Jin: Bus Stop


Li Hyun was a regular teenager who worked at an indie café in Seoul. On one cold winter day, This is the story of how she met a boy name Kim Seokjin.

The weather was getting more frigid and cold when the days past by. But Friday was the coldest of them all. And what made it even worse? My mom couldn’t pick me up, so I had to take the public transit… yes,its very cruel especially on the coldest day in Seoul. I said goodbye to my friend, which we both worked in an one and only indie style café in the district. Because of both our English that we were naturally born with, living in Seoul was no sweat. “Are you sure you don’t want a ride?” she asked, as I saw her mom’s car at the distance.


I nodded, smiling at her. “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine going home.” I reassured. We exchanged a quick hug before separating our ways, which I sighed sadly. I regret my answer now. Still, I wasn’t alone at the bus stop which I usually was when no other transportation was available. I sat down on the bench, zoning out into my music blaring from my headphones. I glanced at the boy beside me,which he looked about my age. His light brown hair covered his eyes as he looked down, searching through songs on his iPod. He looked up abruptly and saw me, causing him to smile politely.


I returned the favour, and for some reason that smile of his caught my attention. Not just his smile, but also his facial features too. Where did I see him before… “Hey, don’t you work at the café just down the street? That…indie café?” he asked casually, a slight knowing smile appeared on his lips. I widened my eyes; shocked he knew so well, but I chuckled.

“Yeah. How do you know?” he shrugged, tugging at his navy blue scarf shyly.

“I may have visited it a couple of times. Usually around lunch time.” I gasped lightly, which alarmed him.


“Oh! So you’re that mysterious customer that seems to leave right before I pick up your dish.” I smirked, trying not to make him feel awkward - though it worked.  He laughed, rubbing the back of his head embarrassed.

“Socializing isn’t my thing really; I just go where I need to go without second hesitation.” so, this person is the introverted kind. Not that I cared – but I wanted to know him more. This was my first time to meet someone that was the complete opposite of me, someone who is willing to talk with a cheerful soul like me. “Where are my manners? I’m Li Hyun.” I bowed slightly whilst still sitting, adjusting my headphones so I could hear his name fully.


“Kim Seokjin.” He returned the gesture, before looking away into finding the transit. I laughed, noticing how cute he was at being shy. I’ll admit, he himself was pretty cute.


“Is it alright if I call you Jin?” I teased, leaning close enough so he could hear even with his earphones in – but I found out that I was too close that when he turned around to face me our faces were practically inches apart. “Ji-Jin?” he blushed, which I did too. Coughing into my hand, we both looked away, flustered.

“Jin’s alright.” I heard him mumble to break the minutes of dreadful silence, which I took a glance at him. “besides, it sounds nice when you say it.” I blushed even harder, the blood streaming throughout my entire body and my heart beating faster. Was he already flirting with me? No way.

He probably thought the same same thing, because before he said anything else to break the silence, we both heard the transit from the distance. I got up, relieved that the bus was already here. As the bus stopped in front of me a large crowd exited onto the sidewalk, and as I began to strive forward I felt a tug on my shoulder. Turning around, Jin looked at me, eyes full of hope. “Is it alright if maybe…when I go to the café again, I could get your number? I promise not to leave early before you come.” I sighed, a broad smile growing on my face.


“Sure, Jin. I’ll see you tomorrow,”

Smiling, he nodded. “Right. See you.”

The next day he kept his promise: he stayed in the café until I came over so we exchanged numbers before he left. I guess I should be grateful for mom to not pick me up. I wouldn’t be at the bus stop to meet Kim Seokjin.









Author's Note

Oh dear - more fluff ><
I honsestly had no idea why I chose a picture of Jin with glasses...
But hey it suits him pretty well especially in this chapter with the whole 'hipster' look ^^
I will update more this weekend because I have only a few days before going back to school *sobs* T~T

Have a great day everyone~


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09/18/2015: I'm going to remake these chapters, just to let you guys know!


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Chapter 54: The story was interesting
New reader incoming XD feel so hreat to have found ur ff to make my life better XD
Lameseline #3
Chapter 4: Yes! Finally another person with namjoon as his/her bias!
Wow this is great I ever thought suga could be a shy and even blushing kind of guy since he looks like the bad boy type but wow he would look soo cute blushing lol
Corallipop #5
Chapter 8: Oh lordy~this is wonderful~keep it up! ^-^