Jimin: Officially Dating


Kira Shiyo must go on a double date with her best friend... and her only option is to go with one of her own friends, Park Jimin...



“Please, Kira! You have to go on a double date with me! I don't want to be alone,” she begged. We were outside the school gates once class ended for the day, and my friend dragged me all the way here just so she could tell me about it. I gave her a wry smile, and tried to look away that I realized was a far too obvious sign that I was avoiding the subject. She kept begging in her shrill tone, making me annoyed.


“Why are you asking me to go with you? I don't have anyone to go with,” I pointed out. “That's why you have to come. Kim Seungmi was my crush for months and he finally asked me out! And...” I waited for her to finish but slowly it hit me. I rose my eyebrows slowly.


“Oh no,” I sighed. Funny thing is, her date is friends with one of my friends. God, why did I fell in that trap so easily? Because of that I had no choice but to accept the invitation and as much as I was embarrassed, I had to tell Jimin about it. He wasn't so happy upon hearing it, however.


“A double date? Seriously?” he scrunched up his nose. I nodded.


“I know, it would just feel so...” the word caught in my throat. Awkward. He only laughed.


“You don't have to say no more.” he shook his head with a small smile. “I think as a sake for being Seungmi's friend – and for the sake of your friend too – we should go on the double date.” I bit my lip and thought it over. I guess she did need some company for being on her first date, and although I wasn't 'taken'; I was the closest she had. With no more way out of this discussion, I agreed with him.


The next day I was getting ready for the date. As soon as I finished up my hair for last touched my phone vibrated from the edge of my bed. Reaching over the vanity I grabbed it and the notification popped up, revealing a text from Jimin. How was he already at the door? Grabbing a light cardigan and my small bag I go to the front to close the door before being face to face with a defiant looking Jimin. Even in just a dark navy v-neck and checkered hoodie he looked sharp. While walking I had to walk in front of him so he wouldn't see me smile from that thought. He got the memo early and came in pace beside me, looping his hand around mine. At first I hesitated by the contact, but then I relaxed after knowing that it was just for show. He leaned close to my ear and his breath tickled my cheek.


“This date better be worth faking to,” I say before he began to speak up. He laughed.


“I'm guaranteed it will be.” he smirked as we already made it to the cafe. Once we entered just a metre radius from my eyes already see my friend and her date at a far corner booth. Taking a deep breath I put on a smile and we walked over to them. Already they greeted us with wider smiles and tight hugs, right down as we settled across from them in the table. Seungmi had already ordered a meal, and when I asked, he said that it was a meal to share.


“I ordered so my girlfriend and I could share,” he says just when my friend blushed and giggled. I had to restrain my expression to not cringe by the way he leaned in and kissed her cheek. Shaking it off I decide to find myself what to order as well. Jimin leaned over my shoulder as to what I will be ordering.
“Hmm, I might order...” I looked over the countless of pictures carefully; scanning their detailed description for each.


“I might order this one,” I say as I pointed to the picture. Jimin nodded and relaxed back to his position. When the server came for our order Jimin jumped to conclusion that he ordered one plate for just the two of us. I glared at him from behind.


“What the hell?” I whispered to him. He assured me that it was just for the act, and I did have to remind myself that I had to act like Jimin's girlfriend for the night. Few minutes afterwards our meals arrive and already I felt my stomach longing for the awaited food to be filled with. As we began to chow down already Jimin has revealed his inner beast; he practically devoured most of the food on the plate and I had no chance in trying to grab some for myself. My friend was happily eating with her boyfriend with laughing and feeding each other, and here was my 'boyfriend' being a total pig. I coughed to get his attention, which he luckily did.


He looked up from the plate with bloated cheeks and his fork hung in the air momentarily. He slowly gulped down the food and soon realized why I was giving him a hard look. Smiling sheepishly he offered with the utensil turned to me but I turned away with dissatisfaction. Way to start a date like this. Suddenly I felt a hand around me and when I turned around slowly the fork popped into my mouth and came out, leaving me to chew automatically – and surprisingly – down the food. Jimin smirked and leaned close to me.


“I know you won't stay mad at me forever Kira.” I blushed by that sentence, as it was both how close he was and so accurate he knew so well about me. I never protested in him continuing to feed me, and when we ordered a bowl of green tea and mango ice cream we switched roles. The way he opens his mouth and how his cheeks bloat by the food in his mouth was absolutely adorable that I had to chuckle. He would look at me from time to time, which I had to settle it down so it wouldn't cause too much suspicion (though the other couple didn't even notice, thankfully). My friend sighed just when I fed Jimin the last spoonful of ice cream as I looked over at her. She chuckled.


“Didn't I ever tell you guys that you make such a cute couple?” I wasn't surprised with that, she teases me this everyday whenever Jimin wasn't around; and she knows just how well enough that we were just close friends to begin with. Jimin was the only one that blushed by the humour. Seungmi hummed in agreement.
“Well, they are dating; of course they would be cute together.” Oh, the irony. By the time we finished altogether my friend and I split the bill to pay (and purposefully ignored the boys complaints of letting them pay instead) and we headed separated ways.


As soon as they were out of our radius I sighed in relief. Who knew acting for this long is so tiring? I noticed that Jimin still held my hand, and he certainly didn't want to let go with amount of hope in his eyes. I let him win this round. We had a few extra time to ourselves before he was able to drop me off at my place, so we played a few games in the arcade and took a couple of pictures near the Han river. I'll admit – even if we weren't really dating, it was pretty fun to just hang out like this. We talked, laughed, and we just interacted more normally without acting too forceful. Even just walking around the place with my arm looped around his was comfortable enough. He never flinched by the contact I suddenly put on; rather he shrugged it off and returned a simple gesture back – whether it was just an arm around my waist or even smooth circles with his thumb on my shoulder blade back. Figuring that it was really late, Jimin dropped me off at my place.


It was a little awkward at first, though the hug made it less seeming like it. After I retracted from him I gave a smile to him.
“Well, today was actually...” I wasn't sure how to put the 'date' in words.


“Unexpected? Fun? Totally not boring?” he insisted with a small smirk playing on his lips. I rolled my eyes and chuckled.


“Maybe all of those.” I say. He grinned and nodded, then pried his eyes down to the ground. His smile disappeared and been replaced with a serious expression instead. Finally he looked back up at me, though only for a second before quickly looking away. Was this guy blushing...for the second time? Wow.


“Say, Kira... maybe we should hang out like this sometime again.” he mumbled. I rose an eyebrow and a question formed with my mouth; leaving it to be an 'o'. Chuckling he continued.


“Yes, as a date, Kira. A real one, if you choose to accept the request.” he smiled shyfully. With a broad grin I leaped up and hugged him tight, as our laugh bounced through the air.


“You're adorable, aren't you?” I say whilst pinching his cheek. “of course I'll go out with you, Park Jimin.”
he swatted away my hand like a child, but then I kept doing that just to annoy him. In a second he grabbed my wrist and pulled in for a kiss, as a muffled surprise rumbled in my throat.


“Yah! What was that for?” he pulled away with a slight smirk. I blushed furiously, trying my best to cover my cheeks with the palm of my hand. Jimin soon laughed.


“To show that you're now my official girlfriend.”












Author's Note

I managed to sneak in a one-shot of this, and also a chapter for my new story 'Remember The Memory' - so do check it out if you have time ^^
Requests/Questions check out my ask.fm: Baibluu
Okay, have a great day everyone ~


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09/18/2015: I'm going to remake these chapters, just to let you guys know!


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Chapter 54: The story was interesting
New reader incoming XD feel so hreat to have found ur ff to make my life better XD
Lameseline #3
Chapter 4: Yes! Finally another person with namjoon as his/her bias!
Wow this is great I ever thought suga could be a shy and even blushing kind of guy since he looks like the bad boy type but wow he would look soo cute blushing lol
Corallipop #5
Chapter 8: Oh lordy~this is wonderful~keep it up! ^-^