Jin: The Shopping Spree


A regular but cute shopping day for Mitsuki Shun and her closest friend Kim Seokjin.



I scanned the row and row of the woman’s shoes, with the groan of my best friend as if he was about to get tortured. I smirked, tugging him by the sleeve. “Jin, you promised you would go shopping with me; so stop complaining,” Jin (his nickname) slumped.


“But why at this part of the store?” Ignoring his complaints I continued my search. Even though I hate high heels (I prefer flats thank you very much) an idea popped in my head when I saw these  particular kind of heels off the shelf. Calling Jin over he appeared from sitting from the bench and walked over to where I was.


“Guess what I have in my hand~” I dangled the pair in front of the both of us. He furrowed his brows in confusion.


“They are just heels...wait a minute, Mitsuki! No way on earth am I wearing that!” He shook his head already in refusal, as I tried to cover my snicker from the sleeve of my hoodie.


Kfashion shoes


“Laaame. C'mon; at least play rock paper scissors for if you're going to wear them,” sighing he eventually agreed. He also seemed to lose at an out-of-three round. I smirked whilst he grabbed the high heels and sat his down on the bench, muttering how stupid it really was. As soon as he put on the last shoe he got up – and practically almost fell on top of me.


“Whoa, steady there,” I helped him, as he began to walk slowly to and fro while checking his feet in the mirror on the wall. I had to admit; he actually looked quite good in them that even the girls who were working in the store were impressed by what they saw. It was Jin that thought otherwise and was too embarrassed.


“Can I take these off now?” he said quietly, a blush deepening in his cheeks. I stifled a laugh, taking out my phone and aimed it straight at him.


“Not yet...smile!” I took a couple of pictures before I was actually satisfied; though still laughing. “maybe I should call you Princess Jin.” I snickered.


He rolled his eyes, scoffing. “Please don't.” he retorted. I sighed, giving up the jokes once we headed out the store.


“Alright then; where do you want to go? My shopping is basically done,” he scanned the area where we were, which was almost like an outlet – or district – of shops. He then pointed to a shop which displayed man's clothes on the window. I never complained; since I already made him feel uncomfortable enough about wearing those pumps. Nonetheless we walked in the blind fully strong scented room; which had an indie theme played throughout. Jin scanned the rows of v-necks and denim jackets, all the way to the dress shirts. Smiling, he took two of the same dress shirts and handed one of them to me; which I looked at it with curiosity.


“Idiot, I want you to wear it.” I laughed by his joke.


“Very funny. Last time I checked, this was for guys,” He raised an eyebrow as if to say so? Did he really want me to wear this?
Was he trying to make me embarrassed?!



Before I spoke in protest he leaned in close to me and whispered in my ear. “You either wear that or I kiss you...on the lips.” I glared at him, then sighed in defeat.

“Fine,” I muttered, walking into the change room. What a prick, trying to pressure me into it. I was nice enough to give him a round of a game for a chance! I quickly put it on and frowned upon the reflection once I stepped out. “God, I look like a hobo,” I muttered under my breath. The door beside me opened to reveal Jin wearing the same dress shirt; and when he saw me his jaw dropped and soon replaced with a small smile.


“Wow, you actually look really cute in that. Even if it is only a size smaller.” Coming from him; we were wearing the same thing! Suddenly I felt a poke on my shoulder and when I turned around it was the man that worked in the store. He scanned what I wore, then with a grin and nod he walked right back to what he was usually doing. Great, even the worker here thinks it suits me. I buried my head in my hands, as I heard Jin snicker. Immediately I looked up and punched him on the arm, causing a yelp in response from him.


“I hear one more thing from you, I will punch you even harder.”  By now he knew me well enough that it was a joke – which we both end up chuckling. Jin bought both of the clothing; and I never complained for it. It was already quarter to four and we both still never ate lunch yet. We both agreed on dishing out to have specialty bento at a nearby express store.

We sat outside the plaza near a large tree, that covered the stone circular area and was a good enough shade for the both of us. Once we finished I decided to take away the now empty wrappers, which he occupied our spot under the tree. Frankly, it was a chance that it could have been stolen from the amount of people out shopping. Walking over to the garbage can just right beside it was a group of boys who seemed to be my age. I ignored them all the way through until I bumped into one of them. No, scratch that – HE bumped into me. Now I wasn't sure if it was by accident but the way he looked at me with a playful smile it was definitely the opposite.


“Whoops, my bad,” he smirked. I had to hold in the urge to smack him and reply with no sign of sarcasm whatsoever.


“It's alright.” I held a tight smile; along with my flat tone. his friends stopped talking as soon as they heard our conversation in more depth.


“So, what's your name?” he asked, walking closer to me.


“Mitsuki.” I'm surprised my tone was actually calm. He raised an eyebrow and his smile grew even wider.


“Ooooh, a foreigner. How interesting,” he drawled out that last word with so much tease that I was mentally cringing. “say, how about we hang out? Seems that you're alone anyway,” His friends grinned sly; which they earned a quick glare from me. I looked over at the boy who was far too close than he should be up to my face with a sleazy smile.


“Sorry, but I'm actually with someone at the moment,” I say coldly. He raised an eyebrow, and  chuckled.


“Nice try.” just when his hand was about to reach for my chin I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders to which he looked up in shock.

“Yah, she wasn't lying.” Jin grinned, as I felt pure relief wash over me. He backed away slowly, with clenched fists and a tight frown. Jin removed his arm and instead replaced it with his hand on my waist, pulling me closer to his side.

“Is...there a problem? You're clearly not saying anything,” Jin cocked his head with an innocent look. I tried stifling my laugh as I heard him mutter a curse under his breath; and soon walked away with his friends trailing behind. I sighed, with Jin's hand still on my waist. “hhy don't we go for a walk in the park? You seem all tired out for shopping today,” he chuckled.


I smiled, nodding. “I would love that actually.”

I guess I never really said a 'thank you' for him saving my earlier, which now would have been a good time since it was only us in the barely crowded park. Whilst walking I see an empty bench, which I tugged onto Jin's sleeve softly. I never said anything when he asked why I did that – a simple pull to the bench was a sure sign i just wanted to talk to him. The sun was now hidden beneath the high rise buildings; it's orange-red tone left a peachy sky. A slight breeze soon picked up and whispered among the trees. “Jin-ah...I-” I gulped down the lump that was forming in my throat. I wasn't very good at this, was I? He held my hand, gazing down at me with curiosity; and raised an eyebrow. “I just want to say...thanks. For saving me back there. You really are a good friend.” I huffed out a breath, finally throwing out the words out my mouth.


At first he was silent, which made shift uncomfortably in his presence. I then heard him laugh; a bright fruity kind, as he opened his eyes and they stared right at mine. In a second with a grin he leaned in and kissed me on the forehead, causing me to retrieve back and cover it with my hand. I stared at him with blood rushing to my cheeks. Smiling, I had the energy back and instantly punched him on his arm. “Idiot Jin,” I laughed. We both shared that one, as he leaned his cheek against my head whilst looking at the birds chirping in the trees.


“Idiot Mitsuki.” he chuckled softly.






Author's Note
Hello! So this one-shot of Jin... gah help me it's so fluffy T^T
This is still going on as a semi-hiatus: I'm still pretty busy with school and whatnot and it drives me crazy that I'm not able to write for a while -_-
Also, in the midst of all this I am also working on another story! Yeah, still working on some chapters and characters etc, etc. I'll keep updating for more info on it hopefully very soon!

Have a great day everyone~ 


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09/18/2015: I'm going to remake these chapters, just to let you guys know!


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Chapter 54: The story was interesting
New reader incoming XD feel so hreat to have found ur ff to make my life better XD
Lameseline #3
Chapter 4: Yes! Finally another person with namjoon as his/her bias!
Wow this is great I ever thought suga could be a shy and even blushing kind of guy since he looks like the bad boy type but wow he would look soo cute blushing lol
Corallipop #5
Chapter 8: Oh lordy~this is wonderful~keep it up! ^-^