Hoseok: Letter to...


Kayo Heshiro was a reporter for the news school paper along with her friend, Jung Hoseok. She gotten these mysterious love letters and ever since she’s trying to find the true culprit behind them… is this culprit closer than she thinks?


“Kayo! You have the report for the fake soccer coach?” I nodded, sliding my written article across the table I was sitting in to the Head, a.k.a: my friend who was running the school newspaper. She smiled proudly; her eyes scanning the paper from top to bottom. “I must say – you’re doing a good job thus far.” I grinned back from her compliment. She soon slipped the paper into her accordion file and looked at me with a much more serious expression.


“Speaking of which, have you found out who’s responsible for those mysterious letters?” I slumped back in my seat and sighed in defeat.


“Not one clue.” For these past few days I began to get these strange letters in my locker. At first, I thought it was some sort of prank or the fact it was the wrong address. But soon the letters kept coming – I already had more than 4 this week. Suddenly bursting through the door was Hoseok, his camera hanging around his neck and supported at the bottom open palms. I smiled as he made his way over to me and taking the seat beside mine. We were friends since childhood, and through the years I’ve grown a small crush on him. It was the closeness we got through newspaper that I like him even more.


“I like your hair Kayo. Did you braid it so it can be curly?” Hoseok pointed out. I touched the ends of my hair and nodded shyly.


“Yeah, I figured to change it up since it was pretty warm today.” He gave me a cheeky grin before my friend walked over and gave a simple pat on my back.


“Maybe I can help out with finding out who this suspect is. Do you have the letters with you?” She asked. Hoseok stared at me with widened eyes as I took out one of them out my bag and unfolded it on the table. “well, this person is very poetic.” she chided. I hummed in agreement. I was surprised this person even knows Haiku’s; and even had the courage to write them in letters like these. Not that I was complaining – but I thought Haiku’s were pretty cute. Then again this person could be either really sweet but shy or just plain creepy. I shuddered by the second thought.


Hoseok never even bother to look at the letter, rather he was fidgeting with the camera instead. My friend and I considered a couple of people we both knew in this school, but they didn't seem so suspicious to call them already. I glanced at Hoseok who had his head down, with not one word from this discussion. It was so weird that whenever I bring this situation up he would just stay quiet until we dropped the subject entirely. “Hoseok-ah? Are you alright?” my friend asked. He looked up suddenly, and what caught my eye was how pink his cheeks were. Is he…blushing? I couldn’t believe it.


“I’m fine,” he stood up abruptly, taking his camera with him. “um, I would love to stay, but I have to go home early. I promised my mom I would make dinner for today?” he pointed out the door, and we nodded.


“I’ll see you tomorrow Hoseok.” I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders for a hug. He gave a quick return and smiled small, waving a hand before leaving only with me being confused by his flusters and my friend quietly chuckling. “it’s not funny!” I pouted as I stood up on both my feet. She shook her head, placing her hands on either side of my shoulders. “Kayo. You’re over thinking this.” I squinted my eyes and cocked my head to the side in question.


She sighed. “I mean, the answer to this case is right in front of you.” She walked past me and I heard her pouring tea. The answer? What answer? I whipped around to face her. “don’t over think this one, because the answer is closer than you think.” And with that she went inside the photocopying area with her tea, leaving me as confused as ever.




The next day I went to the newspaper room after school to finish up final drafts for the paper. “Right beside my blue binder on the table,” my friend instructed; not looking up from the computer at her desk. I grabbed most of the pile and rummaged through my bag for my pen. “where’s Hoseok?” she typed on her keyboard.


“Mmm…he said he couldn’t come today. He had to help one of the janitors at school clean the café so he could get more shots of the kitchen.” I grunted out. I sighed in defeat, pushing back my hair. “aish, I’ll be right back. I forgot my pen in my locker.” I accepted her hum as an agreement while I dropped my bag into a chair and hurried out to the now empty hallways. Turning the corner I immediately saw my locker down…being shadowed by a hooded figure. My heart raced faster and my palms began to feel sweaty. It can’t be…could it? Maybe my mind was playing tricks on me. But that thought soon faded when I saw the person slid a thin blue envelope into the crevice of the locker. I gritted my teeth. So it is the culprit. I wanted to sneak them caught in the act, but as soon as they turned around and saw me, they’ve spun on their feet and dashed out of sight; making me bolt right after them. This person was fast, mind you.


My sneakers squeaked against the staircase as the figure in front of me ascended to the third floor already. I knew he was taking me somewhere because he turned quickly and opened the door that lead to the roof of the school. I opened the door to feel the fresh breeze brushing my cheeks, as I stood there half surprised and exhausted from the running. The figure pulled back his hood and it was then I actually saw the person’s true identity. “Hoseok?” I gasped. He bit his lip, his eyes gazed away from me with his hand rubbing the back of his neck. “Were you- are you-“ I wasn’t able to get the words out because I was too shocked for me to know. He nodded slowly, walking closer to me.


“Yes, Kayo. I’m the one who sends you those letters in your locker.” He held my arm gently, which I had no other choice but lock my gaze with his soft eyes. “I…wasn’t sure how to confess to you sooner, so that was my plan instead. If you don’t feel the same way, you can tell me right now if you’d like.” I bit my lip, blushing.


“Hoseok,” he dropped his grip as I wrapped my arms around his neck and planted a kiss on his cheek. “you’re an idiot. Of course I like you. I just wasn’t sure when to tell you back either.” We shared a slight chuckle as he placed his forehead on top of mine. Slowly he took out a piece of paper and unravelled it, and smiling I took it from his hands and read it aloud.

Love that grows sweetly,
Cherry Blossoms bloom for us.
We are one to be.”


As soon as I read the last sentence his lips were in contact with mine.  We pulled apart just so enough I sighed happily; him hugging me tight right after.


I was one to be…the girlfriend of Jung Hoseok.












Author's Note

Hello! So, this will most likely be my last update for a while, which I'm setting this collection of one-shots on hold; therefore in a semi-hiatus.
Reason for this is that I am going to be really busy in school... even by the thought of waking up so darn early in the mornings it makes me sad T^T
Side note - How do you like my Haiku? Very poetic right? And possibly cringe-worthy cute too

Thank you for your patience, and have a great day everyone~


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09/18/2015: I'm going to remake these chapters, just to let you guys know!


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Chapter 54: The story was interesting
New reader incoming XD feel so hreat to have found ur ff to make my life better XD
Lameseline #3
Chapter 4: Yes! Finally another person with namjoon as his/her bias!
Wow this is great I ever thought suga could be a shy and even blushing kind of guy since he looks like the bad boy type but wow he would look soo cute blushing lol
Corallipop #5
Chapter 8: Oh lordy~this is wonderful~keep it up! ^-^