Jin: Chef's Special


A story of how the couple Sachiino Kotone and Kim Seokjin came to be...right in the heart of food.


It happened about a week ago. I ran under our family's restaurant based on my last name 'Kotone', which was a Japanese-Korean fusion cuisine that was highly popular in the city. My father originally has run it, but because he passed away it was now just my brother and I.

Being a graduate from a culinary academy obviously my brother made me the head chef in the kitchen, and our business was a mix of our friends and family for being co-workers. Until one day my brother decided to hire new people in the job, which out of all those interviews he chose one.

His name was Kim Seokjin and he just graduated from a high musical arts university. I found it odd that he would be wanting to get in the job of cooking or even dealing with food if his major was to be in the music industry.

Nonetheless we welcomed him and his first role in the restaurant was to be the one cleaning tables. Well, technically he's one of the waiters but it was nothing too special. In fact, he seemed alright with his position. It was that one shift that he'd done extremely well that by the end of that week when he got paid my brother considered him to move to a higher rank as being in the kitchen. He considered it, though remained silent after that. Thinking that he wanted to stay at his small job he gave that as just an option. I decided to talk to him, since I hardly get to talk to the guy both off and on work hours. With the day soon coming to an end we were just finishing up our shifts as well. Everyone left for the night until it was just only my brother, Jin, and I.

“I'm heading out earlier, Sachii. See you at home.” he called out. I waved a hand until it was just us two. I finished counting up the tips and placed them in the safety box too see that Jin had a few more cups to arrange in the bar countertop. I crept up behind and decided to help him out.

“Oh, Sachiino.” he bowed respectfully. I laughed and shook it off.

“Ani, just call me Sachii. I told you that already. I call you by your nickname anyways.” I smiled. Nodding he continued on with the arranging. We were silent until I sparked a conversation.

“Say, did you have a sole reason in trying to get a job here first? I mean, you were in a high musical arts university...and, I do apologize if this is a rather a sensitive subject. I was just wondering.” God, I hated being so blunt around others; that was basically a habit that I absolutely hated about myself. He shook his head.

“No, I don't mind the questions at all. I always had an interest in cooking, and although I want to be in the music industry one day I do have a few culinary skills I picked up when I was little. I can produce my own music, and I can also cook one hell of a good souffle.” he grinned proudly. I chuckled.

“So it was you who made that earlier in the kitchen before I came into the kitchen? No wonder you were really early this morning...” I stifled another laugh. He looked at me with wide eyes and blushed.

“I-I was only trying to help one of the co-workers in helping it rise. They were really scared because they thought they would be fired if you knew that they were having trouble and so I made my own version of it.” he explained. I pondered upon what he said.

“Aish, that must be my friend. She always worries about the small things. I'll talk to her tomorrow, but don't worry; you both aren't in trouble.” he breathed a sigh of relief, and with the last cup I put it right back onto its rack where it belonged.

“You know, it actually tasted good. Why didn't you go tell my brother you wanted to apply in being in the kitchen?” I asked.

“Well, I guess I was too scared that I wouldn't be good enough. I mean being in the position I am right now is fine with me.” he took off his apron and folded it neatly before hanging on the clothes rack. I did the same.

“But your cooking is fantastic! You really should.” I insisted. Of course, he smiled and refused. I kept begging until eventually he gave in.

“Are you sure?” he gave a small frown, and I nodded.

“Trust me, you'll do great. Why don't you start...as being a sous-chef?” I grinned. At first he looked surprised, and bit his lip. Suddenly he gave me a giant hug followed by a laugh.

“Thank you, Sachii!” he bowed. I chuckled and returned the favour. Promising that I would inform my brother about Jin being my now new sous-chef I felt pretty excited. He had potential, that's for sure. And I'm just about to find out just what tricks he had up his sleeve. Would it be a mistake for him to be chosen? I guess i have to wait and see.

For the past few days he quickly took in the environment better than I thought. He listened to instructions very well, his transitions in the kitchen were smooth with the other cooks and I was beyond grateful to position him. We got over 15% of our average tips and the online media gave us crazy good reviews after that. Not only that, but Jin and I gotten close from working together more.

One time while Jin was in the back my friend came to talk to me when our shift ended.

“You guys are really working well in the kitchen, and it seems that you're really hitting it well with him as well.” I blushed.

“Ani, we're not dating or anything...just close friends.” Acquaintances? Not really. She chuckled. I rolled my eyes.

“He's a nice guy, honest. I never considered him as more than just that though.” she shrugged.

“Well, I think he has a little crush on you. He seems to listen more to you and is more happier working with you as well. And no; don't you dare say that it's because you're both 'working'. Just...watch out for that, okay?” she said a farewell before leaving me dumbfounded, staring at the cloth in my hand. Jin? Having a crush...on me?

My mind raced and soon my heart beat faster. The storage door opened to reveal Jin with a surprised look on his face.

“Sachii? Were you waiting for me?” I blinked and gave a small smile.

“I-um-yeah. I was. What were you doing in the storage anyway?” he pursed his lips and scratched his head.

“I was fixing the boxes back there. I wanted to make sure we had enough carrots for the salad dishes tomorrow.” he said. His voice faltered a little, as if a hint of nervous. I shook it off as nothing and soon we both walked to the bus station. He gave a small farewell and I did too, though my mind still couldn't wrap around that Jin – the sous-chef in the restaurant – may like me. I laughed softly, and looked up at the stars up high above. How ridiculous. What would be the one chance of him liking me?

By the end of that week again it was just Jin and I left cleaning up the place. He asked me that we ran out of apples and I offered in buying a whole bunch from the groceries across the street. When I came back the area was dimmed out; no light besides the city lights outside the windows. I dropped the grocery bag on the floor and pondered that Jin probably went home before me. Sighing I flickered the light on just when I see a table set up and a single plate of a strawberry cake on top. Jin smiled at me and coming up he gave a single rose.

I was probably as red as the strawberry on the cake, because I had no words to say. Thankfully; he spoke for me.

“I know it's been only a week we've worked together, but I just want to continue like that...but more than just acquaintances. Or even more than just friends. Because the truth is Sachii...I've fell in love with you. And I hope you feel the same way for me as well.”

I smiled shy, looking at the flower in my hands. Walking past at him I took a bite of the dessert and already I'm melting by how good it tasted. Smirking I turned around to face him.

“What if...I fell in love with the food more than you?” I teased. He grinned, and we both end up laughing. It soon subsided when I came close to him and gave a quick peck on his cheek. Now it was his turn to look like a strawberry.

“Ani, of course I like you too Jin.” both him and I shared the food and we both cleaned up before heading out, heading home. My brother and our co-workers congratulated us on our newfound relationship and we agreed to not put it in our work so often.

Almost every time we were the last ones in the restaurant he would make something delicious in the kitchen for the both of us. My brother doesn't know that we would using the kitchen so late, but I'll tell him eventually.

It was just our story in the kitchen. Our story in the food. And more importantly, it was our story just between the two of us. That's how I fell in love and got together with Kim Seokjin – with a simple strawberry shortcake.












Been awhile, I know. This was an old idea, but Jin being able to cook would honestly be a great boyfriend for a lucky girl :)

Have a great day everyone~


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09/18/2015: I'm going to remake these chapters, just to let you guys know!


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Chapter 54: The story was interesting
New reader incoming XD feel so hreat to have found ur ff to make my life better XD
Lameseline #3
Chapter 4: Yes! Finally another person with namjoon as his/her bias!
Wow this is great I ever thought suga could be a shy and even blushing kind of guy since he looks like the bad boy type but wow he would look soo cute blushing lol
Corallipop #5
Chapter 8: Oh lordy~this is wonderful~keep it up! ^-^