Jin: Just Enough to Heal


Keiko Taneda's mother works at the hospital that everyday after school she would go visit a very special patient name Kim Seokjin. With these two, love was always in the air.

“Hello, Keiko!” the lady at the information desk called out. I was in such a hurry before I realized she called me, which I had to back track just enough to bow.


“Hello Ms. Wonwoo!” I gave a quick smile before heading further across the alleyway; struggling to maintain the weight of my backpack whilst carrying two large bags into my mom's office. I opened the door and already my mom smiled from her office table filled with medical papers. My mother works as a nurse; mostly dealing with medicine and daily check-ups. Because of that I tend to travel to her work after school that I knew well enough my mom's friends here and some of the patients as well.


“What took you so long? The subway here only takes eight minutes.” I took out a bento box from one of the bags and handed it to her, following with a small package of pastries.


“Yeah, sorry about that. On the way I saw a sale on shrimp bentos; and I knew it was your favourite so...” I rubbed the back of my neck nervously, unsure by how she would react. Instead she laughed.


“Well, thank you for that. To be honest today's lunch in the cafe was terrible – I mean, if your grandma moved with us to Gwanju, she would have a heart attack for what they put in the miso soup.” I snickered quietly. Our grandma cooked things the way she liked it – good old traditional. I placed the bag where I got the food from off to the side of her chair and taking the other with me as I was about to head out of her office. “Keiko, where are you going?” she asked. I sighed, turning around to face her.


“To see him of course.” and with small wave I dashed out into the elevators and descended to the 2nd floor of the hospital building. The door dinged, as I walked across the narrow hallway with doctors with their patients in rolling beds. I greeted quite a few of them, which they returned the favour right back. By the end I made it to the destined room – room 221. slowly I turned the knob and peeked in, seeing a boy looking out the window with clasped hands folded neatly in his lap; the TV hanging across the opposite wall blaring some sort of K-drama. I closed the door behind me and walked in, placing my down on one of the chairs beside his bed. Has he even noticed I came in the room? I coughed, trying to settle a conversation.

“What are you doing?” I asked. He shrugged, looking at me.


“I was actually thinking when you'll ever show up – I'm starving.” he grinned. I chuckled, rummaging through the bag and got what I knew he wanted – a piece of strawberry cream cake from the local bakery.




He his lips just by the sight seeing it; with eyes full of hunger. “I'm guessing that miso soup never filled you up for lunch today?” I smirked. He already opened the package and practically devoured the pastry that he wasn't able to communicate properly. A grunt of agreement and I knew the answer. Once he finished I turned off the TV and sat on the edge of his bed. “So, how's that fractured leg of yours?” I pointed to one his legs. He rubbed it slowly with a tight expression.


“I think it's healing pretty well. Better than the week before; that's for sure.” we both shared a laugh. One time when I was visiting my mom she had a patient to take care of at the time name Kim Seokjin, who'd fractured his leg pretty badly. It made me more curious that every time I visited him we got more closer and we learned a few things about each other. From there I learned that he was actually a hip-hop dancer, who would go in different competitions all around South Korea. But because of his little accident from slipping off stage last competition he was hospitalized. He looked at my bag that was slumped against the wall, and back up at me.


“What's the lesson for today?” he teased, which I went up to grab a few pencils and my notebook with my textbook. I sat cross-legged at the edge of his bed, turning to a page in the book.


“We're learning ancient poems in Japanese – you prefer which one to do,” I handed it to him. After thorough searching he didn't seem to get any of them so I had to read it all throughout of the page. It seems that each time I visit he was so interested into my culture; that it was amusing to see him sit up with such curiosity that I felt like I was the teacher, and he was the student. It was then I realized that it was soon past my designated time when one of the doctor's came in.

“Keiko, your mother is waiting for you outside her office. Do you want me to tell her you will be going home alone or are you hitching a ride with Ms. Wonwoo?” I heard a slight yawn from him, giving the best sign that he was probably tired. I turned toward the doctor and told him to give my mom the five-minutes. I cleaned up around his area and adjusted his pillow. He chuckled quietly, earning a questioning glance from him.


“Keiko-ah, you don't need to act so motherly – It's just my leg that is injured,” I laughed.


“It's just for as a nice gesture,” I added, grabbing my books and putting them into my bag. “see you tomorrow, Seokjin.” I say but it was the way he said my name that made me stop halfway to the door.


“Keiko. You won't see me tomorrow... because I am actually going back to dancing.” my mouth dropped open.


“But-aren't you still injured? It was only been three weeks, and you shouldn't fracture it even more.” he smiled sheepishly.


“I'm healed enough that I can dance again.” I looked down, tightening on the strap of my backpack. And you never told me about this... why so sudden? I bit my lip by the sudden news. He called me out again; with more  of gentler tone. “before you go I just want to say thanks...for realizing that each day you came to visit me I grew more fond of you. And yes –  what I'm saying  is that I did fell in love with you.” I blushed, my fingers tightening around the straps of my backpack.


“P-promise me this then,” Stammering, I turned around to face him with a more serious expression; ignoring the thrum of my heartbeat in my ears. “If you win in your competition, you have to visit me in this exact place. Will you do that for me?” I didn't even care if he came in 3rd place for that matter – I just wanted to see him again. He returned that same warm smile since the beginning I met him.


“I promise.”


It has been three days since Seokjin left, and even so I visited that same empty room. Even if he wasn't physically there with me, it was the memories that made it seem like he was still at that same bed, laughing and smiling with my little jokes and lessons here and there. I realized that I felt more warmer in the room, and when I went over to adjust the A/C there was a note saying it would be fixed tomorrow. “Guess I have to open the window.” I shuffled across the window and unlatched the window, already feeling the cool breeze against my cheeks. I heard the door click open, and I turned around thinking it was my mom. “yah, did you get my cream-puff?” Instead I was facing that one person I doubted I would actually see again. Seokjin held out his 1st place trophy, which he settled down on the bed gently before I melted right into his arms; my head buried into his warm chest.


“You thought I would forget, didn't you?” he softly chuckled whilst bringing my chin up so we were face to face. I took that as my response of bringing my lips onto his and I smiled once I retracted. “and, as promised: I'll be your girlfriend from now on.” He grinned, pulling me in for another one.
“Then promise me this: call me Jin from now on.”


“I promise.”









Author's Note

Jin... why must you be so cute in this one-shot ><
When I read this again in the end I was just mentally flipping tables by the fluffiness ^^;

Anyways... *cough* have a great day everyone~


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09/18/2015: I'm going to remake these chapters, just to let you guys know!


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Chapter 54: The story was interesting
New reader incoming XD feel so hreat to have found ur ff to make my life better XD
Lameseline #3
Chapter 4: Yes! Finally another person with namjoon as his/her bias!
Wow this is great I ever thought suga could be a shy and even blushing kind of guy since he looks like the bad boy type but wow he would look soo cute blushing lol
Corallipop #5
Chapter 8: Oh lordy~this is wonderful~keep it up! ^-^