Namjoon: Under the Weather


With autumn rolling around the corner Kim Namjoon and Yun Jiseul have surprises awaiting for them. What could they be?



Kim Namjoon was my best friend since childhood. We always hung out at my place and even go to road trips with his family and I. But because my dad travelled abroad in business trips we tend to travel almost all over the world, from Paris to Beijing; there were countless places. And I couldn't see Namjoon as much anymore. That is until my dad finally settled back into Korea, our home country.


I was more than happy to come back to Seoul; why? For I can finally see my best friend after 5 years. When we contacted their family they happily applied in seeing us at the airport.


Once I got out of the gate already I see a familiar eye-smile face looking at me, and at first I thought I was seeing things. But with a simple wave at my direction I knew I wasn't. Already I sprinted towards him, my luggage behind and right into his open arms, his strong embrace and warmth enveloped me with a sense of familiarity.


“I missed you so much Jiseul!” he hugged me even tighter, which made me laugh.


“I missed you too, Namjoon.” I pulled away with an equal grin as his. Soon it faltered when I lowered my eyes. “Did you dye your hair...?” I asked, and he nodded.
“A while ago, actually. I know, kind of  a bold statement, isn't it?” he smirked.


“I'll say. And did you get taller too? My God, I just noticed.” I stared at what is now an inch half tall guy.


“Yes, I did. I kept drinking that coconut milk you sent us from Malaysia. Which by the way, I think it worked well.” I rolled my eyes and chuckled, as he assisted my bags right into their trunk of their car, soon after climbing into the seat with him driving off into our old house.


The whole time in the car Namjoon and I just kept consistently talking, and he held my hand the entire time as well. Skinship between us was common, yet for some reason this time he held it I had a weird feeling deep in me, deep in my stomach. Maybe it's because I never seen him for a long time. I told myself. Yeah, maybe that's it.


When we arrived already we began to unpack our belongings from the trunk, loading them into the room. “Namjoon? Why don't you spend more time with Jiseul at the nearby coffee shop?” his mom suggested. When he said that it would be okay to just help out, they practically insisted us until we had no choice but to oblige. It wasn't so bad anyway, for which we enjoyed walking down the district, just like the good old days.


“Remember when you always wanted hibiscus steamed tea?” he smiled. I gasped.


“They finally have it here in Korea? I thought it was just in Taiwan.” with a shook of his head he led me inside the cafe and bought me a cup, even when I wanted to pay he stated it was his welcome back treat. After a cup and sharing a strawberry shortcake piece we revisited some of the old places we used to go around the city, such as the Han river and the large park; even the pet shop where we would always  help out the with the old lady whom kept care of the old dogs there.


When we went back to the house already the wind picked up and I felt the chill hit my cheeks with a shudder throughout my body. Namjoon noticed me and stopped. “Are you okay, Jiseul?” he asked. I nodded numbly.


“I'm just cold, is all. I thought autumn wouldn't be so cold but man, I like it in London way better.” I chuckled and another wind picked up. Without question he unravelled his scarf from his neck and wrapped it around mine, leaving not much distance between us. My heart thrummed loud in my ears and my blood rushed to my face. Tucking it into my collar he pulled back.


“Keep this. I don't want you to get sick on the first day coming back here.” he left soon after, along with his parents. I held a piece of the wool in my hands, as the warmth grew again in me. My heart didn't beat so fast in my entire life.




After a week settling in Namjoon and I spend most of our leisure time together, whether just talking or shopping around the district. I let him come over to my house in giving my souvenirs to him, which he really liked the snapbacks I got from Tokyo. He laughed, giving me one great hug. “You don't have to get me these, just getting your letters are good enough.”


I returned the gesture and followed him outside the walls at the front. Just before he left I realized that I had to still give him back the scarf he lent me. “Wait here.” I say; and went up to grab it. When I came back he looked at me with a surprised look; lifting his back off the concrete wall. Just as he did I came up and with no words I wrapped it around his neck, which I didn't acknowledge just how close we were.


I looked up at him with a smile, with my hands still fixing the fleece and tucking it in just as he did for me.


Suddenly his fingers reached up and holding my shoulder gently he leaned in, pressing his lips against mine.  I got startled, my hands stopped moving. When I stared at him his cheeks blemished with rosy pink, though I wasn't sure if he was blushing or if it was the cool weather. Either way I think both our cheeks were the same colour for the moment. His mouth formed in a small smirk.


“I missed you that much, Yun Jiseul.”












Author's Note

I'm back! and I'm going to be gone again ><
Buut, I have amazing news (at least as a writer in my case) but I am currently working on a new story! Actually, 2!! I know right?

And I will give you guys a head start on one of them, which is called The First Fall of Us. A Suga/OC fic, and been inspired after The Story. Ahah, I'm very excited with it, and I hope you guys are as well. Thank you, and have a great day~



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09/18/2015: I'm going to remake these chapters, just to let you guys know!


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Chapter 54: The story was interesting
New reader incoming XD feel so hreat to have found ur ff to make my life better XD
Lameseline #3
Chapter 4: Yes! Finally another person with namjoon as his/her bias!
Wow this is great I ever thought suga could be a shy and even blushing kind of guy since he looks like the bad boy type but wow he would look soo cute blushing lol
Corallipop #5
Chapter 8: Oh lordy~this is wonderful~keep it up! ^-^