Namjoon: Long Time, No See


Shun Shinobu hated parties. She was always the one in the spotlight - with her foreign looks she just didn’t belong. Until she meets Kim Namjoon, who reminded her of her junior high crush…

I tugged on my simple black illusion dress, which suited my blue-black hair and mini purse I had hanging from my shoulders.


I walked around the grand hall, which even from the gourmet food and brilliant music I was still pissed. I hated being here; my parents forcing me to some business party, and there was no one my age! Heck, it didn’t even matter since it seemed I was the only Japanese one among a wave of Koreans. My parents told me to socialize, but what is there to talk about once I do? All the adults ever talk about are money and taxes that a 19 year old couldn’t care less. 

When the manager of the company talked, I earned glares from my parents as I sighed from the boredom of his speech; which I just left the room and into the main lobby, placing my on one the stools at the bar with only some waitors were in the room


I sighed, my breath leaving a piece of hair in the middle  of my forehead. “So much for a night out.” I muttered.


“Tell me about it.” I turned my head to the side, looking at the boy sitting two seats down tapping his fingers slowfully and dreadfully. He seemed to be my age, which made me slightly comfortable in his presence. “your parents dragged you here too?” I smirked. He sighed.


“Yup. I could’ve been at home right now, but no.” he shook his head whilst chuckling. His voice caught my attention, and I wasn’t sure why he looked so familiar to me either. That’s when I realized that this boy in front of me was Kim Namjoon - my crush in junior high. I gasped, but I quickly covered my mouth. He looked at me – his dark eyes pierced into mine. “You okay?” he asked. I nodded my head, my eyes wide.


I dropped both my hand and head, embarrassed by the sudden reaction to him. Should I tell him? Or should I shrug it off? He doesn’t even know about me liking him before. He leaned closer to me, which I blushed more. “You remind me of someone…” he squinted, but right after smiled. “I know!” he snapped his fingers, pointing at me.


“Shun Shinobu?” I blinked, making sure I heard that right.


“You-you know my name?” I stammered, which he grinned.


“It’s funny, I liked you since junior high. When we had English together.” My heart thrummed in my ears. He… likes me? Up to this day?


“Well, I…I liked you too, but I was too shy to admit it to you.” I smiled shyly. From glancing I saw that he too blushed, and our moment crashed when my mom came through the doors with relief in her eyes. “Shun, Ms. Jihun will be driving you home tonight; your father just drank too much.” Nodding, I got up. As she closed the doors I turned to Namjoon, which he abruptly took out a blue pen from his pocket and grabbed my hand, writing 10 digits across my skin. “I’ll call you, kay’?” he smiled. I returned it right after.


“Okay.” I said, looking at his number.


Maybe tonight wasn’t the worst for me after all.









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09/18/2015: I'm going to remake these chapters, just to let you guys know!


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Chapter 54: The story was interesting
New reader incoming XD feel so hreat to have found ur ff to make my life better XD
Lameseline #3
Chapter 4: Yes! Finally another person with namjoon as his/her bias!
Wow this is great I ever thought suga could be a shy and even blushing kind of guy since he looks like the bad boy type but wow he would look soo cute blushing lol
Corallipop #5
Chapter 8: Oh lordy~this is wonderful~keep it up! ^-^