Taehyung: Motorcycle


Rei Mayu never told her best friend and teacher Kim Taehyung about her last incident with her motorcycle, especially not with after so much she has been through. How will he be able to fix the situation?


I zoomed out of the lane and into the next, trying to beat the stop light on the way. It didn’t occur to me that as soon as I saw the green light from the traffic another fellow motorcyclist came in front of me, and he looked back through his tinted helmet with what it seemed to be mockery. I scowled, following the person right behind. What a prick. Once we passed the busiest he rounded to an alley just behind an abandoned building and parkedhis vehicle to the side. I too did the same; removing my helmet with a furious expression written all over as I came up behind him.


“What the hell, Taehyung!” I shouted. He took out his helmet with a slight smirk.


“What are you talking about?” he asked innocently, placing it on his seat. I hugged my helmet towards my waist even tighter.


“Don’t use that crap on me – you know exactly what you did!” he shrugged with a smirk growing on his lips.


“What, that? You never stopped me,” he stated. I glared at him. It was Taehyung that tutored on how to ride one that I eventually got a license and used my money to buy a motorcycle all on my own. The more we practiced, the more he grew cockier and resentful, and I can’t even find out what his deal was. Suddenly his expression turned grim, as he fumbled with the zipper of his leather jacket.


“So…how are you and Seokji doing?” I raised an eyebrow by his question.


“Park Seokji? We broke up days ago…” I dropped the tension in my shoulders. His mouth rounded in an ‘O’ with eyes gazed down to his feet.


“I’m sorry to hear that.” he mumbled. For once he actually sounded more considerate and gentle.

“It’s okay, really.” I strided over to sit on my seat, cradling my helmet in my lap. “we got in a huge fight, and it upset him so much that he ended up hitting my own motorcycle.” I pointed to the large dent at the front, which I heard a sharp inhale from him. Talking about Seokji brought so many bad memories that I literally shivered by the trauma. Shaking it off I was about to put my helmet back on when Taehyung stopped me halfway.


“Rei, I really wish you told me this sooner; I could’ve helped.” His smile had a warm radiance beneath it.


I ruffled his dull orange hair, chuckling. “You already helped me in improving my driving. That’s all I could ever ask for.” without second thoughts I planted a quick kiss on his forehead, seeing his eyes widened and cheeks fuming red before I headed back home. Looking at the dent and then back up to the road ahead, I felt hot tears pooling around my eyes.
I really wished you helped me back then, too.




“You can’t look Rei, not yet!” Taehyung drove me away from the garage door of his house that was slightly open, as I sighed.

“Why not? I dropped it off in the morning, and it’s been almost 2 hours,” I crossed my arms. He shook his head, urging me onto his own motorcycle.

“I promise you will get yours back as soon as we get a ride around town,” he never even gave me a chance to protest – he just threw me a spare helmet and knowing that this argument will never end, I strapped it on and sat behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist as he drove around the road in incredible speed; my hair flew back instantly against the howling wind. I never even questioned his response when he told me to bring my motorcycle to his place; thinking he was probably tweaking it of the sort. The more I got nervous just by the thought but  it soon evaporated when we were going to the road uphill towards the rocky hills. It was the same pathway that Seokji and I would go to, though with a different perspective in my eyes. The cold up draft carried by the warmth of Taehyung; the soft engine murmured along with the chirps of sparrows in the sky. I sighed dreamfully, as he slowed down just enough that we both took off our helmets and placed them in the back.


“It's nice during the day; just enough sun through the trees that it's not so cold and not too hot either,” he said in a quiet tone. My arms around his waist held on tighter, looking around in awe by the new way I looked at the hill tops and forest.  We went around for one last round before we strapped our gear back on and zoomed back to the streets and into the front of his house. He suddenly took a hand to shield my eyes, chuckling by his words of 'don't peek' as I heard the shutter and creak of his garage door open. Slowly he slid his hands away as I gasped by what I saw in front of me. It was my own motorcycle; but with a new electric blue finish.



And just to make sure I walked around to check the large dent – he also fixed that. “So, what do you think?”

he knew that just by giving him a tight yet embracing hug that I was thankful for what he'd done. We pulled apart, with a small smile on my lips.
“I owe you...big time.” he chuckled, leaning closer to me.


“I think this will take you off the hook.” and he kissed me.













Author's Note

Hello! I am currently updating this, which my next one will most likely be during the weekend.
These past few days were just really stressful, and I was pretty upset as to what happened to my story files for this website.
In short - I replaced the new story I was working on with another document, so now my story is completely erased... and I have to start all over again.
I was almost done too... T-T

Lesson learned: back up your files ><
have a great day everyone~


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09/18/2015: I'm going to remake these chapters, just to let you guys know!


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Chapter 54: The story was interesting
New reader incoming XD feel so hreat to have found ur ff to make my life better XD
Lameseline #3
Chapter 4: Yes! Finally another person with namjoon as his/her bias!
Wow this is great I ever thought suga could be a shy and even blushing kind of guy since he looks like the bad boy type but wow he would look soo cute blushing lol
Corallipop #5
Chapter 8: Oh lordy~this is wonderful~keep it up! ^-^