Yoongi’s shoulder whilst sitting at the bench; his hand tiny circles on mine.


“Yoongi-ah…” I murmured. He hummed in question. “I'm sorry about today. I feel really bad to ask you to help me out – I should have just cancelled our date for this night.” He quickly turned and faced me; my head shot up to meet his eyes.


“What? No, don’t say that Yuzuki. In fact, this was probably one of my favourite dates we had thus far,” I widened my eyes in shock.


“Re-really?” he nodded, my hair. “I get to see how much you care for your sister – sweet and so mature. Which, is one of the many many reasons why I still love you.” He cupped my face and drew in for a kiss, making me melt in right away. I redrew back, which he raised an eyebrow.


“Well, I wasn’t really asking for a cheesy response, but alright,” He gave a small smile and laughed, kissing me once more.


“Onee-san, Yoongi oppa! Watch out-“ we pulled apart just in time to see a golden furry animal bounced to my lap, as I had to restrain it with its tongue my face even more. Yoongi gasped and glared at the dog. “she’s pretty active. Sorry about the late warning.” Mimi rubbed her neck sheepishly. By the looks of it, she really meant it this time. Yoongi gasped mockingly and smiled at the dog. “Yah, she’s mine! You can’t just kiss her like that!” Mimi and I bursted in laughs, as the dog barked joyfully in my ears.


One of the best dates I ever had.





Author's Note

First off I would like to say that I wasn't able to find a good picture that depicts Yuzuki very well, so I apologize for that and instead found a good pic of what her sister would look like ^^
Isn't she adorable though?! I wished I had a little sister  who acted like her in this one-shot TT  and gosh I like her hair a lot - super jealous ><

Anyways, have a great day everyone~


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09/18/2015: I'm going to remake these chapters, just to let you guys know!


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Chapter 54: The story was interesting
New reader incoming XD feel so hreat to have found ur ff to make my life better XD
Lameseline #3
Chapter 4: Yes! Finally another person with namjoon as his/her bias!
Wow this is great I ever thought suga could be a shy and even blushing kind of guy since he looks like the bad boy type but wow he would look soo cute blushing lol
Corallipop #5
Chapter 8: Oh lordy~this is wonderful~keep it up! ^-^