Jungkook: Moon and Stars


Mio Dasuke is an insomniac: she tends to be awake at night being in the empty streets in downtown. On one of her countless nights travelling she meets with another insomniac name Jeon Jungkook -  and soon falls in love with him.


I woke up just when I hear my brother call my name downstairs. I sat groggily up with my hair falling in front of my face; turning to see the sun had already set to a warm orange-yellow, the clouds soon travelling away to the north of the brilliant sky. Again, I hear my name, this time more louder. “I'm coming, I'm coming.” I muttered under my breath; removing the soft fleece of my blanket that was covering my legs and I grabbed my blue cardigan knit sweater before I shuffled my feet down the staircase.


“Good morning, Mio.” my brother dropped his laptop bag near the table and kissed my forehead. I yawned, rubbing my eyes.


“It's 7 in the evening.” I murmured, trudging over to see on the counter top to see he bought home 2 bentoes and 3 medium cartons of melon milk.


“Well, only a nocturnal brain would know that it's technically morning for them,” he smirked, grabbing a box and chopsticks from the drawer. “besides, be glad I actually got you Tonkatsu – you always wanted to have that again.” I sighed, walking past him and began to pour tea leaves into a kettle. I then turned the stove on medium heat and placed the kettle on the hot iron spot.


“Fine, I'll give you credit for that. Pour some of the tea when it's done, I'll be in the living room watching TV.” With that I grabbed a box and sat down on the couch, flipping the channels from the remote. God,where are all the good channels around this hour? I kept flipping.


Okay, I guess it was not my fault that I woke up pretty late – no, scratch that. This was normal for me. I was what people called me an 'insomniac', a person who is awake at night but sleeps during the day. I grew up with having this condition; all for when I moved in Seoul as a little kid. The constant loud street music and clubs that were across the town woke me up, and always did ever since. Now that I am older I was able to roam more in the  colourful streets, and the adventure from that was just pure exciting. I decided to leave the channel on this live gag concert with my brother just coming in with the tea on a coaster. He sat beside me and handed my drink, being cautious that it was still hot before he set the coaster on the table. “Tell me about work in the photography studio,” I say whilst trying to pick up my meat and rice with my bamboo chopsticks. He shrugged, chewing his food before talking.

“The usual – more pictures of Han river, and dealing with the snore of my co-worker.” we talked and watched until what seemed like almost hours, and right around the 10:00 mark I went upstairs to change into my night-out outfit. When I came back the lights were turned off and the TV was at a low volume. My brother was sleeping on the couch, his carton of milk left empty on the small table. Smiling, I grabbed the blanket on the far end and tucked him into it; kissing his cheek briefly before I closed the TV and left him sound asleep. I'll let him sleep there for the night. It's not like he has work tomorrow anyway. I grabbed my house keys from the counter top in the kitchen before I grabbed a light scarf from the closet and closed the door behind me.


Already I was walking halfway through downtown and the bright lights of the bars and sounds of the clubs playing filled my ears. They all were things that I grew familiar with. Taking a turn I entered an illuminated alleyway, which were the base of the music I heard. As a normal person, many people during the night would not go this way, particularly because of how suspicious it was. At first, I was pretty scared of going through this way – seeing a couple of young men with stubble chins smoking off the side, or how much it smells like ash and garbage at fist sight. Because of my constant visits, I grew to sense beyond the smell and sight of actually waving at the young men (who tend to give me a small smile and nod before taking a huff at their cigarette) and smelling fresh ground coffee further the alleyway.


I stopped to what's on the right of me to a cafe: RoxxSt. I opened the door and walked in, the sound of an indie band playing at centre stage and the the bar was barely crowded. I made my way to sit beside a red-haired boy, whom was too occupied by his cup in front of him. The waitress came over and asked what I want: a small peach creme pie. Once my order came in I began to initiate the conversation with the boy beside me, trying my best to hide my knowing smile.

“How long have you been waiting for me, Jungkook?” he turned around to face me, a grin already on his own mouth.

“Oh, just about 30 minutes or so.” I winced, giving an apologetic smile in reply.

“S-sorry.” he shrugged it off coolly chuckling.

“No worries. Say, how about once your finished with that pie of yours and we can wander more off the streets?” he had a small little smile, which I admired how cute it was on him.


Nodding I returned the gesture. “Alrighty then. I take your word for it.”

We walked around the district, which was filled with street dancers and acoustic players. At around 11:30 there was more couples walking, which I felt pretty awkward about seeing them. How hard is it to let it be friend-zoned by a guy who doesn't even know how much you like them? I sighed, which was much louder than I thought it would be. “Mio? Tired already?” He gave me a small smirk on the side, which I chuckled slightly.

“No, no. Just thinking about that pie. It was just so damn good.” I lied. He laughed, a light, melodic tone.


“Don't worry. I'll beat your in Street Fighter at the arcade. That's something what you'll be talking about.” I scoffed.


“Bragging much?” I retorted, already forgetting about my thoughts earlier. Right now, I just want to beat his sassy in the game. After our own little fun had ended it was already 5:30 am; the sun had set into a bright orange across the city line. Taking my hand in his he walked me back home before we stood right outside my door.


“Tomorrow night wear something nice, or at least something that you can move around in comfortably.” I raised an eyebrow.


“Is it something illegal?” I smiled.


He shook his head. “No of course not! Just trust me.” I sighed.

“Fine. But only because you know more of this city than me.” He lived in Seoul at least 2 more years more than I did – I was basically a newbie in the streets when I'm wondering off alone. Going with Jungkook; at least I wouldn't feel so lost. We laughed but soon subsided as my both our eyes gazed Jungkook's hand still holding onto mine. I coughed, my blush deepening as his was too: retracting the hand slowly out of my reach. Mind you he never took it away quickly. With a small mumble of a farewell we exchanged a wave before I opened the door of the house and quietly entering my bedroom. I never slept until it was 6 in the morning, and my brother had already left for work. Then it was just me and my thoughts alone.


I woke up earlier this time: with my alarm I set off at 5:45 pm just to prepare my outfit.

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Something casual, yet it was also easy for me to walk in. Once I found that in my closet I went downstairs just when my brother came in from the front. “Hello,” I say from the kitchen: pouring the broth into my bowl of ramen noodles. “Whoa, someone's early this day,” he smirked, dropping his bag with a thud and coming over to get himself some noodles as well.


“I'm only early because I'm going somewhere later...with my friend.” Just saying friend hurts a slight bit – especially if you don't want to call that person your crushing on more than 'friends'. He nodded, as we sat down together and ate ramen whilst watching k-dramas. At the 10:00 mark my brother was fast asleep again, but this time in his room. I was already dressed 30 minutes before, as I closed all the lights and TV before grabbing my keys and small clutch bag before setting off at the same cafe in the alleyway.


This time Jungkook was not inside – he was outside, and he was waiting for me. “Great, you're here.” he smiled. I chuckled.

“Course' I am. Now where are you taking me?” I crossed my arms. Smirking, he grabbed my hand again. I blushed, but not as much as yesterday.

“You'll see.” I wanted to protest while he dragged me to these streets and curves I've never even seen before, but soon it all vanished as we entered a small off the curb cafe, which was set off into a large dance floor. There was a stage, tables of the side with a bar, and the middle was filled with people dancing; all dressed pretty nice and fit. Now I know why he wanted me to wear something pretty clean. “This is a private dance club. It's open all night, closes at 5 in the morning.” I nodded, taking in all the new colours and sounds around me. Suddenly a young girl came in front of us and gave Jungkook a hug. I tried very hard to not see what I just saw, looking away and swallowing the lump in my throat. “Noona, stop that!” Jungkook pushed away with his hands. Noona?


“Sorry, Jungkook. It's great you came to the club again! And you brought your special friend with you,” she smiled at me, which I returned.

It was how she said 'special' that made me suspicious about what Jungkook told her about me. “Yeah, I did. You being the DJ for tonight?” he asked.


She nodded. “Yup! Just in time, I'm done my break.” she gave us a wave before she went to the stage and told the other guy for switching their shifts, and a nice R&B beat came on. Jungkook was confident for dancing – and he was good at it as well. His moves were precise and sharp, yet with his own flow into each beat. By the time he finished his little dance I clapped, earning a cheeky proud grin from him. Just then the speakers rang out a slow ballad song, and soon the people on the floor were in a slow dancing position. Jungkook looked away, his eyes off to the wall with crossed arms.


“We can go, if you want... or sit down-” he began to mumble, but I cut him off by dragging him to the middle of the floor.


“No way. Seems to me that you don't slow dance.” I smirked, wrapping my arms around his neck and resting my head on his chest. He slowly got the memo and soon his hands laid on the side of my waist. We danced in rhythm, swaying softly side to sidein hearing his heart beat slowly and steady.

“Mio.” he said my name in a whisper against my ear. I hummed in response before I managed to actually say it in words.


“Yeah?” I looked up slowly in his eyes, deep brown under the soft studio light above us. With a small smile he looked at me and his expression changed.


“Would it be alright.... if tonight I tell you that I am in love with you?” I wasn't sure if I heard that right, with the thrum of my heart in my ears roaring. Did he... say he fell in love with me?


“Jungkook, I- I like you too. I...  I did ever since I met you.” I averted my eyes away from his, and considering that small chuckle from him he probably thought I was a loser for saying it. I then closed my eyes; feeling his soft fingers and lifted my chin. His lips came onto mine, as it tasted almost like sweet as peach. I responded right back, my hands wrapped even more on his neck to bring me closer to him and his hands on my waist mimicking the action. We broke apart with our foreheads together and continued to sway. “Jungkook?” I say softly.



“I think this is the most memorable moment I had in my night.” he breathed out a laugh before leaning in to give me another kiss.


Same here.”















Author's Note
Yay, another update! And this time I published this online earlier too ^^
Hopefully I can put more one-shots ASAP; as this weekend I will be studying... woo-hoo let's study the 1920's and 1930's in history
Anyhoo, enjoy this fluffy-filled one-shot!

Have a great day everyone~


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09/18/2015: I'm going to remake these chapters, just to let you guys know!


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Chapter 54: The story was interesting
New reader incoming XD feel so hreat to have found ur ff to make my life better XD
Lameseline #3
Chapter 4: Yes! Finally another person with namjoon as his/her bias!
Wow this is great I ever thought suga could be a shy and even blushing kind of guy since he looks like the bad boy type but wow he would look soo cute blushing lol
Corallipop #5
Chapter 8: Oh lordy~this is wonderful~keep it up! ^-^